Top Money Saving Tips And Tricks To Save Some Pounds. Hello friends, so how are you today? Are you looking for some money saving tips? If so, you have arrived at the right place today.
Saving money here and there is a smart financial move that can help you build a solid financial future. To save some pounds, it’s essential to employ top money-saving tips and tricks.
Why is it with some insurance companies, when you have been with them a year or two the prices start to rise? They start off cheep to get you to go with them. Then each year they go up in price. You claim nothing off them but the new policy has gone up!?
Top Money Saving Tips And Tricks:
First and foremost, creating a budget is key. This allows you to track your income and expenses, enabling you to identify areas where you can cut back.
Table Of Contents:
- Firstly, Compare Insurance.
- Secondly, Buy Groceries Online.
- Thirdly, Meal Plan.
- Fourthly, Use The Car Less.
Years ago we used to get cheaper bills because we had not claimed. Now my bills seem to go up each year and they hope that you:
- Don’t notice and pay the extra money they charge you.
- Don’t have the time to look around and you will just pay it.
- Don’t know where to start to look for cheaper insurance.
Like this year for instance; our insurance went up around £45-00 and after compared home insurance we managed to get it for the same price as last year. Just by spending a few minutes looking around. One of my goals this year is to save money!!
So Far This Is What I Have Come Up With To Save Some Money:
Top Money Saving Tips And Tricks To Save Some Pounds.
Compare Insurance:
Compare Insurance. By Comparing home insurance, car insurance, phone bill, broadband, gas and electricity bill with easy to use websites on the internet that are free and easy to compare your prices.
Buy Groceries Online. This way we only buy what we need and do not end up buying lots of treats and goodies. Especially when we are hungry also it will save petrol too. Since we have done this we have saved about £25 a week and seem to have less waste. Be a smart shopper by checking costs, using coupons, and holding off on purchases until a sale is happening. You’ll find it simpler to save those additional pounds and move towards your financial objectives by putting these strategies into practise.
Meal Plan. Next, think about meal planning and cooking more frequently at home because eating out can quickly empty your bank account. Utilising cashback incentives and discounts provided by several apps and loyalty programmes can also pile up over time. Planning meals for the week we have had more family meals and not as much biting and bobbing. Which has resulted in a more balanced diet too.
Use The Car Less. By cutting down on small journeys in the car. With the price of petrol nowadays, only using car for emergencies or for distances over 4 miles. It has got everyone fitter as a result.
Money saving ideas for next few months are look at changing mortgage to get better deal, only buy clothes etc. when sales are on. Anyone got any other ideas let me know in the comments. I am always looking for money saving tips!!
Top Money Saving Tips And Tricks To Save Some Pounds. As my Grandma always said, If you look after the pennies, the pounds will look after themselves.
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Table Of Contents:
- Firstly, Melting Mushroom Burgers With Beetroot Slaw.
- Secondly, How To Make Welsh Lamb And Apricot Burgers.
- Thirdly, Mini Homemade Burgers.
- Fourthly, Beefy Beetroot Cheeseburgers.
4 Burgers Ideas For Your Summer BBQ Party.
Second Chance Antique Store:
Second Chance Antique Store. Well guess what!? When all of my babies were small I decided I needed to have a job where I could work when my Husband was at home and be home when my Husband was at work. Somewhere I would be near to home and could take time off when I needed to. I am talking 17 years ago now. Second Chance Antique Store.
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Top Money Saving Tips And Tricks:
Top Money Saving Tips And Tricks.
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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me here: Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. Also, follow along on Facebook for regular updates. So remember you can also share your thoughts here too in the comments below.
Great tips Claire. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Thanks Morgan 🙂
Thanks for the comments,going to follow back…Great tips Jessica Thanks 🙂
Unplug items when they're not in use. Good for your wallet and the environment. Consign items when you are done with them. I've made $200 this year by consigning my kids items.Good luck!
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thanks for the tips! following along from the Thursday blog hop! Hope you get a chance to visit and follow back!Diane