Social Media Day: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop.
Happy Friday😃
Welcome to this weeks, The Weekend Blog Hop. How has your week been so far?
Busy here with both Sons leaving Uni this week and bring stuff home. They have soon collected more than they went with. There is stuff everywhere at the minute. Not for long though, one son gets the keys to his new house today and another one could get a placement and leave anytime.
Social Media Day: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop:
Today is also Social Media Day. #socialmediaday
I love social media when I have plenty of time, my favourite platform being Twitter, what is your favourite social media channel?
Today I am sharing some calming photos from a walk around the park.
We love to get out and about around the parks if we can and away from all the busy town centres.
So relaxing here and peaceful.
No bathing, not sure I would want to anyway, ha!!
Although I did shed a little tear here…
I was just telling my husband how lovely it was and he said come on I will show you where the swans were nesting.
As we got to the spot where you can usually see the swans nesting from the bridge, the swans were gone.
Strange my husband said, they never usually leave their eggs.
We hurried across the bridge and a woman stopped us and said,
They have gone, haven’t they!?
What? Not realising what she was saying at first.
Somebody had taken the swans eggs.
They were their last night but someone took then late last night as by this morning they had disappeared.
As we walked to the other side of the lake, we saw the only two swans on the park with their head I the back looking all sad.
Does Swan’s have feelings I said?
I remember the story of the swan dying from a broken heart in the papers a few years ago and that was sad enough.
Them I just tried to hide my tears as the emotions caught up with me.
My youngest kids thought Mum was so funny crying in the park over a Swan she had never seen before and only hear a story of in the park, but I think it the caring and Mum side of me coming out…
Now all I am going to get when we go to this park is, Can you remember when we came here and Mum cried!?
I might pretend to tough on the outside but some things really make me show my emotions.
Social Media Day: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop.
30/06/2017 Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop:
Would you like to join us today at the weekend blog hop?
To join in this weeks fun that lasts all weekend long, blog hop simply-
1. Link up as many of your favourite posts from the last few weeks as you would like too or simply link up your main blog and not to a post if you prefer.
2. Please kindly follow me here if you would like to? but not essential. Let me know if you are new followers so I can hop over and follow you back.
3. Please add the welcome to the weekend blog widget to your posts or add a link back to the hop in your posts or on your blog hop page or sidebar. This way other can find the hop and join in the fun too.
4. Have fun blog hopping around all new blogs that have linked up today and finding new posts to read, blogs to comment on and new followers.
5. Try to stop by a few blogs and leave a comment after linking up and comment back if someone stops by, it makes the blog hop much more fun 🙂
6.) Tweet me your links over at @clairejustineo on Twitter and I will share your posts.
Have a lovely weekend and we will see you again on Monday for Creative Mondays Blog Hop and The Wednesday blog hop.
This Link Up Has Now Closed.
Did you read these posts:
Summer Recipe: British Gems Baby Potatoes, Egg And Tuna Spinach Salad.
IKEA Kitchen Trolley Up-cycled.
Start The Day The Organic Way: 3 milk&more Breakfast Recipes.
Such a sad story and beautiful pictures, my first blog post in a very long time, but so pleased to find your hop was still here, thanks for hosting xxx
Hi Dawn oh wow it has been ages since I have seen you 🙂 Hoping over now!!
There are morons in the world and the person who took the eggs is one. Beautiful photos.I am an Instagram person and Facebook person. Thanks for hosting and I hope you had a wonderful weekend.
Thanks for the comment and linking up 🙂
That is a nice spot but terrible about the poor swans. I can't believe someone would take those eggs.You must be excited to have all your kids home! Thanks for hosting…happy weekend 🙂
I know 🙁 Thanks for joining us Paula 🙂
I love twitter but it moves so fast! I do like pinterest too! starting Uni already! wow!
Thanks, Twitter does move to fast 🙂
Oh that is a sad story, Claire! Did a person take the swan eggs or a predatory animal, I wonder. Sad either way. But your photos are beautiful as usual. Instagram is my favorite social media platform. I can't quite understand Twitter all that well. And I am just getting the hang of Facebook for business purposes. Thanks for the link up and have a great weekend. Shelbee
Thanks Shelbee, I have no idea 🙁
Love your pictures but it was sad to hear that someone took the eggs. I like Pinterest,FB and Twitter.Have a wonderful 4th of July.Hugs,Bev
Thanks for the comment Bev 🙂
Thanks for the party – lovely photos. I'm active on several platforms. My favs are probably Pinterest and Twitter.
Thanks Carol, I could do with more time for all these social media channels 🙂
Hi, love the pictures you took. It looks so peaceful there I am so sorry to hear about the eggs. How dare someone take their eggs, how would they have liked it if someone stole their babies?I am new to the hop, I hope to see more of everyone!
Thanks so much for joining us 🙂
Beautiful images and very sad that someone would just take the swan's eggs. I would have broken into tears as well, it's so heartbreaking. I'm new here and am happy to join a new community. Have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks for joining us, hope you enjoy the blog hop 🙂
That is sad! I would get upset as well!! Your park photos are lovely. Enjoy your weekend!
Thank you Heather.
Your photos are lovely! It's so sad that someone took the swan eggs! Instagram is my favorite social media. Have a wonderful weekend!JillDoused In Pink
Thanks for linking up Jill 🙂
Thank you for sharing your story although it was a sad one. We had a mama duck lay eggs in our yard in the bushes, she sat on them for about 2 weeks and then SHE disappeared and never came back- The eggs sat but never hatched. We finally disposed of them after about a month.. so sad too
Aww, so sad 🙁
Poor swan! So sad since they mate for life. I think FB and instagram are my favs!
Aww 🙁 I did not know that Tamar.
Twitter is by far my favourite platform. Have a great weekend Claire xx
Thanks Laurie, my favourite too 🙂
What a sad little story. I was enjoying your beautiful pics then read about the eggs being taken. How can anyone do that??
Aww sorry. I do not usually write sad things here either 🙁