Sweet Potato And White Chocolate Cake Recipe.
Hello friends, fancy trying a cake with a vegetable twist?
How about trying a;
Sweet Potato And White Chocolate Cake anyone?
How To Make Sweet Potato And White Chocolate Cake:
4 eggs
200g sugar
90ml vegetable oil
250g self-raising flour
250g sweet potatoes
150g white chocolate callets (or chopped into small chunks)
1 tsp vanilla extract

1.) Preheat the oven to 180°C.
2.) Line two (2lb) loaf tins with silicone paper.
3.) Place the oil in a bowl add half the chocolate and place on top of a pan of boiling water stirring occasionally, until melted.
4.) Remove from the heat and set aside.
5.) In a large bowl sift the flour and add the sugar.
6.) Puree the raw sweet potatoes in a food processor.
7.) Add the eggs one at a time to the sweet potatoes puree.
8.) Add the vanilla, oil and chocolate.
9.) Pour the mixture over the dry ingredients and mix well, add the rest of the white chocolate. Pour into the loaf tins.
10.) Place in the oven and cook for approx 50 minutes to one hour or until cooked. (To check if the cake is cooked, insert a wooden cocktail stick into it, if it comes out dry to the touch the cake is cooked). Leave to cool down, slice and serve.
Why not frost the cake with a yogurt frosting or add some ginger or orange as an extra flavouring to the cake.
Sweet Potato And White Chocolate Cake Recipe.
Recipe and photo credits- Love Sweet Potatoes.
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Can't wait to try