Discover The Beauty Of Queen’s Park

Discover The Beauty Of Queen’s Park Chesterfield. A Hidden Gem in Derbyshire.

Also, a Fun Day Out In Queen’s Park Chesterfield.

Hello friends, so how are you today? So I am sharing some pictures from a walk in Queens Park, Chesterfield today. 

Discover The Beauty Of Queen’s Park Chesterfield. A Wayback Wednesday post. I am also throwing it back to August 2022.

Explore the enchanting Queen’s Park in Chesterfield in summer and discover its stunning natural beauty. How gorgeous are these flowers?

Take a stroll with me through its picturesque gardens, marvel at the wildlife, and soak up the serene atmosphere. All on your computer.

Discover The Beauty Of Queen's Park Chesterfield: A Hidden Gem in Derbyshire

Discover The Beauty Of Queen’s Park Chesterfield:

Discover The Beauty Of Queen’s Park Chesterfield.

Queen’s Park Chesterfield. So the nights are starting to get lighter and it has me thinking about spring and warmer weather.

Love these photos that I forgot to share last summer. So I am sharing them now.

Discover The Beauty Of Queen's Park Chesterfield: A Hidden Gem in Derbyshire

I love taking photos of flowers in the park.

So many pretty flowers and photo opportunities to be made. Especially in Summer.

Oh so beautiful.

Discover The Beauty Of Queen's Park Chesterfield

Look closely at the orange flowers. One has a tiny little insect on it.

I never noticed it at first.

So sweet.

Discover The Beauty Of Queen's Park Chesterfield

So have you ever visited Chesterfield before?

Discover The Beauty Of Queen's Park Chesterfield

Discover The Beauty Of Queen’s Park Chesterfield:

Queen’s Park Chesterfield.

“Always Take A Picture For Everywhere You Go;

If You Don’t,

Then All You Just Lost Was The Precious Memories And Moments”- Unknown.

Discover The Beauty Of Queen's Park Chesterfield

I love taking photos wherever we go.

Always fun stories pop into my head when I see them again.

How about you?

So many great memories made.

Discover The Beauty Of Queen's Park Chesterfield

What I Wore: Outfit Of The Day: Dress: Marks And Spencer | Bag: Tu Clothing at Sainsbury’s

Chesterfield Crooked Spire: In The Pink: Beautiful Spring.

Discover The Beauty Of Queen’s Park Chesterfield:

Also, how pretty are these flowers? Beautiful.

Some many beautiful colours of Spring. Love Spring, so do you too?

Always love to see the pretty pink blossom on the trees. Pink is one of my favourite colours. Chesterfield Crooked Spire: In The Pink: Beautiful Spring.

What is Queen’s Park in Chesterfield? 

Queen’s Park is a county cricket ground located in Chesterfield, Derbyshire. It is a beautiful park with lots of space.

With a cricket ground, children play area, a large lake with ducks and it even has a little train ride. Here are a few more photos from our day out in Queen’s Park, Chesterfield.

Green Polka Dot Dress And A Visit To Queens Park

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Green Polka Dot Dress:

Firstly, Green Polka Dot Dress And A Visit To Queens Park. 

It was lovely to see all the Spring flowers out. The pink blossom everywhere is beautiful. I was surprise to still see lots of daffodils out but I have taken loads of pictures of them over the weeks.

So I missed them this week. Green Polka Dot Dress And A Visit To Queens Park. So pretty in spring.

Sweater Day But Donut Judge Me Wearing This One

Secondly, Sweater Day.

Sweater Day But Donut Judge Me Wearing This One. Today is sweater day and I love wrapping up nice and warm in my sweaters when it is cold outside, how about you?

This is one of my go to jumpers at the minute as it is so nice and cosy as it has it is all fluffy inside. Sweater Day. So much fun.

Queen's Park Chesterfield

Discover The Beauty Of Queen’s Park Chesterfield.

Thirdly, Christmas in Chesterfield.

Last weekend we took a trip to Chesterfield for the afternoon. My photos were not great because a.) it was raining and b.) my photos don’t turn out too great the in the dusk.

But hey ho, here are a few: Christmas in Chesterfield. So special.

Ground Control To Major Tom: Outfit Of The Day:

Ground Control To Major Tom: Outfit Of The Day:

Fourthly, Ground Control To Major Tom: Outfit Of The Day.

How cool is this Bowie T-shirt!? Even better when you get it for free.

My Mum treated herself to it and it was too small. So she gave it too me rather than take it back to the shop. Ground Control To Major Tom: Outfit Of The Day.

Chesterfield Crooked Spire

Fifth, Chesterfield Crooked Spire.

We got out over the weekend in the beautiful sunshine and had a fun afternoon in Chesterfield. The great thing about visiting Chesterfield on a Sunday is that it is nice and quiet.

The roundabouts getting into and out of Chesterfield are never quiet though! Chesterfield Crooked Spire.

Chesterfield Crooked Spire Spring Bloom

Sixth, Chesterfield Crooked Spire Spring Bloom.

My photos this week are from a day out in Chesterfield, taken a few weeks ago. With all the pretty pink blossom on them. I love to see all the colours of Spring around, it really does cheer you up.

Pink bloom with The Chesterfield Crooked Spire in the background. Chesterfield Crooked Spire Spring Bloom. So beautiful.

What I Wore: Spring Look: Over 40 Style

What I Wore: Spring Look: Over 40 Style:

Discover The Beauty Of Queen’s Park Chesterfield.

Seventh, What I Wore: Spring Look: Over 40 Style.

Today I am sharing some pictures from a day out at the park over the school holidays. It was much cheerful then, rather than the dark and cloudy colds days like what we have been having lately!!

We have been getting out and about over the last few weeks and I love seeing all the Spring flowers and blossom everywhere.

Yesterday when I got in from the gym, I thought it was snowing. What I Wore: Spring Look: Over 40 Style. So pretty.

Eighth, Nature Walk Queens Park Chesterfield.

Today I am sharing a fun walk around Queens Park in Chesterfield. Watching nature and spotting signs of Spring or Pokemon hunting for some!!

All the boys in the house love the Pokemon game on their phones.

My Daughter and I just walk around looking for pretty things to photograph. Nature Walk Queens Park Chesterfield.

Last Days Of Summer: Queens Park, Chesterfield.

Ninth, Last Days Of Summer.

Summer was great for warm sunny days this year and it has been lovely through out September. Over the last few days, I have noticed it being rainy, miserable and cold. Autumn is here!!

Time to start packing the Summer clothes away and pulling out the warm jumpers. Last Days Of Summer. Last Days Of Summer. So cool.

Queens Park : Country Kids Post:

Tenth, Queens Park : Country Kids Post.

How sweet, a train in the park! The train is working today and looks like lots of the little children are enjoying the train ride.

This photo makes me laugh out loud; as I am sure one of my family members are waving to the train as it passes by!? Can you see the shadow? Husband is that you?

Someone happily waving to the people on the train anyway. Must get the shadow detectives out, ha!! Queens Park : Country Kids Post.

Eleventh, Blue skies And Daffodils. Blue skies and Daffodils. So pretty? Blue skies And Daffodils.

Discover The Beauty Of Queen’s Park Chesterfield. Thank you so much for stopping by here today. I also hope you can hop over again soon.

Queen's Park Chesterfield

Discover The Beauty Of Queen’s Park Chesterfield. Also find me on: Web | Twitter | Facebook

 Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me here: Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. Thank you so much for stopping by. I also hope you liked this post. Also follow along on Facebook for regular updates.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. Joanne
    3 May 2023 / 21:00

    That is such a beautiful park. I love all the bright blooms everywhere.

  2. Carol
    21 February 2023 / 21:55

    What gorgeous pictures! Queens Park looks like a beautiful place to spend time relaxing and wandering through the lovely landscape. Thank you for sharing this post in the Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 53.

  3. 17 February 2023 / 15:12

    Beautiful flower pictures! I am now looking forward to a colorful spring too. I love your should cut out dress and sandals. That is one thing I want to start wearing more: my dresses!

    • 23 February 2023 / 13:31

      I can’t wait ti wear dresses again without a cardigan.

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