Shoe And Tell: What Shoes I Have Worn

Shoe And Tell: What Shoes I Have Worn This Week? Hello friends, so how are you today?

Happy Sunday, what kind of shoes have you been wearing lately?

As today I am sharing a few pairs that I have been wearing. I also love shoes to go with my dresses so when I buy a new pair I always have this in mind.

 Shoe And Tell: What Shoes I Have Worn This Week?

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Shoe And Tell: What Shoes I Have Worn This Week:

With the children being off school its been lots of flats/ Converse/ trainers kind of shoes weeks. What is today’s most popular shoe?

So take a little look:

Shoe And Tell: What Shoes I Have Worn This Week

Firstly, Converse! These Shoes Will Go With Every Dress You Own!! 

What Shoes I Wore: Converse: c/o JD Sports

Anything suitable for long walks, running, playing tennis and basketball in!! I am loving these washed look blue skinny jeans too. How about you? Do you love wearing Converse?

Shoe And Tell: What Shoes I Have Worn This Week

Secondly, Boots! Ankle Boots With Jeans.

Ankle Boots also look stylish when worn with a dress, no matter what the length is. I can not wait to start wearing my dresses again more this spring.

Even though the sun has been shining and it has felt like summer I still love wearing my comfy boots!!

What Shoes I Wore: Boots: c/o Shoetique

Shoe And Tell: What Shoes I Have Worn This Week

Thirdly, Brogues: Gold Brogues, Anyone?

These gold shoes never fail to make me smile!! Comfortable shoes to wear with any kind of dresses too.

What Shoes I Wore: Gold Brogues F&F Tesco

Shoe And Tell: What Shoes I Have Worn This Week

Fourthly, Trainers! Not A Dress Trainer Though!

Well not covered in mud, anyway!

What Shoes I Wore: Trainer: c/o Asics

Asics Trainers. Don’t you just hate getting new trainers dirty!?! Oh well that is what they are for!!

Worn This Week

Shoe And Tell: What Shoes I Have Worn This Week?

Fifth, More Converse Style Shoes: Great with dresses too.

What Shoes I Wore: Shoes: Longsdale

Love red shoes!! Do you too?

Shoe And Tell: What Shoes I Have Worn This Week

Sixth, White Ballet Style Shoes: Love A Flat Ballet Style Shoe!

What Shoes I Wore: Shoes: c/o Shoezone

Lets not forget the tight!! Marge Simpson legs. Do you love mustard tights too?

Shoe And Tell: What Shoes I Have Worn This Week

Seventh, Lace Up Boots: Takes Ages To Get On Though!!

What Shoes I Wore: Boots: Nike

 Great for basketball!!

 Worn This Week

Last But Not Least, Irregular Choice Dog Shoes. Love These Ones!

Not to forget my favourite ones.

What kind of shoes have you been wearing this week?

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Thank you so much for stopping by here today. I also hope you liked this post?

What Shoes I Wore:

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Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Renae of Simple Sequins
    13 April 2015 / 22:54

    Oh Yay!I am so glad Converse is making a comeback. ♥rena

  2. Lisa from @intotheglade
    13 April 2015 / 08:46

    I definitely transitioned from winter boots to converse this week! A sure sign of summer for me x

  3. 13 April 2015 / 09:20

    The gold brogues or oxfords and the 2 pairs of Converse are my favorites. I added so many new, fun sneakers, loafers and oxfords to my closet this Spring. Cannot wait to wear them all.

    • 13 April 2015 / 19:20

      Thanks Ada, looking forward to seeing all your Spring/Summer shoes 🙂

  4. Kezzie
    12 April 2015 / 19:28

    Oh my! Those are very yellow tights! I like this post! Fun! xx

    • Clairejustine oxox
      12 April 2015 / 22:14

      Haha 🙂 very yellow!! thanks for stopping by Kezzie 🙂

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