Time To Run : The Wednesday Blog Hop..



Hello. Happy Wordless Or Not So Wordless Wednesday blog hop. Hope you have stopped by today to join us? 


Now I’m all recovered from the flu, Yeah!! I am also back out running again. Boy does it feel good to be back!!


It is such hard work running again after being ill as I am still getting my strength back. It is a good job I have someone wanting to run with me, anytime I like!! She always wants to run, day or night. Hot or cold weather. Mollie is at the door as soon as the word walkies falls out of my mouth. 


It is great having my running partner ready when I am to run. No waiting around for someone to call me!! No being let down at the last minute. Always having someone faster than me to run with too. How cool.


Time To Run: The Wednesday Blog Hop:

What have you been taking photos of this week?

 Do you want to join in the fun with us?

Simply join in the fun every Wednesday by adding your blog posts to the linky below. Only rules are on a Wednesday posts must contain photos. As this is a photo sharing blog hop.


This linky list has now closed.

There is a new Wordless or not so Wordless Wednesday blog hop every week. Stop by and join in the fun. Old blog hops are deleted due to broken links and deleted blogs.

Every Monday there is a new Creative Monday linky where you can share your creative posts. Wednesday is for sharing photos. Photos of anything you want to share. Friday is the weekend blog hop and you can link up anything!!

You can join any blog hop any time and let me know if you ever want to co-host a blog hop with me!

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook



  1. pixiedusk
    17 March 2016 / 14:52

    I am still trying to get back to normal. Good to know that you are better =)

  2. Deena Simair
    17 March 2016 / 01:51

    I am so excited for the snow to go away so i can get outside to run. Thanks for hosting the link up!

  3. schoolgatestyle
    16 March 2016 / 23:40

    Oh I'm so glad you're back running again. Hopefully the fitness you had pre-flu will return fast. You take care and have a super weekend. Thanks for dropping by the blog – it was lovely to read your comment. Keep in touch! Axx

  4. Margarett Murphy
    16 March 2016 / 19:47

    That looks like one eager puppy..so pleased your recovering !!!

  5. Camille Griffiths
    16 March 2016 / 14:54

    I hope you feel back to normal soon!! Very cute running partner you have there btw 🙂

  6. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    16 March 2016 / 12:52

    It is hard to get back to exercise after an illness. Take it easy on yourself, you'll get back where you were in time. Glad you're feeling better!

  7. Elegance and Mommyhood
    16 March 2016 / 04:43

    Great the flu is gone! Good for you for running. Don't pretty bright sneakers pump you up to exercise? I love your hot pink ones. =)

  8. Kisma
    16 March 2016 / 03:17

    Glad to hear you are feeling better and are up and moving around!

    16 March 2016 / 00:59

    Yep, so glad your ugly cold is finally over. I think I'm coming down with one myself.Happy to join you tonight; thanks for hosting.FABBY

  10. Karren Haller
    16 March 2016 / 00:55

    Glad to hear you are over the flu. Thanks for stopping by this week.Stay well!!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      17 March 2016 / 13:31

      Thanks Karren 🙂

  11. Tamar SB
    15 March 2016 / 22:03

    Pace yourself!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      17 March 2016 / 13:30

      Thanks Tamar, I know my mind wants to run now but my body does not lol 🙂

  12. stevebethere
    15 March 2016 / 21:14

    It's great that your feeling better now flu can be so horrible :-(…keep on running :-)Aww! cute photo too heheh!Have a fluelesstastic week 🙂

    • Clairejustine oxox
      17 March 2016 / 13:29

      Thanks Steve 🙂

  13. alissa apel
    15 March 2016 / 20:43

    I'm glad you are feeling better. Run Claire Run! 🙂

    • Clairejustine oxox
      17 March 2016 / 13:29

      Hehe, thanks lovely 🙂

  14. Create With Joy
    15 March 2016 / 20:22

    I might be motivated to run if I had such a beautiful companion to join me – glad you are feeling better!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      17 March 2016 / 13:27

      Haha, thank you Joy 🙂

  15. Cascia Talbert
    15 March 2016 / 19:46

    Glad to hear you are feeling better and have started running again. Have a great week!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      17 March 2016 / 13:26

      Aww, thank you Cascia 🙂

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