A Walk In The Woods: Weekend Blog Hop

A Walk In The Woods: Weekend Blog Hop.

Happy Friday and welcome to the weekend blog hop. 

Every day Mollie and I take a few walks in the park and woods. Sometimes I am lucky and my 2 youngest children come with us.

Not much luck in the week, though.

As we take our 1st walk when the children leave for school and the 2nd walk an hour before the children get home from school.

This way we can all get our walk done before school has ended and then me and the children can do our run’s before it gets dark. 

 Mollie leads the way, as always.

We take the same route and play the same game of frisbee as Mollie loves routine.  

We even put her back on the lead at the same spot as she waits for not one but two treats for being a good girl.

Every photo of Mollie the Collie is of her in full focused frisbee mode.

I wish I could be this focused on exercise, especially running!! Maybe one day. I can dream, can’t I!?  

A Walk In The Woods: Weekend Blog Hop

We love our walkies every day. I feel so much better after our morning walk. Sets me up nicely for the whole day. Now I am looking for signs of Spring appearing in the woods.

A Walk In The Woods: Weekend Blog Hop

Please follow the weekend blog hop rules:

  1. Link up any family friendly posts. Have fun and enjoy yourself it is Friday!? Yeah!! Grab your favourite drink and join us at the blog hop. Links can be on any topic as you would like to share. They can including recipes, crafts, decor, style, household tips, anything that you have been writing about lately.
  2. Please follow me your host of this weekend blog hop on at least one social media channel of your choice. All ways to follow can be found on the sidebar above.
  3. Feel free to add as many posts of your choice on the weekend blog hop. 
  4. Please try and support your fellow blog hopper by visiting some of the other posts that have linked up to the blog hop too. Makes the blog hop more fun for everyone.
  5. Feel free to tweet me at @clairejustineo your posts links using the #weekendbloghop hastag in your social media posts.

Happy Weekend!!

This list is no longer available due to old or broken links.

See you on-

Creative Mondays – on a Monday. The Wednesday Blog Hop – on a Wednesday. Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop – on a Friday.

Did You Read These Posts:

How To Make Lisa Roukin’s Moroccan Granola.

How To Make Shallot, Cherry Tomato And Mascarpone Pizza.

How To Make A Glass Noodle Salad With Squid And Prawns.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. Elegance and Mommyhood
    18 February 2017 / 15:20

    Such gorgeous photos Claire. I love them. That is a pretty forest.Enjoy the weekend!!

  2. Ramona
    18 February 2017 / 14:38

    Cute dog!! I wish I had woods close to my home.

  3. Maria Parenti-Baldey
    17 February 2017 / 23:45

    Great photos. What a wonderful place to walk, Claire can you delete my #29 with the blank pic. I did it on the iPad. I'll redo when I get to my laptop today.

  4. Paula Rockwell
    17 February 2017 / 19:11

    Looks like a nice place to walk..Mollie is so cute :)Thanks for hosting!

  5. csuhpat1
    17 February 2017 / 18:08

    What a great pic of the woods and Mollie. Very nice.

  6. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    17 February 2017 / 15:33

    What great photos of Mollie and the woods. Looks like spring is coming!

  7. Shelbee On The Edge
    17 February 2017 / 14:17

    Claire, the greens you have captured are so beautiful! And so is Miss Molly! Have a fabulous weekend.Shelbee

  8. Doused In Pink
    17 February 2017 / 12:36

    Your photos are beautiful and Mollie is adorable! Thank you for the linkup!JillDoused In Pink

  9. vanity andme
    17 February 2017 / 06:37

    Thank you for hosting Claire. Have a great weekend xwww.vanityandmestyle.com

    • Clairejustine oxox
      18 February 2017 / 11:18

      Thanks Laurie, you too 🙂

  10. Tamar SB
    17 February 2017 / 02:17

    What lovely woods! Bet she had a grand time.

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