What I Wore To Lincoln: Flowery Maxi Dress

What I Wore To Lincoln: Creative Mondays Blog Hop

What I Wore To Lincoln: Flowery Maxi Dress Ans A Creative Mondays Blog Hop.

Hello and welcome to Creative Mondays hosted by Clairejustineoxox and Judyh-jsThoughts. A link up where you can link up all your creative post each week.

So what have you all been up to this week?

What I Wore To Lincoln: Flowery Maxi Dress:

Wow been another busy week again with the children off school and finding lots of new and exciting places to visit. It is really taking it out of me and making me tired. Ha!!

I don’t know how I’m going to manage to be fit for a marathon in 9 weeks time, I just hope the energy comes from somewhere!!

This week we went to Lincoln, I have only visited a few time once about 5 years ago when I did a race. I didn’t really get chance to look around as I was focusing on the race. Also, maybe I think we visited when I was little.

Lincoln is such a beautiful place. When I get lots of spare time I will get around to posting pictures. But until then, I’m sharing my what I wore and where I wore it outfit post.

This was one of the steepest hills. The steepest hill I have ever walked up. It went on forever, No wonder I was worn out when we got to the top. Also, as for being tired I fell to sleep as soon as we got home.

What I Wore To Lincoln: Creative Mondays Blog Hop

I had to laugh when I was looking though our snaps I found this picture on my husbands camera.

Yes it is a steep hill I can tell you.

Now I know why there was lots of seats at the top of the hill. Me and the children ran to the empty seats to grab a minute’s rest.

What I Wore To Lincoln: Creative Mondays Blog Hop

Me and mini me have been love wearing our maxi skirts this week.

I didn’t realised until we were half way down to the hairdressers to get my daughters hair cut, that we were playing twins.

What I Wore To Lincoln: Creative Mondays Blog Hop

A peep of my 3 Jane Norman dresses, I got in the sales was £210-00 for all 3 and got them all marked down for £10-00 each. Bargain or what!?

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Michelle
    10 August 2012 / 10:02

    I love your dress, I need more bright clothes. If I had a daughter I know I'd purposely have us in matching clothes sometimes 🙂

    • 10 August 2012 / 19:29

      Thanks Michelle,we alway like the sames clothes 🙂

  2. obat kuat
    7 August 2012 / 04:26

    good posting about"What I Wore To Lincoln : Creative Mondays Blog Hop… "

  3. schoolgatestyle
    6 August 2012 / 22:15

    I love your maxi dress!! It's gorgeous…I never see beautiful dresses like that in Matalan when I'm in! Looks like you had a great time – I love the photo of you all flopped down on the seat at the top 🙂 Avril x

    • 10 August 2012 / 19:07

      Thanks I brought in in May and have worn it loads I love it 🙂

  4. Blissful Baker
    6 August 2012 / 16:35

    Thanks for hosting! Have a great day! :)Check out my latest recipe, review & giveaway @ Baking Blissful

  5. Clara Turbay
    6 August 2012 / 13:57

    Your suggestions are always inspiring.

  6. Jessica
    6 August 2012 / 14:26

    Pretty dress! Thanks for hosting.

  7. BonBon Rose Girls Kristin
    6 August 2012 / 05:35

    What a beautiful print that dress is!

  8. Megan, The Frugalista Diaries
    6 August 2012 / 02:47

    gorgeous dress Xo Megan

  9. Lyuba @ Will Cook For Smiles
    6 August 2012 / 01:29

    Thank you so much for the party! Have a great week 🙂

  10. Judy Haughton-James
    5 August 2012 / 21:58

    I am glad you and your family have been having good times Clairejustine! The pictures are so lovely. What a beautiful dress you wore to Lincoln! The materials used for the 3 dresses are also beautiful. It is great to be co-hosting again. Have a wonderful week.

    • 6 August 2012 / 07:59

      Hi Judy thank you 🙂 thanks for co hosting ….

  11. Giancarlo
    5 August 2012 / 21:45

    buona serata e felice inizio settimana…ciao

  12. Pieces of Sunshine
    5 August 2012 / 21:27

    It may be very steep but it looks like delightful place to walk, so much history and variety.

  13. Winnie
    5 August 2012 / 20:25

    Such a beautiful pattern!:) Love your dress, and I'll say it again – red is definitely your color :)Thanks for anther party, hope you're enjoying the games 🙂

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