Time For Another Creative Mondays Blog Hop

Time For Another Creative Mondays Blog Hop. Happy Monday, everyone. How has your weekend been? We had lots of fun at cross country again this weekend; my youngest children have been racing again. I ende up taking Mollie again but she was well behaved this week, nothing like last week, thankfully..

Taking of running, the London Ballots magazines will be arriving on the doorsteps from today.

Fingers crossed I get a “Your’re In the London Marathon” magazine!! 

So many great, creative, tasty and stylish posts linked up again last week, thank you everyone!!

It is so hard to pick just 10 post, but here are this weeks features:

Penny’s vintage home is so beautiful. I always love to stop by her blog to see what has been keeping Penny busy lately. Her Fall Centerpiece Is Stunning.

I love Pam, from Threading My Ways Reusable Fabric Grocery Bag.

Fiona from Dolly Dowsie’s After Eight Cheesecake looks amazing. Every time I see it I want to eat it … All of it though; not just a slice!!!

Erin from Happily howards has some beautiful Summer outfits and shares her Instagram outfit round ups.

Fiona from Fawns And Fables shares these amazing Heavenly Rainbow Cupcakes

Fiona from Coombe Mill chattering ghost bunting is great fun for Halloween, such a creative idea to recycle your old cans!!

Kezzie’s musical card that she made for her music conductor at choir is beautiful and very creative.

Apple picking is so much fun and From the Family With Love share so adorable pictures of her son picking and eating the yummy apples.

Bi Ti ( B T) from Prêt-à-Vivre shares a lovely outfit she from her teenage daughter. It will not be too long for me to be borrowing clothes from my daughter wardrobe!!

Time For Another Creative Mondays Blog Hop

How adorable are these Mister Berwyn Teapots, cups and saucers?

Time For Another Creative Mondays Blog Hop

Creative Mondays Link Up:

Link up straight to a blog post you want to share.

Please follow your Creative Mondays host.

Have fun hopping around the Creative Mondays blog hop.

Please add the Creative Monday blog button or link back to this post in your blog posts.

Tweet me your links #CreativeMondays.

Do not forget to check back next week to see if your post has been feature.

This linky party has now closed.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook



  1. Melanies Fab Finds
    16 October 2016 / 14:31

    That Autumn centerpiece is gorgeous and those brownies look delicious! Looks like a popular link up.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      18 October 2016 / 08:23

      Thanks Melanie, it is beautiful isn't it 🙂

    • Zena's Suitcase
      21 October 2016 / 19:09

      That after eight chocolate cheese cake sounds amazing, Id have to have more than a slice too

  2. Kara Guppy
    14 October 2016 / 12:59

    That centre piece is truly stunning, wow!!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 October 2016 / 20:45

      Thanks Kara 🙂

  3. Maria Parenti-Baldey
    14 October 2016 / 10:38

    Good luck with your London Marathon Magazine entry. That centrepiece is magnificent. Loved the red tea set.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 October 2016 / 20:45

      Thanks for joining us Maria 🙂

  4. Jodie Dewberry
    14 October 2016 / 10:38

    So many great links in here! Fingers crossed for the marathon 🙂

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 October 2016 / 20:44

      Thanks for stopping by Jodie 🙂

  5. Baby Isabella
    14 October 2016 / 09:44

    Good luck with the marathon entry! That autumn centrepiece looks amazing! Off to read some posts

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 October 2016 / 20:42

      Thanks lovely. Aww; I didn't get in the marathon!!

  6. Stella Olojola
    14 October 2016 / 09:13

    I enjoy link ups like this. It's a chance to see what other blogs are up to at the same time.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 October 2016 / 20:41

      Thanks Stella 🙂

  7. The Parenting Trials
    14 October 2016 / 05:20

    Ooo love finding new blogs and instgram etc to browse and follow:) great link up x

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 October 2016 / 20:40

      Aww, thank you 🙂

  8. Jayne SMABL
    14 October 2016 / 04:40

    What a fab idea for a blog hop.I love the centrepiece and that cheesecake looks amazbles!! Hope you get your claim to fame in the mag! x

    • Clairejustine oxox
      14 October 2016 / 21:16

      Aww, thank you Jayne, no I did not get to run next years Marathon 🙁

  9. beautyqueenuk
    13 October 2016 / 21:12

    That After Eight cheesecake looks absolutely immense, wow x

    • Clairejustine oxox
      14 October 2016 / 21:13

      It does, doesn't it!? I could just eat some every time I see it 🙂

  10. Mumdadplus4
    13 October 2016 / 13:30

    Oh what a great linky some great posts linked up I must remember to link up later when back home. Loving the sound of the after eight cheesecake as well that is heaven to my ears.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      14 October 2016 / 21:12

      Thank you :):)

  11. Little B And Me
    13 October 2016 / 12:00

    Love these!The bag has to be my favourite <3

    • Clairejustine oxox
      14 October 2016 / 21:10

      Thanks lovely 🙂

  12. Dean B
    13 October 2016 / 09:11

    This looks like a fun linky to link-up with 🙂 And I'm also crossing my fingers for you, hopefully you'll be on that London Marathon magazine 🙂

    • Clairejustine oxox
      14 October 2016 / 21:09

      Thanks Dean, I was just hoping to get the your in the London marathon magazine but I just got an email saying I was not in 🙁

  13. Petite Silver Vixen
    11 October 2016 / 21:16

    Fingers crossed for you with the marathon ballot! You are brave wanting to run in it! I only run for buses and trains!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      14 October 2016 / 21:05

      Thanks lovely. I did not get in but it just means I have no pressure through Winter now to run :):)

    • Clairejustine oxox
      14 October 2016 / 21:03

      Thanks for joining us 🙂

  14. Jill Shepherd
    10 October 2016 / 23:19

    Thanks so much for hosting Claire. Good luck with getting into the London Marathon – that would be so exciting!!! Hope you have a lovely week!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      14 October 2016 / 21:00

      Thanks for linking up Jill, aww no I did not get in this time 🙁

  15. Fiona
    10 October 2016 / 18:30

    My fingers are crossed for you about the magazine, I hope you get in! Thank you so much for featuring my bakes this week, I was delighted to see them amongst all the amazing posts – so much inspiration! I've linked up again this week, thanks for hosting 🙂

    • Clairejustine oxox
      14 October 2016 / 20:53

      Hi Fiona, great thank you 🙂 Your bakes look amazing, I could eat them all day..

  16. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    10 October 2016 / 14:14

    Fingers crossed for you Claire Justine! I love this round up!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      14 October 2016 / 20:39

      Thanks Heather 🙂

  17. RedTagChicLosAngeles
    10 October 2016 / 12:35

    Check out how I merged a bit of Fall and Summer in a single look at the blog this week and let me know what you think!Happy Monday!Rebecca

    • Clairejustine oxox
      14 October 2016 / 20:39

      Hopping by now Rebecca 🙂 Thanks for linking up..

  18. Elegance and Mommyhood
    10 October 2016 / 12:31

    Wow that Fall center piece is gorgeous and so is handmade card. Love the colorful cupcakes too. I am glad you enjoyed your cross country weekend.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      14 October 2016 / 20:39

      Thanks Ada 🙂

  19. 50 Days Of No Grey
    10 October 2016 / 03:14

    Hope you get in that magazine – how exciting! Thanks for hosting!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      14 October 2016 / 20:38

      Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  20. Annie
    10 October 2016 / 03:11

    How exciting you may be in the magazine! Thank you for the party!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      14 October 2016 / 20:35

      I did not get in next years London Marathon 🙁

  21. Pam @Threading My Way
    10 October 2016 / 01:10

    Thanks for featuring my grocery bag, Claire. Have a fun week.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      14 October 2016 / 20:34

      Thanks for linking up Pam 🙂

  22. Penny @ Penny's Vintage Home
    9 October 2016 / 23:02

    It is so sweet of you to feature my new fall centerpiece….thank you so much! Have a great week…hugs..

    • Clairejustine oxox
      10 October 2016 / 20:34

      It is beautiful Penny, thanks for sharing 🙂

  23. Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas
    9 October 2016 / 22:02

    Thanks so much for the party!!Hugs,Debbie

    • Clairejustine oxox
      10 October 2016 / 20:33

      Thanks for stopping by Debbie 🙂

  24. Tamar SB
    9 October 2016 / 21:16

    Good luck with your marathon ballot!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      10 October 2016 / 20:32

      Thanks Tamar, not heard anything yet..

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