Going On An Adventure…

We were all excited for the start of the Summer Holidays. 

Nice sunny skies, for six action packed weeks..


In fact more dull and rainy days than sunshine this week.

No worries though, cloudy days can be fun too. All we need is an idea. Some of our most memorable days of the holiday so far, have been when we woke up with seemingly nothing to do. 

Tuesday being a perfect example. We decided to take a trip to Grandmas house that morning, after nice big breakfast.

For me and my eldest son we took a trip down memory lane. For the younger children a whole new adventure. 

Around 7 years ago we moved away from where Grandma lives. I lived in the village for 35 years. With my eldest son living there until he was 14. Loads of memories for us both then. Only occasionally can he now get to visit Grandma and Grandad with being at University so today he decided to come with us.

Me and my Husband used to take the oldest children running all around the area. My husband racing the kids up the hills. Good old days, when my eldest two children loved running and the Hubby had some speed!!

I used to take them on slow runs and we had all kinds of fun.

So here we are, on a trip down memory lane. 

My daughter said “are you sure we can go up here?” hence puzzled face!!

My 2 sons climbed up the hill and me and my daughter took the twisty turny paths.

At last at the top of the hill. A perfect view for miles around. Even on this dull and cloudy day.

Then me and my oldest son looked at each other and said at the same time “can you remember when we heard someone shouting at us and we ran from the top of the hill down through the farmers fields?”

Then we laughed. I have never run that fast in my life!!

My younger children will have fond memories of this place too now.  Different to ours. Still fun ones, I hope!! They didn’t moan at the detour and even seemed to enjoy all the climbing and walking. Hallelujah….

Interestingly my 21 year old son, was saying “it wasn’t as steep as I remember”. I think whenever you go back to somewhere from your childhood, it never feels quite the same. The hills not as steep, the distance not as far. Although the horse manure still smells, that’s for sure!!

Linking up our outdoors fun with Coombe Mill for Country Kids.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Zara Walker
    23 August 2015 / 14:22

    These photos are beautiful!! It is so satisfying getting to the top of a hill & so lovely that they can compare the steepness and the time it took from when they were smaller too! It makes me think I should start taking the girls to places of my childhood! Lovely post. x

  2. Chloe Ciliberto
    22 August 2015 / 19:35

    Aww what a great adventure. It's so lovely that your eldest got to go too and you both remembered the same funny memory. I went back to some places from my childhood recently with my daughter and they also seemed so much smaller. What beautiful views from the top! Family walks like this are so precious aren't they, especially when one has flown the nest. Thank you so much for linking to #whatevertheweather x

  3. Mackenzie Glanville
    22 August 2015 / 10:14

    Your photos are so beautiful, it was a beautifully written post and made me feel like going and revisiting places from my own past #busydoinglife

  4. 76 sunflowers
    22 August 2015 / 08:03

    Love the finish to your photos and what a great area to walk through and explore – looks good for a trail run too ! 🙂

  5. Claire Ridewood
    22 August 2015 / 07:20

    Great to have you on #busydoinglife again this week! Such happy memories!

  6. lifeloveandlivingwithboys
    21 August 2015 / 17:47

    Beautiful photos! You can really feel the landscape in them. When I try and take a photo like that everything just comes out looking tiny!!! I do only use my phone though 😀 #whatevertheweather #countrykids

  7. Jenny Eaves
    19 August 2015 / 08:03

    Gorgeous photographs! Lovely to visit somewhere with such good memories, sweet that your eldest and you thought of the same thing at the same time!I hope we'll have lots of memories like that one day, to go back to places we love visiting over and over now. :)Thanks for linking up to #Whatevertheweather 🙂 x

  8. helloarchie.blue
    19 August 2015 / 07:00

    Your pictures are stunning, really capture the scenery so well. And what a lovely way to remember old memories. #whatevertheweather

  9. sam r
    18 August 2015 / 19:20

    Gorgeous pictures and lovely to recapture old memories X

  10. pixiedusk
    17 August 2015 / 12:42

    I love how your son says that! Its mean he had got memories of it. Things are really different when you are older! Such a nice trip! I need to do something too as we are just at home most of the time! #countrykids

  11. Suzie Jackson
    16 August 2015 / 23:19

    I was just talking about this same perspective of childhood visiting the same place as adult and how things seem bigger with my 20 year old the other day as we walked! He was also talking of how he thought things seemed bigger & grander or different lol

  12. Claire Ridewood
    16 August 2015 / 19:29

    Such pressious memories and new ones for the younger ids! Your gorgeous Mollie Collie is sure growing up fast! I bet she loved the walk even more that you! Thankyou so much for linkin up with #busydoinglife it's great to have you joining in!

  13. Kirsten Toyne
    16 August 2015 / 08:11

    what a lovely thing to do. I find it amazing to ponder on how my children will remember things differently to me and even think about what things will be their strongest memories. As parents we just cant tell. wonderful views. Kirsten

  14. M.S.
    15 August 2015 / 21:31

    Amazing pictures:) everything looks smaller when you visit places from your childhood I feel:) We went to the Whitting Hospital a couple a years ago to show the kids where they are born:) Fantastic views.

  15. Laura CYMFT
    15 August 2015 / 21:27

    Gorgeous photos. We love going on adventures. Looks like you all had a great time exploring.

  16. EmmaT
    15 August 2015 / 18:12

    Nice to be able to revisit old haunts. And a result getting the kids out without moaning. Love that the scooter went too! #countrykids

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 August 2015 / 20:52

      Hehe thanks Emma, scooter has to come as daughter don't like running for too long 🙂

  17. Sarah
    15 August 2015 / 15:04

    Wow, stunning place and beautiful pics, I love the filter and lighting you used! It's lovely making memories and remembering those good times, hehe. Lovely post 🙂 xx

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 August 2015 / 20:47

      Aww thank you Sarah 🙂

  18. Coombe Mill
    15 August 2015 / 10:51

    What a lovely trek down memory lane, I hope my eldest will still want to come back with us on family days like this when he is off at uni from next autumn. It feels like a scary change on the horizon but your post gives me hope we won't lose him completely. Made me smile that the path didn't seem as steep now that he is older. Thank you for sharing with me on Country Kids.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 August 2015 / 20:47

      I am going through this again this year. My second eldest is off to uni… I am hoping he will like coming home..

  19. SarahMummy
    15 August 2015 / 05:52

    What lovely memories! It's nice to revisit places from the past and it must have been wonderful to introduce your younger children to somewhere that was so special to you all.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 August 2015 / 20:46

      Thanks Sarah, we had a lovely time 🙂

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