It’s A Bit To Windy For The Log Flume Just Yet

It’s A Bit To Windy For The Log Flume Just Yet: Welcome To The Weekend Link Up. Hello friends, it has been so windy this week. Enough to blow your socks off. Imagine going on the log flume in this weather!?

Is There A Log Flume On Brighton Pier. Oh yes, here it is:

It's A Bit To Windy For The Log Flume Just Yet

It is free to get onto the pier and walk to the end and back again. You just pay for what you do and go on.

It’s A Bit To Windy For The Log Flume Just Yet:

So today I’m sharing a few fun photos from Brighton Pier when we visited a few weeks ago. It was a lovely day but very cold. I was trying to capture some photos of the seagulls flying but they moved so quick.

It's A Bit To Windy For The Log Flume Just Yet

They do move quickly when there is food around too.

We were just walking out the pier and one swooped down so quickly to grab someone’s food out their hand. They were so mad as I would be if I had just purchased something nice to eat!

It's A Bit To Windy For The Log Flume Just Yet

The photo below looks like a great spot to sit at in Summer. Watching the world go by in the sunshine!

It's A Bit To Windy For The Log Flume Just Yet

It’s A Bit To Windy For The Log Flume Just Yet:

Travel Plans For This Year On Hold. We had so many new travel plans for this year but they are on hold with the virus going around at the minute. I do not want to book things and they are cancelled last minute.

It's A Bit To Windy For The Log Flume Just Yet

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It’s A Bit To Windy For The Log Flume Just Yet. Latest From The blog.

It's A Bit To Windy For The Log Flume Just Yet
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. 15 March 2020 / 09:04

    I love that on Brighton pier! Can t wait to go there but I might have to delay. Happy Sunday!

  2. 13 March 2020 / 19:56

    Loge flumes are so much fun… when the weather is nice and warm.

  3. Heather
    13 March 2020 / 16:40

    That looks like fun when the weather is warm!!

  4. 13 March 2020 / 15:38

    Had a couple of nicer days here recently, would be nice to get better, dryer weather I just want to cut my grass now, its way too long! Thanks for sharing and hosting Claire. Jacqui xx

  5. Jill
    13 March 2020 / 13:18

    We had so much rain the past few weeks but we’ve finally got some warmth and sunshine. Your photos are fabulous! Thank you for the linkup!


  6. Shelbee on the Edge
    13 March 2020 / 12:29

    It is super windy and very rainy here today! Stay warm and have a great weekend!


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