The Last Chapter: Mollie The Border Collie

The Last Chapter: Mollie The Border Collie, Hello friends, Happy Wednesday. So how are you today?

 Welcome to This Week’s Wednesday Link Up. There will be no blog hop for a while as I need time to grieve but I needed to get this post out today.

Thanks so much for stopping by here today and joining us for The Wednesday Link Up. Do you have any posts to share with us this week?


The Last Chapter: Mollie The Border Collie

The Last Chapter: Mollie The Border Collie:

It is with a heavy heart, I let you know that Mollie The Border Collie has died. I am heartbroken as I loved her so much. We were best friends and spent hours together every day of her life.

As if my life hasn’t been bad enough with losing my dad in January, I now have to deal with losing my fur baby.

When we first brought her home, she was so tiny at just eight weeks Mollie The Collie: Puppy Diaries. We have had such a great journey together and she was one loved dog.

I loved her from day one; Mollie: My Adorable Border Collie I Love You.

She was such a pleasure to own and raise.

I can’t believe how sad I feel even though I knew in November of last year that the tumours she had removed were cancer and it would be back. Finding Out My Dogs Tumours Were Cancer.

I have cried most days since know one day I would have to make the decision to put her down.

Favourite Photos:

One of my favourite photos of her was a lion King moment: Mollies Lion King Moment!! Mollie On Snake Rock?

Also, love this photo when she would not let me set my table up because she wanted some attention: Close To You!! Mollie The Collie Diary’s. 

It wasn’t always easy, having a dog. She loved to rip things up It Wasn’t Me!? But how could you tell her off when she had a face like this!? How adorable was she in her Christmas Jumper?

She was my best friend and we loved going walks together and it has been so hard watching her get poorly with cancer. I miss seeing her beautiful face around.

The Last Chapter: Mollie The Border Collie:

We used to play Mollies favourite songs and you can see how much she loved Pulp here as Common People was one of her favourite songs.

Rip my beautiful fur baby. Love you so much. Only just turned 6. Cancer is so cruel. No more suffering…

Miss you so much Mollie I hope your round something up, somewhere.

The Last Chapter: Mollie The Border Collie.

04/08/2021 The Wednesday Link Up:

About The Wednesday Link Up:

The Wednesday Link-up is a week long-blog hop where you can link up all your posts with photos in them. You are also welcome to link up old posts or new ones.

Please link back to The Wednesday Link Up in your posts to spread the word.  

It would be great if you would follow along on any social media channels in some way? Let me know if you decided to, so I can follow you back.


You can also tag me on Instagram posts or stories and I will share your posts to my stories and save your post. Claire Justine Oxox Using the #thewednesdaylinkup

Now over to you, so what have you been writing this week?

The Last Chapter: Mollie The Border Collie. Also, Sign Up To Receive A Reminder When The Next Link Ups Are Live At Mailchimp. This Linky Has Closed.

The Last Chapter: Mollie The Border Collie:
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Jessica A Jannenga
    12 August 2021 / 16:28

    I am so very sorry Claire! I can’t imagine. We have 2 shih tzus and they are my world! I love them to bits, and tell them that every day.
    My heart goes out to you. I love all of the posts you shared of Mollie, she sounded like a wonderful dog and so beautiful. I know Border Collies are active and smart dogs. Saying prayers for you, think of all of the good times.
    jess xx

    • 15 August 2021 / 08:00

      Thanks Jess, had such a tough time losing things I love this year.

  2. 11 August 2021 / 14:35

    I am sorry for your loss! Mollie sure was a beautiful dog and companion and I enjoyed seeing her in your pictures and videos.

  3. Heather
    11 August 2021 / 13:38

    I”m so sad for you and your family. Mollie always brightened the blog!

  4. Joanne
    11 August 2021 / 10:41

    Oh Claire, I am so so sorry to hear this. Praying for you for your loss.

  5. Niki
    11 August 2021 / 01:10

    My heart breaks for you Claire! I cannot imagine the pain that you must be enduring. Cancer is such a cruel disease that spans species. Mollie was a beautiful fur baby! Praying that God gives you the peace that surpasses all understanding as you deal and attempt to come to terms with your loss. Thank you for still hosting the party. Prayers!

  6. Denise/My Home of All Seasons
    10 August 2021 / 19:20

    I am so so sorry for you! I know the pain of losing such an important part of the family. Take your time to work through the grief, there is no time limit. I know you have had an incredibly tough year and I am praying you find peace very soon. Mollie was absolutely beautiful and you gave her a beautiful life. Such a blessing you were to each other. Sending prayers your way. Take care.

  7. 9 August 2021 / 18:08

    I’m so sorry you have lost your beautiful fur baby. she looks like a wonderful companion. Our animal family are just that, our family, and when they go it is just as painful. My heart goes out to you and yours Claire. Take care.
    Alison xx

  8. 9 August 2021 / 15:14

    Oh, I’m so very sorry that you lost your Mollie. I’m so sad for you. I know that, eventually, the wonderful memories will help to replace this terrible grief you’re feeling.

  9. Meezer'sMews&TerrieristicalWoofs
    9 August 2021 / 09:13

    This is so sad, to loose your best friend at such a young age…
    May she rest a while and then fly all over the meadows at the RB, chasing whatever she wants…
    Hugs to you at this most difficult time.
    (I sent you an email with a memorial card in it, to honor Mollie’s Memory.)

    ((((( ♥ )))))

  10. Liz
    9 August 2021 / 07:02

    Very sorry to hear about the loss of your dog. I know how devastated you can feel by losing your pet. She was loved and there was taken great care of her, so she had a good life with you. Maybe you can get a little comfort out of that.


    • 9 August 2021 / 07:43

      Thank you Liz, yes I keep trying to think this now

  11. 9 August 2021 / 06:59

    I am so sorry to read this! I am have always enjoyed your photos of Mollie. She was a beautiful dog. I hope you can enjoy some good memories of her xx

    • 9 August 2021 / 07:42

      Thank you Lisa. I have started to go through old blog posts and smile at our time together but it has been so hard

  12. 6 August 2021 / 14:47

    Oh bless you Claire, sending you a huge hug – I must admit to shedding a few tears for you too. Wasn’t long ago I went through with my little fur baby. xxx

    • 9 August 2021 / 07:41

      Thank you Jacqui. I did too when you lost your fur baby too. I knew I was going to be going though this anytime too.

  13. 6 August 2021 / 11:28

    Claire, I’m so very sorry for your loss. Mollie was so beautiful, and was clearly a very dear member of your family and it’s absolutely heartbreaking. I’ve lost a few deeply loved animals over the years and it never gets any easier. I just take comfort in the fact that they had a wonderful life and are no longer in pain. Huge hugs
    Suzy xx

    • 9 August 2021 / 07:40

      Thanks Suzy, I am starting to realise this but it is so hard to get your head around at first.

  14. Pamela Graham
    6 August 2021 / 09:48

    So sad, she was so young. What an incredible bond you formed and she leaves such a huge gap in your family. But she leaves love and beautiful memories for you all.
    Pamela x

    • 9 August 2021 / 07:39

      Thank you Pamela. It is so sad that she was so young. I though we would get a lot older together.

  15. 6 August 2021 / 08:32

    Dear Claire,
    I am SO heartbroken over your loss. I have been with you since the beginning and have loved every beautiful post you have written and every beautiful photo you have ever shared of precious vivacious Mollie. I share in your grief. It is just about the first anniversary since we have lost our precious Tsunami and not a day goes by that I don’t think about or miss him. Our lives are forever changed by our precious pets. Take all of the time you need to grieve… it is a testimony to the depth of how much you and Mollie loved one another.

    • 9 August 2021 / 07:38

      Thank you so much for your kind words. Aww I remember stopping by so much and seeing photos of Tsunami and thinking how adorable he was. Yes I miss her so much, even when I was typing on the computer she would come over for cuddles xx

  16. Lydia C. Lee
    4 August 2021 / 22:41

    I’m so sorry. It’s just a devastating loss.

  17. Sally in St Paul
    4 August 2021 / 17:56

    Oh dear, I am so sorry for your loss. What a lovely sweet feisty doggie. Thank you for sharing this terrific round-up of Mollie photos.

  18. Tatiana
    4 August 2021 / 15:36

    Ohhh my Lord… I am so, so sorry for your loss. Our pets truly become a big part of our families. She looks so cute on your photos. Rest on peace, beautiful Mollie…


    • 9 August 2021 / 07:34

      They sure do. Thank you for your kind words Tatiana

  19. 4 August 2021 / 15:18

    Oh Claire, I am so sorry. I remember when you first got her and she was a tiny little puppy. Sending love and hugs to you and your family. x

    • 9 August 2021 / 07:34

      Aww, thanks Kim. I remember holding her in one hand. She was so tiny xx

  20. 4 August 2021 / 14:07

    Dear Claire. You really are having a time of it. Mollie taken way too soon. I have followed her life as you know. I can still remember when you first got her. Sending a huge hug to you xx

    • 9 August 2021 / 07:33

      Thank you Laurie, I keep looking back through my blog and reading the posts I shared with her xx

  21. Amy Johnson
    4 August 2021 / 13:07

    I am so sorry. She sounds and looks like such a beautiful dog.

  22. 4 August 2021 / 12:53

    I”m so very sorry for your loss. Pets are part of the family and I know how hard it is to make that decision. I always loved seeing your sweet Mollie on your blog. Sending you a virtual hug.


  23. 4 August 2021 / 12:17

    Oh my goodness, Claire, my heart goes out to you. I have been dreading the day that you would share this post and I find my eyes filling with tears for you. Mollie was such a special fur baby and I really enjoyed getting to know her through your blog. I will miss seeing her happy little furry face here. Sending you lots of virtual hugs and healing energy, my friend.


    • 9 August 2021 / 07:31

      Thanks so much for your kind words, Shelbee. I miss her so much x

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