Take A Walk With Me Around Birmingham


Take A Walk With Me Around Birmingham.

Happy Friday Friends. We are still enjoying the hot weather. Take care today as I have heard it is going to be the hottest day of the year.

But then the weatherman could have got it wrong as it was so hot yesterday. Every day, I think it is the hottest day as we have had as we have never had it this hot in the UK.

It has eventually started to rain again. Yesterday the 2 youngest children and I had a walk out to see Grandma and Grandad.

1 mile away from their house it started to rain. Not just any rain either.

Thunder, torrential rain and big hailstones. It was awful being caught up in it. I had to put my handbag over my head to stop the pain of the hailstones hitting my head and we all had to run, very fast.

When we got to my Mum and Dad’s we were soaked to the bone, squelching as we walked. As soon as we arrived, it turns out beautiful again. Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time!

Welcome To The Weekend Link Up. #WelcomeToTheWeekendLinkUp

Thanks for stopping by today and I hope you have fun at this week’s blog hop.

Take A Walk With Me Around Birmingham:

Today I am sharing a few more photos from a recent shopping trip to Birmingham today. You can find my first post here: Desperately Seeking Alice In Wonderland.

Take A Walk With Me Around Birmingham
Take A Walk With Me Around Birmingham
Take A Walk With Me Around Birmingham
Take A Walk With Me Around Birmingham
Take A Walk With Me Around Birmingham
Take A Walk With Me Around Birmingham
Take A Walk With Me Around Birmingham

Take A Walk With Me Around Birmingham:

Have you ever been to Birmingham before?

We loved it here but was in a rush as I was on a mission.

Hopefully, we will visit again soon when we have more time.

If you like shopping, you will love it here as it has plenty of amazing shops here.

Take A Walk With Me Around Birmingham:

Welcome To The Weekend Link Up Guidelines:


Please only link up family-friendly posts!

Link up any posts or straight to your homepage. You can link any posts up on Friday’s. No need for a theme.

Please tweet me any links you have add to the link up to me @clairejustineo using the  #Weekendbloghop hashtag and I will favourite, retweet and reply.

Also try to stop by over the weekend when you have a spare five minutes and comment on a few of the blogs that have linked up.

Link back to the Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop party in your posts to spread the word.  You can either link back or grab a Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop widget from my blog hop page.

It would be great if you would like to follow me in some way? Let me know in the comments below if you do, so I can follow you back.

This Linky Has Now Ended.

Some Posts You Might Have Missed:

Firstly, did you read this Create Your Very Own BerryWorld Pimm’s Jellies.

Secondly, share your photos with us every Wednesday: Master Of Science: The Wednesday Link Up.

Thirdly, do not forget to join us at Creative Monday: Outfit Of The Day And A Trip To Skegness #CreativeMondaysLinkUp.

See you at another blog hop soon.

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Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. 27 July 2018 / 22:17

    Never been to Birmingham. Weer always go to the south or the west!

    • Claire
      5 August 2018 / 13:04

      Thanks for stopping by Nancy 🙂

  2. rawsonjl
    27 July 2018 / 21:41

    Oh no! We’ve had torrential downpours off and on all week with little to no notice either; thankfully we haven’t had any hail though. Thank goodness for purses! LOL.

  3. Cheryl Shops
    27 July 2018 / 18:56

    I was in Birmingham for a wedding last year and thought it was such a cute city! Have a great weekend, Claire, and stay cool!
    Cheryl Shops

    • Claire
      5 August 2018 / 09:50

      Oh wow Cheryl. I bet it was lovely 🙂

  4. shelbeeontheedge1
    27 July 2018 / 17:20

    Claire, such fun vibrant photos of so many cheerful things! I hear you about the heat. I just can’t take it either. I am ready for Fall! Have a great weekend!


    • Claire
      3 August 2018 / 21:53

      Thanks Shelbee, I do love Autumn but not a fan of Winter 🙂

  5. 27 July 2018 / 17:01

    Thanks for hosting Claire! We’ve had some days like that, sunny and bright one minute and then torrential downpour the next. That day in Birmingham looked like a lot of fun! Have a wonderful weekend!

    • Claire
      3 August 2018 / 21:52

      Thank Heather 🙂 Thankfully it has turned warm again.

  6. 27 July 2018 / 15:54

    What a beautiful city. I would love to go there. Thanks for sharing it. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.

    • Claire
      3 August 2018 / 21:46

      Thank you Patrick. I can not wait to visit again.

  7. passion fruit, paws and peonies
    27 July 2018 / 13:52

    I’ve never been to Birmingham but it does look so nice there! xx Maria

    • Claire
      3 August 2018 / 21:29

      Thanks for joining us Maria 🙂

  8. 27 July 2018 / 13:08

    Have a great weekend!

    • Claire
      27 July 2018 / 13:51

      Thanks Carol, you too 🙂

  9. awayfromtheblue
    27 July 2018 / 12:34

    It looks so beautiful! What lovely photos! 🙂

    Thank you for the link up!

    Hope you are having a great week 🙂 I went to a blogging event today, it was a lot of fun 🙂

    • Claire
      27 July 2018 / 12:50

      That sound s lovely Mica. Love blogging events 🙂

    • Claire
      27 July 2018 / 12:48

      Thanks Tamar 🙂

  10. Maureen
    27 July 2018 / 10:45

    It has been very hot in my neck of the woods! Though I am at my parents this week and there is a 20 degree difference! Wow, I am glad you are all okay and made it through a hailing storm. That must have been a crazy experience! I have not been to Birmingham but it looks like a wonderful place to visit! Wishing you a marvelous weekend Claire!


    • Claire
      27 July 2018 / 12:47

      Thanks Maureen. It was such a horrid experience.

  11. 27 July 2018 / 09:44

    Wow! That sounds like crazy weather! I’m glad you’re all okay and I hope the kids have a great story to tell their friends. Thanks for hosting!

    • Claire
      27 July 2018 / 12:46

      Thanks Christina, ha, we will be talking about this for week 🙂

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