Superhero Shirt: Wonder Woman Was My

Superhero Shirt: Wonder Woman Was My Superhero. Who Was Yours? Or still, is yours? I also love Hulk. Something sweet about him, did you think so too?

Hello friends, happy Friday. So how has your week been so far? Welcome back to this week’s The Weekend Link-Up. The Weekend Link Up. 

Yesterday we was off out for a day in the country to do some exploring. I needed a bit of Wonder Woman’s energy as the hills are so high in Mam Tor.

(You can see my Instagram Reel In The country Here).

Wonder Woman Was My Superhero

Wonder Woman Was My Superhero: Who Was Yours?

Superhero Shirt: Wonder Woman Was My Superhero.

So what do you think about my new Wonder Woman Marvel t-shirt? I love it. As soon as I saw it I knew I had to have one. As soon as my husband saw it, he said you should buy this! Sold!

Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman
All the world’s waiting for you
And the power you possess

Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman
All the world’s waiting for you
And the power you possess

When I was at school about 35- 40 years ago I won the fancy dress costume contest competition dressed as Wonder Woman. My mum made me the full costume and it was amazing.

Wonder Woman Was My Superhero: Who Was Yours?

This was an old black and white photo that my dad amazingly made into colour a few years ago!!

I won 3-pound notes (which would have been a lot of money back then) and a Mars Bar. My mum said I was more interested in the chocolate than the money! Classic me!!

How many Mars Bars could I have purchased, way back then too. I was not much of a businesswoman, was I? Can you remember the Wonder Woman Actress from the ’70’s’, Lynda Carter?

Blue Patterned Running Leggings: Tu Clothing

Superhero Shirt: Wonder Woman Was My Superhero:

Superhero Shirt: Wonder Woman Was My Superhero. Who Was Yours?

(Wonder Woman is a superheroine appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics). 

What I Wore: Wonder woman t-shirt 2021 Top: Tu Clothing @ Sainsbury’s | Blue Patterned Running Leggings: Tu Clothing @ Sainsbury’s

Superhero Shirt: Wonder Woman Was My Superhero:

Superhero Shirt: Wonder Woman Was My Superhero.

09/07/2021: 9th July The Weekend Link-Up: You can read the blog hop guidelines here: Favourite Five Friday: Weekend Link-Up Guidelines. Please link back to the Welcome To The Weekend Linky Party in your posts to spread the word.  

Now over to you to share your favourite posts this week. Sign Up To Receive A Reminder When The Next Link Ups Are Live At Mailchimp.

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Instagram: You can also tag me on Instagram posts or stories and I will favourite your posts share your posts to my stories. Claire Justine Oxox. Using #theweekendlinkup So now over to you.

Link up your posts, old or new. Wonder Woman T Shirt. This list has now closed but you can also view the Entries Here.

I also wore this outfit for a walk in the country. A Walk In The Peak District: Winnats Pass. 

Today I am re-sharing a fun day in the peak district. I am so longing for a nice walk here again as it was a great walk with plenty of different paths to take. A bit like life, really!!

A lovely walkout in the Peak District. We needed a nice day out and a day out walking was perfect. Plus it was a beautiful sunny day, result!! A Walk In The Peak District: Winnats Pass. 

Superhero Shirt: Wonder Woman Was My Superhero

Superhero Shirt: Wonder Woman Was My Superhero.

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Summer is coming so what better reason to make and eat yummy cakes in the garden? 10 Yummy Cakes To Try Out And Impress Your Friends. So yummy!!

Secondly, Orange and White Chocolate Cake. So today I am sharing a yummy cake recipe with you. Guest post: courtesy of Braun Household. Orange and White Chocolate Cake: How To Make.

Thirdly, California Walnut Power Balls: Healthier Treats. Also, healthier snacking treat. Great for breakfast, brunch or an afternoon snack.

Of course, so yummy too! Walnuts are the only nut to contain significant amounts of the plant-based essential omega-3 ALA (2.5g/30g). A handful of walnuts (30g) offers 2.5g of plant-based essential omega-3 ALA, 2g of fibre, 4.6g of protein and ‘good’ polyunsaturated fats.

Also a great way to add more protein to your diet and perfect after a gym workout. These power balls have just 4 healthy ingredients and only take about 10 minutes to make. So easy to make too.

So do you fancy making some walnut balls? California Walnut Power Balls: Healthier Treats.

Superhero Shirt: Wonder Woman Was My Superhero:

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Firstly, Tu Activewear From Sainsbury’s: Tried & Tested. Hello friends. So how are you today? Good I hope? So far this year I have been relatively quiet on the exercise front. A runstreak with my Daughter, along with a few Parkruns has been about it.

No more!! I have rejoined the gym and as they say “I am back on it.” Well, so it seems. My arms and legs can tell I have not done much.

Giving me that tell tale sign of lack of use. Talk about muscle soreness. I am walking like John Wayne!! Tu Activewear From Sainsbury’s: Tried & Tested.

What I Wore

Last But Not Least,

Just Me Stood Inside A Deadpool Funko Pop Box Wondering How To Pose! Nothing To See Here, Ha!! Deadpool Funko Pop Box.

Unleashing The Hulk A Behind-the-Scenes Look At Hulk In Madame Tussauds.

Unleashing The Hulk A Behind-the-Scenes Look At Hulk In Madame Tussauds. There aren’t many legendary superheroes with the strength, presence, and intelligence of Marvel’s Hulk. Unleashing The Hulk.

Superhero Shirt: Wonder Woman Was My Superhero:

Superhero Shirt: Wonder Woman Was My Superhero. Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me here: Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. Also, follow along on Facebook for regular updates.

Thank you so much for stopping by. Finally, lovelies; I also hope you liked this post?

If so, why not follow along so you never miss a post? So remember you can also share your thoughts here too in the comments below.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. Patrick Weseman
    11 July 2021 / 17:34

    So very cool. I was a big fan of Hong Kong Phooey back in the day. Thanks for hosting and I hope that your weekend was good.

    • 11 July 2021 / 19:54

      Aww, yes. Loved Hong Kong Phooey back in the day.

  2. Michelle
    10 July 2021 / 17:35

    I think Wonder Woman was my favorite as a child. As teenager, my hero was Sally Ride, the first American woman into space. (There were two female cosmonauts that preceded her, and if I’d known about them, they would have been my heroes too.)


    • 11 July 2021 / 19:53

      These are great, Michelle. Imagine going into space! Amazing

  3. 9Lives, Cats, Etc
    10 July 2021 / 07:59

    So nice. I’m actually watching all the superhero Marvel movies at this moment. And as a kid, the first man I fell in love with was Superman (Christopher Reeve).

    • 11 July 2021 / 19:52

      I always loved Superman too. Especially when he outran that train.

  4. CottonNutty
    9 July 2021 / 20:07

    Haha! Funny story.. When I applied for a scholarship years ago there was a question in the form: Who would you like to be in the future? So I answered that I would love to be a wonder woman.. Somehow my promoter didn’t like it and I didn’t get funding.. Really don’t know why.

    • 11 July 2021 / 19:51

      Oh wow, fancy not getting the funding because of who you choose. Thanks for sharing.

  5. 9 July 2021 / 12:26

    I never really had a super hero. I guess I saw my dad as my hero? xx

  6. 9 July 2021 / 12:05

    Oh my gosh, Claire! I love this post because Wonder Woman is my favorite super hero as well. I love that old photo in your costume! And your new WW tee is so fun. I dressed as WW last year for Halloween. I have a really cool WW faux leather jacket as well as a small collection of WW tees. Do you remember the Underoos from our childhood? I had the WW ones!


    • 11 July 2021 / 19:48

      Thanks Shelbee. Loved reading your Wonder Woman posts, thanks so much for sharing them. I don’t think I’ve heard of the Underoos, going to Google now.

  7. Joanne
    9 July 2021 / 11:19

    I was a big fan of the Hulk too; he seemed like such a gentle giant and only got angry at the bad guys.

  8. Lynn Holland
    9 July 2021 / 09:02

    What a super photo of you in your Wonder Woman costume.
    Your Mum did a fantastic job. How clever.
    Have a brilliant weekend. Hoping for some sunshine here in Lancashire
    Lynn x

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