Run/ Walk In The Park : Country Kids With Coombe Mill…

On Sunday me and 3 of our children decided to go on the hunt for conkers. Dressed in something comfortable to run in,  it was the perfect combination to get some exercise done too.Mum behind as usual!!

Its easy to get the youngest to our running when they have new trainers…

No Conkers here, so run to the next spot…

Found one unopened chestnut shell so we could be close?


That was about it…

We did not find any…

Oh well..

We had to make a quick plan B…

And picked some leaves to make an Autumn picture instead…

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. blogmumjd
    18 October 2014 / 17:35

    Your photo is so clever. What a shame you didn't find any. Loads just by my son's school. But at least you had a nice walk #weekendbloghop

  2. pixiedusk
    13 October 2014 / 08:28

    Aww what ana ctive family you have! Love those shoes. The colors are just lovely and appealing. We found some conkers on our last walk but they are too small so we will head out again to find some bigger ones =) #countrykids

  3. Kezzie
    11 October 2014 / 19:45

    Shame about the conkers. I was teaching Year 1 dance on Thursday and their dance had to be inspired by being a conker- trying to make their body into a pose with as many spikes and points as possible and then moving smoothyl like the conker between! It was funny!x

    • Clairejustine oxox
      12 October 2014 / 15:46

      Haha Kezzie, now this sounds like fun 🙂

  4. Kate Thompson
    11 October 2014 / 18:16

    Some lovely photos – we have oodles of conkers here, shame you didn't find any. Visiting via #weekendbloghop from

    • Clairejustine oxox
      12 October 2014 / 15:45

      Aww iyou have loads, hehe I bet we are looking in the wrong places!!

  5. Please may I?
    11 October 2014 / 10:09

    Fab photos, typical about the conkers. I'm sure the kids had a great time anyway. Love to see how your picture turned out.X x

    • Clairejustine oxox
      12 October 2014 / 15:44

      Aww thanks lovely 🙂

  6. Coombe Mill
    11 October 2014 / 09:01

    What a shame you couldn't find any conkers, they seem to be sparse this year, looks like you all had a great time anyway having a run. I love the snazzy new trainers, they're so brightly coloured! Thanks for linking up with me on Country Kids.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      12 October 2014 / 15:38

      Thanks for stopping by Fiona 🙂 I don't know where to go look for them this year, glad they have forgotten about them at the minute!!

  7. Jo Laybourn
    11 October 2014 / 08:25

    Great photo's. Such a shame the conkers were nowhere to be found! #countrykids

    • Clairejustine oxox
      12 October 2014 / 15:37

      Thanks Jo, haha at least I'm not falling over them in the house!! everything ends up on the floor here ..

  8. Mummy Tries
    11 October 2014 / 07:51

    Gorgeous pics hon, don't you just love these sunny crisp Autumn days?! #CountryKids

    • Clairejustine oxox
      12 October 2014 / 15:36

      Thank you 🙂 Agreed !! for me its the best time of year to run in 🙂