Sunday Selfie And Being A Model For The Day

Sunday Selfie And Being A Model For The Day

Sunday Selfie And Being A Model For The Day.

Hello friends, so how are you today?

Sunday Selfie And Being A Model For The Day:

On Friday I was invited up to Manchester for a photo shoot with Marisota for their Christmas clothing range.

Me a stay at home mum of 4 being treated like a model for the day. Swapping trainer for heels, jeans for party wear and lots of sparkles thrown in. How fun!?

It was such an amazing and unforgettable day.

I loved everything about it. I got to pick out and style my favourite Christmas party outfits from their Winter collection.

Also, how often do you get the chance to have your hair and make up done by a professional make up artist and a photography taking amazing and quality picture for you? Me, never!!!

Here is a selfie I got to take on my phone and in a few days I will share some more I got to take on the day.

In December I will get to share the pictures Marisota taken of me too. So exciting, I can not wait to see them.

Also linking up with My Sunday photo.

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Firstly, Hanneli Mustaparta Collaboration with Deichmann. My all time dream job would be a shoe designer. Also, I have always loved shoes. Shoes Shoes and more Shoes!

I can remember sneaking into my Mums wardrobe when I was little, looking at her shoes collection. Then dancing around in the mirror when no one was looking, in her over sized fancy heeled shoes. Hanneli Mustaparta Collaboration with Deichmann. So pretty.

Secondly, Bonmarché Printed Jersey Dress With Converse: On Saturday we went out. Out Out!! My husband and I went out on our own, after a few weeks out and about with the kids.

You can read more over on my Instagram where I was having a glass of my favourite drink of the minute; Orange Gin!

Date night and a bit of time away with my husband 💕 Yes, we are both on our phones!! Keeping up with the young 😂🤣 Bonmarché Printed Jersey Dress With Converse. So comfy.

Thanks so much for stopping by.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Sherry Mackay
    24 November 2015 / 13:03

    what a lovely photo. you look lovely. and how about that dress and necklace? glad you had a great day.

  2. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    24 November 2015 / 00:25

    Soooo pretty!! Good for you getting pampered like that!

  3. Maestro Mummy
    22 November 2015 / 23:14

    You look stunning.

  4. Lins Drabwell
    22 November 2015 / 21:09

    You look absolutely stunning, what a fun fun day and you definitely deserve to be pampered Xx

    • Clairejustine oxox
      23 November 2015 / 06:58

      Hi Lins, thank you so much 🙂 x

  5. Kezzie
    22 November 2015 / 20:13

    And yes, I CAN believe it because you are very pretty!x

  6. Kezzie
    22 November 2015 / 20:12

    You look fabulous!!11

  7. Nan @ Granny Fabulosa
    22 November 2015 / 17:33

    Gorgeous, dear!

  8. Coombe Mill
    22 November 2015 / 15:54

    What a great shot, you look fab! It looks like you had a great time you were so happy!

  9. 22 November 2015 / 15:26

    You look amazing! It sounds like you had a wonderful time x

  10. Margarett Murphy
    22 November 2015 / 15:23

    You look lovely. I bet you were so pleased?

  11. SarahMummy
    22 November 2015 / 13:10

    Wow! You look absolutely stunning! You must have been so pleased.

  12. Tamar SB
    22 November 2015 / 12:27

    You look SO lovely!!

  13. OneDad3Girls
    22 November 2015 / 12:17

    Beautiful photo, it sounds like you had a fab time Thank you for linking up

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