Sunday Runday : Fitness Catch Up…

I have had a great week for eating more healthy and getting out running.

Trouble is I keep forgetting to log my runs.

I blame summer holidays!!

Some days lately I can not even remember what day it is.

Sunday right!?!

I do love my usual routines and finding time for the gym.

Exercise really does make you feel better in yourself.

Not getting out exercising makes me grumpy!! Haha!!

New trainer : c/o Asics

Here is a catch up of my fitness week on Instagram:

  1. Getting out running in new trainers. I love wearing new running kit especially trainers. Thanks to Asics.
  2. I call it carb loading 😉 Yummy Pizza!!
  3. Asparagus, oven cooked. I wish I could afford to eat this everyday. My favourite vegetable.
  4. Strawberries, love strawberries…
  5. Vegetable stir fry with chicken breast, so tasty.
  6. Salted caramel cheese cake, now I can’t be perfect!!
  7. Paella, the husband favourite dish. One we all love too.
  8. Trying out new smoothie recipes.
  9. This mornings run. It was so hot outside!
Nice 4 miles this morning…

How has your week been?

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Claire Ridewood
    24 August 2015 / 17:44

    Looks like a very active and healthy week! I'd love to be a runner but my body disagrees with my head!!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      24 August 2015 / 21:04

      Thanks Claire, aww I am struggling at minute with my running, it is hard work 🙁

  2. Margarett Murphy
    23 August 2015 / 17:10

    Looks like a healthy week

    • Clairejustine oxox
      23 August 2015 / 18:44

      Thanks, been a good week..

  3. Tamar SB
    23 August 2015 / 12:37

    Mm asparagus is so good!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      23 August 2015 / 18:44

      Thanks Tamar, love them 🙂

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