Robin Hood Half Marathon

Robin Hood Half Marathon. Do you ever feel your ready to take on the challenge, but find out something is stopping you? The Robin Hood half marathon!!

Not a good race for me

Perfect course

   Nice, flat and fast

Achievable Pb race

 Around wonderful Nottingham

Beautiful sites~

 University Boulevard, Around Highfields Lake

 Trent building courtyard at the University of Nottingham

Starting and finishing around the stunning Victoria Embankment

Amazing spectators

Over 6,000 finishes

But it just was not  my day.

Firstly I need to get out and race more, wow I was so impressed with how many runners and spectators were at this race. Only half marathons I have done are Worksop, Mansfield and Retford. Knowing I was going to meet up with some friends I expected to turn up and greet them, no way of this happening!!

It was a glorious day, the sun was shining there were thousands of runner and amazing crowds of spectators.

 Off I set wanting to break records ( only my PB records though ) I felt great up to 6 miles, not to fast and not to slow and on time for a pb at half way, that is if I could pull a little time back in the second half. At around 7 miles I slowed for a drink, energy drink station just what I needed. Then a man cut in front of me forcing me to stop, not a problem, usually but this time was different, my knees just felt like they locked.

 Trying to talk myself out of the problem I tried to carry on running, but how do you run when you can not straighten your legs? shuffle, yes shuffle around the next 6 miles. After slowing and shuffling, feeling sorry for myself and drinking to much I then got stitch, arr how can this be happening to me?

The only thing that got me to the end was knowing my family was waiting for me at the end. Oh well I have another half marathon or 2 to plan before London Marathon.

 Got home and slept all afternoon,,, onwards and upwards.

Same thing happened as in London, thought it was my trainers then but now find out not. Husband checked it and found out I have some weak spot to work on, lots of squats… 6 months to improve for London as I never want this to happen again…

Watch out Nottingham, same time same place next year, I am coming to get you and after my shiny new PB


Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Judy Haughton-James
    14 October 2013 / 01:27

    I am glad you managed to finish the race despite everything Claire. I admire your fighting spirit. Keep on keeping on.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      16 October 2013 / 12:02

      Aww thanks Judy 🙂

  2. Alice Emma Thompson
    13 October 2013 / 21:22

    How frustrating! But so impressed and beautiful route, Alice @ Mums Make Lists

    • Clairejustine oxox
      16 October 2013 / 12:01

      Thanks, loved this route too, hopefully break my personal best next year haha 🙂

  3. SarahMummy
    13 October 2013 / 19:22

    Sorry to hear this happened, but at least you know what went wrong and what you have to work on for next time!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      16 October 2013 / 12:01

      Thanks Sarah, planning my next one now 🙂

  4. Winnie
    13 October 2013 / 16:43

    You ran to the end – that means that you achieved a lot! You could have stopped, but you didn'tYou should be proud of yourself, I'm sure your family are very proud of you❤

    • Clairejustine oxox
      16 October 2013 / 12:00

      Aww thank you Winnie for the lovely comment x

  5. Peas & Carrots
    13 October 2013 / 13:18

    Hi Claire, I just had to stop and say hello after discovering your blog. I've been thinking about taking up running since having my second baby a year ago. My problem is worrying about what other people/neighbours think…..silly I know.And it doesn't help living next door to a super fit fitness freak who looks amazing in lycra when out running! I'm hoping that your blog might help give me the big kick up the bum and out of the door i need. I've been working out for the past 8 months at home and have lost 10lbs, I'm now the same weight as i was when i left school. But I know if I want to maintain this weight i'lll need to do more than home work outs. Thank you for the inspiring blog, It's just what I needed.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      16 October 2013 / 11:41

      Hi, I know what you mean, I started running after having 4 children and I didn't want anyone to see me. after months of trying to run in sunglasses , caps ect to hide myself lots of people said to my mum I seen your Claire running haha . you sound like your doing great and how amazing is it your the same weight as when you left school and having 2 children? great work!, you are already doing brill 🙂

  6. Debbie Stinedurf
    13 October 2013 / 13:10

    You did it and although it wasn't how you wanted it, it taught you what you need to do to improve. I'd say it's a win! Congrats!Debbie

    • Clairejustine oxox
      16 October 2013 / 11:34

      Aww thanks Debbie 🙂

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