Which Disney Princess Would You Be? Hello friends, so how are you today?
The Wordless Or Not So Wordless Wednesday Photo Blog Hop. Happy Wednesday, lovelies. Welcome back to this weeks; The Wordless Or Not So Wordless Wednesday Photo Blog Hop. Have you got any photos to share with us today?
So today I have a question, Which Disney Princess Would You Be? Now there’s a question for you!
Last week I was asked by a stranger in Leicester town centre “If I was a Disney princess who would I be!?”

Which Disney Princess Would You Be?
Which Disney Princess Would You Be? I said “I was not interested” as he was one of those sale guys trying to stop you to sell you something and we carried on walking by.
He would not leave it though, trying to start up a conversation with us. Come on, tell me Which Disney Princess Would You Be?
I went quiet, to stop the conversation but he replied, to his own question, “I know who you’d be; I bet it would be Princess Jasmine”. I just kept on walking. Thinking to myself, which one would I be!?

Contemplating the whimsical question world of Disney, about the question that arised: Which Disney Princess would you choose to be if you could pick one?
Delving into this playful inquiry unveils a delightful exploration of character traits, dreams, and aspirations, allowing for a magical journey and imagination.
Honestly, I had never thought of this before. Now, which Disney Princess would I be? I love all Disney films, so I must have a favourite.
I would most properly be the evil witch nowadays, haha!! Mwah!! I think I would make a good evil witch!! I think my husband would agree!!
One Bite And All Your Dreams Will Come True- Snow White.
In Disney Style:

So f I would pick on Disney Princess to be it would be: Bella from Beauty And The Beast. There said it! Bella is kind and sweet Just like me!! Hehe.
There’s something sweet and almost kind. But he was mean and he was coarse and unrefined, but now he’s dear and so unsure, I wonder why I didn’t see it there before. Belle- Beauty And The Beast.

Which Disney Princess Would You?
So my question to you today is:
Which Disney Princess or Prince Would You Be Any Why?
Which Disney Princess Would You Be?
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What a lovely post and photos.
Aww thank you 🙂
Tricky question… I guess if I had to pick a Disney princess I'd be Sleeping Beauty.
Lovely Princess. Thanks for staking part 🙂
I don't know about me but my daughter would be Ariel. She had a collection of Ariel princess costumes (and wore them out!) .
Aww, so lovely Rhonda. Ariel is another of our favourites 🙂
When I was growing up (a hundred years ago), there weren't as many Disney princesses. I'd guess I'm still more like Snow White – why you ask? I still want to live with the the dwarfs – even grouchy. I like them – they make the whole movie.
Aww, the seven dwarfs are so sweet aren't they Carol 🙂 Thanks for taking part.
I'd pick Belle as well. I'd love to read, and be in my own world. I also try to see past beauty on the outside. Hopefully I'm successful with that.
Lovely Alissa, I am always in my own little wold too 🙂
Darling outfit and love the way the photo turned out!!Happy Wednesday!!!
Thanks Karren, Happy Wednesday.
I would be Merida – bold and independent 😉 I once lined up, on my own, for 40 minutes to meet Merida at Disney and get "her" autograph. Yes, I'm a nut!!
Aww, this is lovely Deborah, thanks for sharing.
I would be the Breast. LOL. Thanks for hosting and have a great rest of the week.
Hehe, thanks for taking part Patrick 🙂
Cinderella for sure!
Aww, she is lovely too Heather 🙂
I am not even familiar with the princesses but I do like your skirt..
Thanks for stopping by Judee 🙂
I love the effects in these photos, Claire! And I would be Merrida from Brave! As I was for my participation in The Fab 40's a few months back! I will linkup the post! Shelbee
Sounds great Shelbee. I will hop over now and read it 🙂
Love the skirt – pleats are so fun!
Thanks Tamar 🙂
The children at my school think about this question a lot!
Aww, bless them 🙂
Nice photos I like the effects looks so vividWe get that a lot here walking from Marble Arch up Edgware Rd I walk straight passed too LOLIf I was a Princess I would wanna be Princess Annette Curtain I think she would be a big draw :-)Have a regaltastic week Claire 🙂
Hehe! Thanks Steve 🙂
This App is so much fun isn't it? I love this picture Claire xx
Thanks Laurie, aww yes I love this app!