Never Rains But It Pours… Over 40 Style Blogger

Never Rains But It Pours… Over 40 Style Blogger. Hello friends. Happy Thursday.

Hold your breath and count to ten
Feel the Earth move and then
Hear my heart burst again
For this is the end- Adele Lyrics – Skyfall

Never Rains But It Pours... Over 40 Style Blogger

Never Rains But It Pours… Over 40 Style Blogger:

Another sad day, yesterday. Not only did my dad die on 20th January, but two weeks after he died, his letter arrived to book his vaccine 🙁 Hold your breath and count to ten…

Never Rains But It Pours... Over 40 Style Blogger

In Other News:

7 whole days and nights I’ve got to live in another kind of pain.
Toothache is horrible and the dentist can’t fit me in to have my broken filling replaced for a week.
Last night I was in so much pain as I drifted back to sleep I jumped out of bed as I thought I had an electric shock.
7 more sleeps of the most awful pain.

Miss Piggy Shoes

Never Rains But It Pours… Over 40 Style Blogger What I Wore:

Shoes: Irregular Choice || Dress: Kaliko

*The photo was taken a few weeks ago by my daughter*

Hot Pink Dress Teamed Up With Miss Piggy Shoes:

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  • Secondly, Irregular Choice Miss Piggy Shoes. I love Irregular choice shoes, I have an obsession with them and love to collect them. Irregular Choice Miss Piggy Shoes. Trouble is I do not often wear them often as they are usually too high to wear for long without my feet aching. I can not usually walk out too far in them, that’s for sure.
  • Thirdly, Monster From The Muppets: Irregular Choice. see the pair of shoes I got for Christmas for example!: Monster From The Muppets: Irregular Choice.
  • Last but not least, Lovely In Lace: Kaliko Dress Review: How I Styled It. Dress from 2015 and still love wearing it. You can catch my review here wearing my other Irregular Choice Shoes. Lovely In Lace: Kaliko Dress Review: How I Styled It.

You Might Also Like: These Cake Recipe Ideas:

Firstly, Eggs-tra Special Chocolate And Beetroot Cupcakes, Anyone? Everyone enjoys a chocolate cupcake, and these will not disappoint! In addition, the Oatbran and beetroot add to their health benefits! Eggs-tra Special Chocolate And Beetroot Cupcakes. So yummy.

Secondly, Beetroot and Vanilla Cup Cakes With Rose Butter Icing. Greetings, friends. So, how are things going for you today? Anyone for Rose Butter Icing Cupcakes? So delectable!? Beetroot And Vanilla Cup Cakes With Rose Butter Icing.

Thirdly, Beetroot Brownies: Why Not Add Some Vegetables Too? Anyone for a vegetable cake? Today I have a guest post from Haywards for some Beetroot Brownies. Our young beetroot lends a pop of colour and a sweet and tart punch to these chocolate-laden brownies.” Beetroot Brownies.

Never Rains But It Pours… Over 40 Style Blogger:

Thanks so much for stopping by.

Never Rains But It Pours... Over 40 Style Blogger
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. 15 February 2021 / 22:11

    Really sorry to hear your dad has passed, and toothache, ouch. Hope that at least that pain can be remedied quickly. Take care, and thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo

  2. 10 February 2021 / 11:38

    Claire, I am so sorry that you have to deal with tooth pain while also processing your grief. Life really is something else when it keeps just pouring down all this stuff on you. Sending you lots of positive healing energy and virtual hugs, my friend! You look beautiful in your pink dress, by the way. And I am sure that your Miss Piggy shoes help to make you smile a little bit.


  3. 5 February 2021 / 09:34

    I’m sorry about what happen. My condolence.

    It’s difficult now, but the downpour will end …
    Hang in there and all the best!

  4. 5 February 2021 / 01:38

    Love the dress!
    I lost my husband just before all the Covid stuff shut everything down. It took 6 months to do something that it should have taken only 2 days. I am still getting mail form accounts I have closes…Somebody said to me:
    “Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.”
    I wrote it on a card and out it in my wallet and read it often.
    You DO make a difference.
    Tomorrow I hope you have a marvellously Happy Day!

    • 9 February 2021 / 10:44

      oh no, I am so sorry to hear this. Thank you so much for your positive comment, means a lot to me 🙂 x

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