Selfie Saturday With The Owl Trail In Nottingham

Selfie Saturday With The Owl Trail In Nottingham. Hello friends, happy Saturday.

Happy Selfie Saturday. So how are you today? All good I hope. I have been out for a little run as I am trying to get back into running again! So hard when you have had time off!

I found some sweet colourful owl sculptures in various parts of Nottingham on a trip there on Monday.

Selfie Saturday With The Owl Trail In Nottingham

Selfie Saturday With The Owl Trail In Nottingham:

How sweet is this Goose Fair Owl that I found in Nottingham train station, near the car park?

Just near the exit from the tram. I know this because, as soon as I started to take some selfies, lots of people walked by getting off it.

Awkward or what!!

Selfie Saturday With The Owl Trail In Nottingham

I had a walk around Nottingham and nipped to buy my daughter a jacket and have a look around the charity shops. To tell you the truth though, it was so busy everywhere.

I didn’t really enjoy it. Give me a day in the country, any day.

I used to think I would love to live in a busy city but I think I am now veering more to the county. Slow living, sounds perfect to me. A nice couple of dogs too. That’s the dream anyway.

What I Wore: Polo Neck Jumper: Primark

The lightweight jumper are now starting to get worn! Love these polo necks from Primark, they go with lots of things too. I have one in dusky pink and bight, too. They will all go nicely with a long tartan skirt I picked up from the charity shop earlier this week.

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Firstly, The City Ground Robin #hoodwinked2018.

Remember when the bird statues were in Nottingham? I am sharing some photos of No.4 on the Hookwinked trails in Nottingham. This one takes us a walk out of town, up the Nottingham Forest Football Club. I had never been up to the Nottingham Forest Ground before so it was lovely having a look around. The City Ground Robin.

Secondly, No.3, ‘Robo Robin’.

I managed to talk my Daughter into taking me a photo with Robo Robin. No. 3 on the Hoodwinked trail too. A quick pop into Boots for a meal-deal and then we’re were done. Robo Robin.

Last But Not Least, Royal Robin Red breast.

We followed some of the Nottingham Hoodwinked trails yesterday. This is the first one on Carrington Street, just outside the train station. Royal Robin Redbreast. We had done a few before but wanted to start again, at the beginning and get them all. Another thing we are going to do after the hospital appointment, look for some more hoodwinked’s. Royal Robin Redbreast.

Selfie Saturday With The Owl Trail In Nottingham
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. 27 September 2021 / 14:38

    Wow! That owl is beautiful! Love the colors. Glad you took some pictures to share with us!

    • 29 September 2021 / 09:19

      Thanks lovely. Love finding them.

  2. Julie Huston
    26 September 2021 / 21:04

    The owl is cute.