Diet & Fitness Mondays: Lots Of Running Fun

Diet & Fitness Mondays: Lots Of Running Fun. Hello friends, so how are you today? Love racing? Haha, I’m not a fan but we did have fun. Fun run, and fun over the weekend.

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Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them. – Arnold Schwarzenegger

Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them. – Arnold Schwarzenegger

Diet & Fitness Mondays: Lots Of Running Fun:

So this weeks training: 28 miles running 1 mile swim last week training.

Monday 2nd May: Bank holiday and day off from fitness.

Tuesday 3rd May: 5 miles 00:40mins  07:57 pace. 5* 1 mile reps at club with 2 mins recovery between.

Wednesday 4th May: 5.23 miles   00:55 mins 10:25 pace. Nice morning recovery run after last nights mile efforts.

Thursday 5th May: 1 mile swim 1 hour. 2 mi 00:20 warm up run /cool down. 3.17 miles 00:27 mins 08:25 pace. Pyramid session at club, stop on blow of a whistle rest then back to the start.

Friday 6th May: Day off from training a day out shopping with yesterdays birthday money.

Saturday 7th May: 7.21 miles 01h:06 mins  09:08 pace. Nice run with friends tried to run at a good tempo.

Sunday 8th May: Woke up and decided to do a race though it was flat but it so wasn’t. 6.27 miles 00:54mins 08:38 pace 10k

  • Mile 1) 9 mins 59 sec All up hill so tough.
  •  Mile 2) 10mins 41sec still all up hill still tough.
  •  Mile 3) 9 mins 30 sec still up hill but started to ease.
  •  Mile 4) 7 mins 37 sec down hill nice.
  •  Mile 5) 7 mins 31 sec down hill still nice.
  •  Mile 6) 6 mins 55 sec down hill this must be my fastest ever mile.
Diet & Fitness Mondays: Lots Of Running Fun

Diet & Fitness Mondays: Lots Of Running Fun:

Very challenging race. Time 54-10 mins.

  • 9th woman
  • 2nd in my age group.
  • 75th place out of 147 runners.
  • My Son 6th place 1st under 20 at the age of 16 and won a trophy.

                             Me and My Son.

Away we go!

Diet & Fitness Mondays: Lots Of Running Fun

My youngest son waiting for us with dad.

Diet & Fitness Mondays: Lots Of Running Fun

Thumb’s up if your OK.

Diet & Fitness Mondays: Lots Of Running Fun

My little girl having a go.


Diet & Fitness Mondays: Lots Of Running Fun

1st under 20

Diet & Fitness Mondays: Lots Of Running Fun

Someone is waiting for me! Aww..

Here I come.

Diet & Fitness Mondays: Lots Of Running Fun

                                      Finished. Someone had plenty of time to get their breath back!!

                               Can’t get my breath.

                                       Fly in my water.

                             Me and my shadow.

My son collecting his Trophy.

What training have you been doing over the weekend? Anything fun?

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Diet & Fitness Mondays: Lots Of Running Fun

Thank you so much for stopping by. I also hope you liked this post.

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Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Mammy Dolittle
    10 May 2011 / 12:20

    Well done you! There is something so wrong with me reading this 'healthy blog' whilst drinking tea and eating Cabury's mini rolls 🙂

  2. 10 May 2011 / 12:50

    Thank you Jeanine :)Thank you Mammy Dolittle,i could just do with a mini roll and a cup of tea 🙂

  3. Jeanine Byers Hoag
    10 May 2011 / 02:41

    Claire, congratulations to both you and your son for your running success and achievement!!Dieting, ick! But actually, I am trying to lose a little weight. Not trying very hard, though.Jeanine

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