Brighton Doughnut Sculpture

Brighton Doughnut Sculpture And What I Wore.

Hello friends, Happy Monday. So how are you today?

I am back home after a few days away in Blackpool, London and Brighton.

It was a bit rainy in Blackpool, really warm in London and red hot in Brighton. I didn’t want to come home! Then when we did get back home, it did nothing but rain and then rain again, grr!!!

So today I am sharing some photos taken at the Brighton donut sculpture.

Brighton Doughnut Sculpture

Brighton Doughnut Sculpture And What I Wore:

Discover the sweet artistry of Brighton’s iconic Doughnut Sculpture and see for yourself in a visual journey of travel and style.

Explore ‘What I Wore’ at this beloved landmark, where art meets fashion in a fun post.

Brighton Doughnut Sculpture

Brighton Doughnut Sculpture And What I Wore.

So how cool is this doughnut sculpture in Brighton?

‘Afloat’ is the sculpture in Brighton and it is a huge circular donut-shaped globe cast in bronze. A green bronze colour with little cut-outs on it.

Brighton Doughnut Sculpture

Situated at the seaward end of the groyne, its centre at eye level allows a view of our world through the sculpture.

Reminds me, of how yummy are donuts at the seaside are! All warm and sweet.

I love a donut that has just been made at the beach.

Over 50s Lifestyle Blogger

Brighton Doughnut Sculpture And What I Wore:

Brighton Doughnut Sculpture And What I Wore.

What I Wore: Dress: Apricot Clothing. Just picked up from the Apricot Clothing Shop in Meadowhall in the sale.

Brighton Doughnut Sculpture

Also, I have been promising my husband a trip to Brighton, ever since I first visited in January 2020 when I went to meet up with my cousins.

Such a fun trip. You can read more about that here:

40 Years Cousins Reunion In Brighton:

40 Years Cousins Reunion In Brighton.

On Monday I mentioned I was away for the weekend with my cousins. After 40 years since we last we all together…we all meet again… How fabulous it was!!

The photo below was around 40 years ago and how we all look now!!

When we were growing we all loved spending time together.

We all have fond memories of each other when we were kids but then all of a sudden we never seen each other for one reason or another. Family moves around the world, sometimes they fall out, and life gets in the way.

So then before you know it 40 years have passed by and the children are adults with just the great memories of what they remember of each other to be like. 40 Years Cousins Reunion In Brighton.

Brighton Doughnut Sculpture

So what do you think of this donut? You can also read more about me here: Over 50s Lifestyle Blog.

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Brighton Doughnut Sculpture And What I Wore:

Brighton Doughnut Sculpture And What I Wore.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me here: Over 50s Lifestyle Blog.

Thank you so much for stopping by. I also hope you liked this post. Follow along On Facebook And Instagram for more fun posts.

Over 50s Lifestyle Blogger
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. mireille
    26 September 2023 / 13:17

    What a fun sculpture! I love how the pictures through the hole turned out! I love taking pictures through openings, windows and such when traveling.

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