Sportsshoes Winter Running Kit Review

I got to choose some running kit from Sports Shoes for the purpose of this review.

Sportsshoes Winter Running Kit Review. Hello friends, so how are you today? It has been a hard few weeks trying to getting back into a running routine after Christmas.

Throughout December I did also get very lazy in my running eating loads of snacks and treats which are no good for me. Once you go down that road, there is no turning back, until you want too!!

Unleash your winter running potential with my comprehensive review of the Sportsshoes Winter Running Kit. Also, find out what get’s me out the door, ready to run in winter!

From cosy long sleeved t-shirts to double layered shorts I dive into the features, benefits, and overall performance of each essential item. Stay warm, dry, and motivated during cold-weather runs with this in-depth analysis of Sportsshoes’ winter gear. Also, get ready to conquer the chilly miles with confidence and style.

Post Contains PR Gifts.

Sportsshoes Winter Running Kit Review

Sportsshoes Winter Running Kit Review:

So after a few weeks of over eating it really is hard to cut back down again. Once the children went back to school, I tried to cut down and feel that I am now eventually getting there! I am also very pleased that my running is now back on track too as I am training for the London marathon in April. I really do need to get the miles back up.

Monday is the day I can fit my long run in, I managed to get up to 10 miles last week and 11 miles today, which is pleasing. One thing I really wish though was that Santa had brought me was some new running clothes. It really cheers you up having something new to wear for running especially when you do not feel like getting out the door.

That is the hardest part of running for me is the first step, all dressed in my running kit, trainers on and ready to run. Especially when it is so cold outside and warm and cozy inside!!

Sportsshoes Winter Running Kit Review

Sportsshoes Winter Running Kit Review:

A big help to cheer me up my winter blues was last week, when I was offered some new running kit from Sportsshoes to review. Yeah, more new running kit to encourage me out the door 🙂 Just what I needed!!

I was pleasantly surprised when I visited their website with the price of the Nike running kit.

I usually go for sport shops own brand as they are the cheapest to buy but I always love the Nike products. So, I picked out 5 pieces of Nike kit that can all be mixed and matched for less than £90.00. How cool. I just adore these mix and match pieces too. Don’t you?

This is the kit I got for racing and running the London marathon in. I do not like anything around my knees when trying to go fast so this kit is perfect for fast training and racing. These 2 in 1 shorts feel a really nice fit.

If cold I can layer both tops the long sleeve compression top keeps you comfortable and dry and the reflective shirt over the top is perfect to be seen running at night.

These straight leg running tights feel great and good for going to the gym to do exercise classes as well as running. They look great with both tops.

These running tights feel great on to, I can’t wait to try them out on a running club night now. I feel as though I will be able to run fast in these.

Sportsshoes Winter Running Kit Review

Sportsshoes Winter Running Kit Review Overall Thoughts:

Sportsshoes Winter Running Kit Review. I am very please with all the items I received. They all fit perfect, look great and are really good prices. I have my training, gym wear and race kit all ready for the next few months now.

  • Short Sleeved T-shirt. Great for wearing under a jacket or a top layer to be seen. Very comfortable to wear and a warm fabric. Bright colours are great to be seen in winter.
  • Long Sleeved T-shirt. Great to keep you warm and tight to the body to keep warmth in. Great under layer. Very comfortable to wear and a lovely colour to go with the bright colour.
  • Shorts. Great double layered so tight to the skin and very comfortable to wear. The cycle shorts feel lovely and warm.
  • Long Socks. Great to bee seen. Tuck your socks in or wear them over long legging. Or on their own with shorts.

Want help with training and nutrition? They have a lots of expert advice over at The Running Hub for anything you need to know about running, sportswear and nutrition.

About this post- I got to choose some running kit from Sports Shoes for the purpose of this review. All thoughts are my own honest option and I was not paid for this post.

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Sportsshoes Winter Running Kit Review. Thank you so much for stopping by. I also hope you liked this post.

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Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Tas D
    25 January 2014 / 11:28

    I love the joggers – that would be my running outfit of choice. Then I would need to do the hardest bit of getting out the door 🙂

    • 27 January 2014 / 19:53

      Thanks for the comment, out the door is definitely the hardest bit for me too…

  2. About JollyJilly
    21 January 2014 / 15:29

    That's all so smart and practical . I so wish I could run lol

  3. Charly Dove
    20 January 2014 / 23:44

    What a great kit Claire – fab review too. Hope you're good x

  4. Leovi
    20 January 2014 / 21:10

    Certainly very nice kit for winter! Nice pictures!

  5. Julie Corbisiero
    20 January 2014 / 20:53

    Hi Claire, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving all those sweet comments on my various blog posts, I appreciate it and thanks again for the feature today. You are an inspiration to a lot of us and wow I can't believe that you did 11 miles today. I hate exercising but I have a dog that I walk every morning for a half an hour. I look at this way at least my dog is getting me out an moving! Have a wonderful day and see you at Wordless Wednesday.Julie at Julie's Lifestyle

    • 22 January 2014 / 10:32

      Aww thanks you Julie, you made me smile so much with your lovely comment, thanks for always being so lovely :)xx

  6. Gina
    20 January 2014 / 19:08

    Hello!I just became acquainted with your blog when I participated (and was featured) in a Creative Mondays post. I love your running post (new running clothes).I've recently fallen off the running band wagon and am trying to climb my way back out there! LOL. UGH!I have had some health issues (in my eye) that kept me from running for about the last month. Before that, Christmas, New Year's, … blah-blah. Just excuses, I know.I typically only run around 3 miles (a 5K) but haven't gotten back up to that after an injury to my hip. I got new running shoes and they helped my hip so much. Especially when I let the injury heal completely before getting back out there. But now, now excuses!But, my problem is as you describe. Just getting out the door. And it is SO COLD. We had temperatures below zero (F) here in Missouri. Ugh.I'm going to do my best to put on my new running shoes and get out the door tomorrow morning. We'll see if I have any luck.Your new running clothes look terrific! Maybe that would help me. Mine are all old, faded, and pitiful looking LOL.I thought you might like to read my (very silly) running mantra that I keep at my desk (thinking that will help):RUNNING MANTRAIf I keep this up, I'll never grow old!I'll do a marathon by the spring!I'll never get sick!If I keep going, I'll flush toxins and temptations and my bad habits!Terrible things will NEVER happen to me!If they do, I'll have the stamina to CRUSH them!If I keep this up, I'll grow better looking with Age!I'll be the smartest person in the room!I'll be admired and never envied, respected and never feared, loved and never pitied!If I keep this up, I can have spaghetti and birthday cake!I can eat fried chicken and fried donuts with powdered sugar and sprinkles,extra nuts and chocolate frosting!If I keep this up, I'll never need glasses or crowns or joint replacements.I won't need surgery of any kind – I'll rewire my DNA and nullify every genetic deficiency!If I keep it going, I can have it all! I already do! If I can only keep RUNNING andNEVER STOP, I'll live FOREVER!Silly for sure but though you might enjoy creating your own RUNNING MANTRA!Happy running!Gina

    • 22 January 2014 / 10:31

      Gina, thanks for this wonderful comment, wow I love your running mantra. Your doing great, things happen and it does get hard your dealing with it great. I hope everything is working out for you and your running now, I hope you stop by or tweet me about how your running is going? love to encourage everyone on with running as I love people encouraging me to 🙂

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