No Make Up Selfies…

Last week I had my hair cut and coloured. I was so pleased with it I posted my new haircut, no make up selfies on Instagram!! 

I hate going to the hairdressers. I find it awqurd meeting new people for the first time. So I have spend years going from different hairdressers. Not any more. This one is a keeper. 

For starters she did not just make a price up out of her head. Like I have experienced in the past. The price quoted was the actual price at the end. Also we had lots to chat about.: Dogs!!

Who would of guessed I could learn so much about puppies in one morning, than going to the hairdressers and all the info and advice was thrown in for free … Double bonus…

No Make Up Selfies…

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Margarett Murphy
    21 October 2015 / 18:50

    Love the new hairstyle ,,looks great .

  2. Annesphamily
    20 October 2015 / 03:13

    Good to find a hairdresser you like that is honest and charges accordingly. Have a great week. Your color and style are lovely.

  3. LV
    20 October 2015 / 01:26

    Blonds have more fun so I am told. You should do very well.

  4. SmilingSally
    19 October 2015 / 17:26

    Hi Clairejustine,You look like a "born blonde." Thanks for sharing.Happy Blue Monday!

  5. Tamar SB
    19 October 2015 / 09:08

    It's so lovely to find the "one" for hair styling!