Stay On Track This Christmas With Three Time Olympian And Personal Trainer, Sarah Lindsay.
Hello friends. Are you looking for a bit of fitness motivation this week?
If so today I have just the post for you. I have a guest post from Three Time Olympian And Personal Trainer, Sarah Lindsay.

Stay On Track This Christmas With Three Time Olympian And Personal Trainer, Sarah Lindsay:
Whilst we know we should always be prioritising a healthy lifestyle over the busy festive season, we often have less time. Especially with the distraction of Christmas parties, which tends to lead us on a path of unhealthy lifestyle alternatives.
By the time New Year is upon us, we are sometimes left feeling deflated, physically and emotionally stressed, unfit and un-healthy. Not to mention penniless in the New Year.
Today Sarah is sharing some of her tips on how to stay on track with eating and training and stay motivated throughout the period to achieve balance and allow for some treats too!

Stay On Track At Christmas And Avoid The January Slump:
1.) Be Smart About Food:
Firstly, Christmas is undoubtedly a gluttonous time, learn how to make the most of the festive food without ruining your diet plan.
Suggestions on how to find balance and healthy alternatives where you can.

2.) Maintain Your Training And Stay Active In Order To Avoid The Christmas Rut:
Secondly, insight into how you can feel less guilty about indulgence, aid stress release, stay on track with your fitness and eliminate the anti-climactic post-Christmas Blues.

3. Limit Alcohol:
Thirdly, Sarah can provide her top tips to avoid extra calories through alcohol, peer pressure, sneaky pointers for great alternatives to alcohol.
4.) Getting As Much Sleep As Possible:
Fourthly, sleep is key. Lots of late nights and lack of sleep can optimise stress and run us down.
Sarah can look at ways to maximise on rest periods in order to maximise on training.

5.) Sticking To New Year’s Resolutions:
Last but not least, insight into why only 8% of people stay commited/ways to combat this diminishing number.
Sarah can discuss why women more likely to make a resolution than a men and techniques into how we can make realistic goals and achieve them.
Stay On Track This Christmas With Three Time Olympian And Personal Trainer, Sarah Lindsay:
ABOUT Sarah Lindsay: Three-time Olympian and Co-Founder of Roar Fitness, Sarah Lindsay is a Personal Trainer like no other.
As a European Gold Medalist, Double World Silver Medalist, Ten Time British Speed Skating Champion and a Strength and Conditioning Coach for several Team GB Figure Skaters competing in the 2010 Winter Olympics, Sarah’s experience is second to none and is an inspiration to anyone looking to reach their full potential.
In 2010: Sarah made the transition from elite sport into full time coaching and personal training, with her desire to help inspire and motivate people to feel confident in themselves and achieve their personal goals.
Passionate about health and fitness, Sarah truly practices what she preaches and has a unique ability to inspire and empower.
Drawing on her expertise as an athlete, her style is heavily focused on weight training in order to burn fat and build muscle and is passionate about educating people on the benefits of weightlifting and giving them the tools to do this in a safe and beneficial way.
She bases her methodology on performance; smart training and eating in order to perform.
Since The launch Of Her Personal Training Brand:
Roar Fitness in 2016 and with the launch of her second and third sites in October 2019 and January 2020,. She has established herself as one of London’s most recognised personal trainers. She is also the trainer behind the successful transformations of celebrities such as the likes of Professor Green, Caroline Flack, Nick Grimshaw, Pixie Lott, Melanie Sykes and Sheridan Smith to name a few.
Drawing on her own considerable experiences – and two decades of elite, disciplined training and nutrition. Sarah offers clients the tools and motivation required to take control of their lives beyond her fitness plans and in order to achieve a healthy and happier lifestyle.
Guest Post: You can find Sarah here: Instagram @roarfitnessgirl Twitter: @SarahJoLindsay.
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