When The Graffiti Gets Graffiti-ed

When The Graffiti Gets Graffiti-ed! Creative Mondays Link Up. Hello friends. Happy Monday. Welcome back to Creative Mondays blog hop. Do you have some recipes, travel posts, outfit posts or tutorials to share with us today?

When The Graffiti Gets Graffiti-ed

When The Graffiti Gets Graffiti-ed Creative Mondays:

This is how the graffiti looks now it has been graffiti-ed!! Check out my fashion gram fashion by Claire Justine for how this beautiful street art looked 8 years ago (or above) In my 9 post story or of course, see the original uncut picture below.

This is a beautiful piece of street art. I took this photo below about 8 years ago but now it is starting to get faded and graffiti wrote on it. It is a shame when graffiti gets graffiti-ed! 2 photos above 8 years ago. 1 photo above, now.

This street art is in Queens Park, Chesterfield. We love to visit the park whenever possible.

When The Graffiti Gets Graffiti-ed Creative Mondays

When The Graffiti Gets Graffiti-ed Creative Mondays:

How has your weekend been? What a weekend, eh!? We’ve had all weathers here. Sunshine, wind, rain and snow. Wrapped up cosy on my walk with Mollie over the last few days I can tell you.

Did you know today is also Banana Cream Pie Day? You might like these recipes:

How To Make Banoffee Pie. A tasty biscuit base, caramel filling, sliced bananas and then a yoghurt topping sprinkled with cocoa. Pure decadence, the LoSalt way! Reduce the salt and enjoy this indulgent treat when that sweet tooth hits! How tasty!? How To Make Banoffee Pie.

Good Natured Banoffee Pie Pots. The new Ban-tastic Bananas from Good Natured are grown using only natural predators (good bugs) to control pests (bad bugs) and disease, so you can be sure that the range is grown in harmony with Mother Nature and free from pesticide residue. Good Natured Banoffee Pie Pots.

Parkrun In That Weather!? No Thank You:

My Husband even ran Parkrun on Saturday in freezing cold temperatures and he was running through deep puddles. So glad I stayed home where it was nice and warm.

When The Graffiti Gets Graffiti-ed Creative Mondays Link Up.

Thank you so much for stopping by. This Linky Has Now Closed.

When The Graffiti Gets Graffiti-ed Creative Mondays

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Warm And Cosy Outfit And Wait For Another Storm!! Can you believe it, it is my weekend off work and the weather man says there is another bad storm on it’s way! The 3rd one in a matter off weeks and it always seem to arrive when I’m off work!! Grr!! So many places I want to visit too but all outdoors! We will have to see how bad it is, me thinks! Warm And Cosy Outfit And Wait For Another Storm!!

Black White Green & 3 Lifestyle Quotes To Live By. Today I am sharing some fun photos I’ve edited in black and white but added the green back into them. You can follow my new Instagram here where I edit my fashion photos: Fashion By Claire Justine. Also you can also see these photos in full colour here if you want to see what the outfit looks like: Black White Green & 3 Lifestyle Quotes To Live By.

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When The Graffiti Gets Graffiti-ed Creative Mondays
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. Kristin
    4 March 2020 / 02:35

    Thank you so much for hosting! This week I am excited to share my DIY vintage varsity pillow project and a she shed indoor plan! Hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. Shauna
    3 March 2020 / 03:37

    Wow that street art is truly amazing. People are so talented!


    • 20 April 2020 / 21:08

      There is some amazing pieces all over the world. I love finding it 🙂

  3. Carrie
    3 March 2020 / 00:50

    It can be so sad when there is a beautiful painting in public which gets destroyed. We have tons of artists in my town and lots of art painted for the public to enjoy, but unforutnately, it does get destroyed here too.

    • 20 April 2020 / 21:07

      I love spotting beautiful street art wherever we go 🙂

  4. 2 March 2020 / 21:27

    That is such a beautiful piece of art; it’s so sad to see it fading and with graffiti on it.

    • 20 April 2020 / 21:07

      Thanks for stopping by. It is so sad to see it has been ruined.

  5. 2 March 2020 / 19:27

    Have a great start of the week!

  6. jess jannenga
    2 March 2020 / 17:58

    How beautiful the orginal artwork is! I just hate when things are destroyed when graffiti ruins a piece ! I would have stayed home and not run in that weather either!
    Hope you are well!
    jess xx

    • 20 April 2020 / 21:05

      Thanks for stopping by Jess. What a difference a few years make!

  7. Heather
    2 March 2020 / 15:27

    That’s really sad when the beautiful street art gets graffitied! You were smart not to run in the puddles and cold!

  8. Kimberly F. Malkiewicz
    2 March 2020 / 15:24

    It’s sad the the graffiti got graffiti-ed, it was so beautiful. I’m going to check out the banoffee recipes–I may just drool on my computer!

    • 20 April 2020 / 21:04

      Yes it it. It is such a great piece of art 🙁

  9. Debbie-Dabble
    2 March 2020 / 15:14

    Thanks so much for hosting each week!

  10. mireille
    2 March 2020 / 14:56

    Such a pretty piece of art!

  11. Shelbee on the Edge
    2 March 2020 / 14:13

    That is such a beautiful piece. Why do people graffiti on things like that? And it isn’t even pretty graffiti. Pretty graffiti I can get on board with. That is just destructive. I will never understand humans.

    While you had all the weather this weekend, we had snow. Just snow. Lots of snow. About 3 feet fell on Friday. The kids had two snow days which resulted in a 4 day weekend.


    • 2 March 2020 / 21:30

      Oh wow Shelbee. You have lots of snow. Thanks for joining us.

  12. Jill
    2 March 2020 / 12:05

    What a beautiful pieces of street art! Its a shame when something like that gets grafittied. Thank you for the linkup!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

  13. 2 March 2020 / 11:58

    I always sort of wonder what’s someone is thinking about when they deface something that is beautiful.
    Hope your week is off to a great start!

  14. 2 March 2020 / 09:35

    What a stunning piece of art Claire. Have a great week xx

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