What I Wore Boss Baby: Over 40 Style

What I Wore: Boss Baby: Over 40 Style

What I Wore: Boss Baby: Over 40 Style. Happy Saturday friends. 🙂

A few Saturdays ago, my Daughter and I spent a girly morning together. Just the two of us because we both wanted some quality time together without the boys.

Most importantly, we wanted a fun day out together.

Treat time then. Breakfast out and a trip to the pictures. With a trip to the shops afterwards 🙂 All go!!

What I Wore: Boss Baby: Over 40 Style:

It is great at our local cinema, films are only £2.50 each on a Saturday morning for ones that have been out a while. Bargain or what!!

Perfect for us as when we see something we like the look of, but we forget about going to watch it or are busy when it is school and we forget.

This way we get the cinema all to ourselves and at a cheaper price. Bonus!!

flowered crop trousers

What I Wore:

Also, I hate being too hot in the cinema so it was a chance to wear my new floral trousers and a vest top. I really like these trousers, do you too?

I bought the next size up in these trousers so I had plenty of room to eat whatever I want over Summer.

Hopefully, by Autumn I will be adding a belt to them!! Haha!!

What I Wore: Boss Baby: Over 40 Style

What I Wore: Boss Baby: Over 40 Style:

After feeling very full from breakfast it was time to go to the cinema.

First ones in as it had only just opened. Plus we can sit anywhere so the nice bigger comfy seats!

What I Wore: Boss Baby: Over 40 Style

So we went to see Boss Baby as this was one of the trailers we liked from the last time we went.

We love to watch the trailers and the next film we want to go and see is Nut Job 2. Also need to find and watch Nut Job 1 first though.

What I Wore: Boss Baby: Over 40 Style
What I Wore: Boss Baby: Over 40 Style

What I Wore: Boss Baby: Over 40 Style:

Top: Primark || Trousers: Primark || Shoes: c/o M and M Direct

What I Wore: Boss Baby: Over 40 Style

We had lots of treat in there and popcorn but everyone was eating Nachos.

Yummy, they smelt so good.

We stop off of at our local supermarket and brought nachos, cheese, and dips and ate them all for lunch, delicious!!

flowered trouses

We had such a lovely girly day together.

Breakfast. Yummy!!

Do you like to go to the cinema? If so, what was the last film you went to see?

Do you like to watch the trailers? Any films coming out soon you are waiting to see?

What I Wore: Boss Baby: Over 40 Style.

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Tasty and healthy. Crunchy Carrot And Apple Salad With Cashew Dressing.

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out for breakfast
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Elizabeth Rebecca
    1 September 2017 / 18:27

    I love those floral patterns.#weekendbloghop

    • Claire
      17 September 2017 / 09:03

      Thanks for hopping over Elizabeth 🙂

  2. Debbie Roberts - Debs Random Writings
    25 August 2017 / 03:56

    Hi Christine, it sounds like you had a wonderful Saturday with your daughter. I love what you are wearing! I favour plane tops and pattern lightweight trousers in summer. I can't remember the last time I went to the cinema, I do remember being that person who falls a sleep and wakes up just as the lights come up (and I still swear blind I can't sleep just anywhere!).Thank you for linking up with the #MMBC.xx

  3. Kim Carberry
    21 August 2017 / 18:25

    It sounds like you had such a lovely day…I love those trousers! It sounds like the perfect outfit x #MMBC

  4. Pinkiebag Pinkiebag
    21 August 2017 / 18:06

    Hi, love the trousers it made me smile that you got a larger pair to be comfortable, very practical. They will also be great in autumn with ankle boots #MMBC

  5. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    21 August 2017 / 17:37

    I love your whole outfit! Sounds like such a fun day. We watched Boss Baby this weekend too!

  6. Lexie @ mommyhomemanager.com
    21 August 2017 / 16:27

    Love the trousers! They are cute and look like you could easily dress them up or down. Glad you had a nice mommy date. 🙂

  7. Carol @Comfort Spring Station
    21 August 2017 / 10:25

    You look very cute and I like the last photo of your daughter – very artsy. #MMBC

  8. Tamar SB
    20 August 2017 / 10:58

    Perfect outfit!

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