Street Art Chesterfield And An Over 40 Outfit

Street Art Chesterfield And An Over 40 Outfit Post. My Go To Warm And Cosy Outfit….because I adore taking photos of street art, do you too?

Street Art Chesterfield And An Over 40 Outfit Post

Street Art Chesterfield And An Over 40 Outfit Post:

Happy Monday friends and welcome by The Creative Mondays Bloggers Link up. How has your weekend been? It has been none stop this weekend for me because it was my long weekend to work so I am going to enjoy my day off today but guess what?

As a result of being at work all weekend I have lots of jobs to catch up on as I got nothing done last week when the children were off school too. Grr, never ending is it?

Street Art Chesterfield And An Over 40 Outfit Post

Can you also see the girls faces in the background of this street art?

Street Art Chesterfield And An Over 40 Outfit Post:

Today I am sharing an outfit post with some fun street art in the background. These photos were taken in Chesterfield just under the bridge from Queens Park.

This is one of my favourite spots for a photo shoot probably because I love flowers, especially roses and it is not too far away from us to get to by car. It is certainly a little hidden way which makes it extra cool.

My Go To Warm And Cosy Outfit: Over 40 Street Style:

6 Post Story. I also love posting 6 part stories on Instagram. You can find this story here: Fashion By Claire Justine.

Over 40 Outfit Post

Long Boots And Cosy Tights Winter Outfit. These boots are made for walking!! Let’s just talk about these boots for a moment. Love them! I can not usually find long boots to fit me as I have big calf’s but these ones fit me perfectly. I never want them to wear out and I’ve had them years and they are so comfortable too!!

My Warm And Cosy Go To Outfit!

What I Wore: Jacket: c/o Marisota | Jumper: Primark | Skirt: Tu at Sainsbury’s | Bag: Primark | Tights: Primark | Boots: c/o Marisota

Street Art Chesterfield And An Over 40 Outfit Post

Street Art Chesterfield And An Over 40 Outfit Post; Creative Mondays Link Up:

So would like to join us today? Share any blog post you like especially cake recipes, outfit posts and sweet animal photos 💕

Street Art Chesterfield And An Over 40 Outfit Post

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Street Art Chesterfield And An Over 40 Outfit Post:

Finally, thank you so much for stopping by. I also hope you like this post? If so why not follow along so you never miss a post? So remember you can also share your thoughts here too in the comments below.

Street Art Chesterfield And An Over 40 Outfit Post
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. Shelbee on the Edge
    25 February 2020 / 13:09

    Claire, I absolutely adore this outfit! The plaid skirt, the cute tights, the tall boots, the amazing coat! I would wear it all. And how cool is this street art. I wish we had more street art where I live but there isn’t much of it at all.


  2. Cheryl Shops
    25 February 2020 / 05:15

    Love this look, Claire—so many rich colors and textures! And those boots are just perfect!
    Cheryl Shops

  3. Kristin
    25 February 2020 / 04:05

    Thank you so much for hosting! This week I am sharing how to turn photos into artwork! Hope you have a wonderful week!

    Love the outfit also!

    • 26 February 2020 / 21:23

      Looking forward to stopping by right now 🙂

  4. Shauna
    25 February 2020 / 03:23

    I’m in love with this coat. The length is so cute and the color is perfect for fall/winter!


  5. Maureen
    25 February 2020 / 00:20

    It’s a cute look Claire! I love the plaid skirt and your boots. I have same problem with boots too so I can totally relate. Btw, you guys have such nice murals. This one you featured is a gem!


    • 26 February 2020 / 21:21

      Aww, thanks Maureen. Love spotting street art 🙂

  6. Joanne
    24 February 2020 / 20:52

    Not only do you always have such cute outfits but you find such great backdrops too!

  7. 24 February 2020 / 16:21

    I love skirts like that, great with those boots!

  8. 24 February 2020 / 15:19

    You look chic and cosy. I like the boots/tights/skirt! The wall art you are posing in front of–amazing!

    • 24 February 2020 / 20:54

      Thanks Kim. My favourite place to take photos 🙂

  9. 24 February 2020 / 15:05

    I’m so loving this outfit! The plaid skirt is beautiful and looks fabulous paired with the high boots and fur jacket. Super cute look!
    Thanks for hosting the linkup!

    • 24 February 2020 / 20:53

      Thanks for the lovely comment and for joining us 🙂

  10. Debbie-Dabble
    24 February 2020 / 14:26

    Thanks so much for hosting each week!!

  11. mireille
    24 February 2020 / 14:11

    I love the spakly texture of your tights. This outfit is perfect for winter.

  12. Emma Peach
    24 February 2020 / 13:43

    What a gorgeous wall! It’s perfect for outfit photos. I love your skirt with the long boots. A very chic and cosy outfit for Winter!

    Emma xxx

  13. Heather
    24 February 2020 / 13:34

    I adore this outfit! The tights and boots look so good with the skirt and jacket! What a pretty photo shoot. I love your 6 part stories!

  14. Jill
    24 February 2020 / 11:45

    I love your neutral layers! This outfit is so cozy chic! Thank you for the linkup!


  15. 24 February 2020 / 11:38

    WOW! I like your outfit – by the way… I like MONDAYS :-).
    XO Martina from Munich

  16. 24 February 2020 / 09:01

    Well done Claire for navigating the tricky stylish v cosy challenge. Your outfit ticks both boxes – love the jacket and boots!

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