Share In Style: Tartan How Would You Style A Tartan Skirt?

Share In Style: Tartan How Would You Style A Tartan Skirt? Hello lovelies, so how are you today? All good I hope. Today I am joining in with the ladies at Share In Style and this week’s theme is Tartan.

I love tartan, especially red tartan and I do own this beautiful red tartan mini skirt. It is short though, so I do always team it up with thick black tights.

Share In Style: Tartan How Would You Style A Tartan Skirt?

Share In Style: Tartan How Would You Style A Tartan Skirt?

Nothing much to say this week… Only… Staying indoors is driving me mad!!

Snow after snow. Cold after cold. Poorly sons at home last week. Daughter ill this week. So looking forward to hitting the gym, walks into town and a few days out at the weekend when husband is off work.

Hopefully by then everyone is well enough to go out.

Until then I am sat looking at the doughnuts my husband brought yesterday!! I know I’m not going to stay healthy and good being inside all day,{ maybe I should eat one now to get it out the way!}. Hopefully I will be able to run it off later.

 Share In Style: Tartan How Would You Style A Tartan Skirt? What I Wore~ Chunky Knit Jumper: Primark || Red Tartan Mini Skirt: Matalan || Thick Black Tights: Tesco || Burgundy Lace Up Ankle Boots:  c/o Shoetique

So what do you think of todays outfit? Would you wear this skirt like this or differently?

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Thrift Thursday: Red Tartan Dress And An Apple Dress. Yesterday was one of those wasted days where you get nothing much done. (I had so much to do too). But it wasn’t all a waste of a 3 mile round journey back to the Doctors because I found these lovely dresses on the pound rail at the charity shop. I hadn’t been to a charity shop in a long time and was quite happy with the clothes I found. Dresses can be found in a local charity shop. Each one costs £1.00!!

It was only because something polka dotty caught my eye from the window as I walked past that I decided to go in. The polka dot top was a little bit big for me, but these were perfect. Have you recently visited a charity shop? Have you found any good deals? Don’t you think they’ll look amazing with leggings and boots? Thrift Thursday: Red Tartan Dress And An Apple Dress.

Share In Style: Tartan How Would You Style A Tartan Skirt?
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Sydney Fashion Hunter
    5 February 2015 / 11:52

    Thanks for linking up to Style to Inspire which I was lucky enough to co-host with Rhea this week. Hope you get a chance to stop by my blog 🙂 Loving your skirt.

  2. Marie
    5 February 2015 / 02:13

    very cute skirt!Marie @ In Our Happy Place

  3. Margarett Murphy
    4 February 2015 / 18:12

    Nice skirt. Hope you get out soon, I hate to stay indoors.

  4. Kezzie
    2 February 2015 / 19:50

    Are you deliberately posting Clara-esque/Doctor Whoesque outfits on a Monday? This skirt is another Clara-lookielike!!! You have to join in TARDIS Tuesday, do do do xxxVery cute and I understand indoors. Am not enjoying my daily 3 miles walk!x

    • 3 February 2015 / 12:30

      Hehe Kezzie, all by accident!! lol I just stopped by to link up but not the hops not on yet… will try again later 🙂 thanks for the reminder x

  5. Simply Sabrina
    2 February 2015 / 12:36

    I totally understand how you feel about staying indoors. The high winds and rain kept me inside all weekend and I just wanted to get out!x. Sabrina | Simply Sabrina

    • 3 February 2015 / 12:26

      Thanks for stopping by Sabrina, it is nice to get out and about isn't it 🙂

  6. Tamar SB
    2 February 2015 / 12:16

    It's another snow day here – I'm spending more time in sweats and PJs than clothes this winter!

    • 3 February 2015 / 12:24

      I like to keep snug when its snowing, talking of snow we have just had another dusting here ..

  7. Please may I?
    2 February 2015 / 11:51

    Loving the outfit. I do like a bit of tartan.hope everyone feels fit and healthy again soon.X x

    • 3 February 2015 / 12:24

      Thanks, nearly all better today, so that is a good sign 🙂

  8. 2 February 2015 / 09:50

    This outfit is too cute. I am currently wanting to add a similar skirt to my closet. Love yours.

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