What Motivates You Today? : What I Wore…

What Motivates You Today?

What Motivates You Today?

Me ~ “knowing I’ve put weight on over Christmas!!”

What I Wore~

Cardigan ~ Primark

Dress ~ Asda

Tights ~ Primark

Boots ~ Longsdale

Can you believe I missed the post man delivering a parcel by 10 minutes yesterday and my parcel had to be collected 24 hours later. A round trip of over 7 miles away!! And to make things worst last night I weighing myself at my mums house last night I realised I had put on 6lbs of weight over Christmas…

 So today I combine both, my goal in mind to lose some weight and pick my parcel up. I ran the 7.5 miles trip to the post office, stopping half way to throw a 50 minutes spinning class in-between….Tired out now or what? All done and dusted before lunch was great too. I was just hoping I didn’t miss a delivery when I was out !!

So one question What Motivates You Today?

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Victoria Welton
    19 January 2014 / 17:34

    The red/grey combo is a fab joining of colour. Well done on that run too – we are endeavouring to get fit ourselves this month 🙂 Thank you for linking to PoCoLo x

    • Clairejustine oxox
      20 January 2014 / 07:52

      Thanks Victoria, whoo looking forward to reading about it 🙂

  2. Kim Carberry
    18 January 2014 / 16:41

    Fab outfit! I love those tights! #PoCoLo

    • Clairejustine oxox
      18 January 2014 / 21:06

      Thanks Kim 🙂

  3. Debbie Stinedurf
    17 January 2014 / 23:38

    Love the high tops with the dress! And you are a workout beast!!!Debbie

  4. Anne Stone
    17 January 2014 / 14:19

    I put on 6lb over Christmas too! Don't know if I'd be up to running to collect a missed parcel though. the P.O is in walking distance, but it's all UPHILL#PoCoLo

    • Clairejustine oxox
      18 January 2014 / 20:59

      Whoo Anne, its not just me then, aww it will keep us warm in January 🙂

  5. Mrs. D
    17 January 2014 / 13:50

    Good colours – I love red!!!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      18 January 2014 / 20:55

      Thanks, reds my favourite colour 🙂

  6. Winnie
    17 January 2014 / 10:15

    I love the dress (great color on you!) and the cardigan – I actually need one like this 🙂

    • Clairejustine oxox
      18 January 2014 / 20:54

      Thanks Winnie, I wear mine all the time at the minute, its so cosy 🙂

  7. 17 January 2014 / 10:12

    Red and grey looks lovely. I am in awe of you running to get a parcel….AND spinning on the way. That is pure dedication! #PoCoLo

    • Clairejustine oxox
      18 January 2014 / 20:50

      Thanks Kate, it really wore me out lol …

  8. 16 January 2014 / 22:42

    Fantastic idea to run for your parcel. Bet you'll lose that weight in no time!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      18 January 2014 / 20:47

      Thanks Sarah, aww I wish 🙂

  9. Dale Janee
    16 January 2014 / 20:22

    So glad you got your parcel and I love the sweater. I've shopped at Primark before too and I hope your day gets better. xoDalewww.savvyspice.com

    • Clairejustine oxox
      18 January 2014 / 20:47

      Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  10. Joanna Pabel
    16 January 2014 / 19:37

    Great outfit. I love grey and red together

    • Clairejustine oxox
      18 January 2014 / 20:43

      Thanks Joanna 🙂

  11. Avenue 57
    16 January 2014 / 13:57

    I love your outfit – the red/grey combo is gorgeous!I HATE it when I miss a parcel – good for you for running to get it today, that's fab!!I am having a crap day – just one of those days – I shall think of something inspirational before the day is out though!!Fiona

    • Clairejustine oxox
      18 January 2014 / 20:42

      aww thanks, I know I feel like a kid when I miss a parcel and stamp la ot grrr!! I hope your day picked up 🙂

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