National Fish And Chip Day: The Weekend Blog Hop

National Fish And Chip Day

National Fish And Chip Day: The Weekend Blog Hop. Happy Friday. So how are you today? Welcome to the weekend blog hop party.

I really have that Friday feeling today. I just want to go get out of the house with the children and have some fun.

So how about you?

Today is also National Fish And Chip Day, how yummy!?

National Fish And Chip Day: The Weekend Blog Hop:

We never need a reason for chips, lol. We also love to buy our fish and chips on a Friday as it is the best day of the week to buy them.

The school has usually finished for the week and it is the weekend, what better day?

Our chippy is always busy on a Friday too so as one fish is sold another is being replaced. No old cold or hanging around chips on a Friday.

Fresh from the fat and oh so tasty. Cover in salt and vinegar, perfection!

What is your favourite food from the chip shop?

I think mine might be battered sausage chips and peas!

Anyway, would you like to make some of your own healthier fish and chips?

How To Make Healthy Oven Baked Fish And Chips:

So are you looking to make a weekend treat more healthy?

Do you also want to know how to make healthy oven baked fish & chips?

Make this low-fat recipe for a healthy & tasty family favourite option! A quick and healthy version of fish and chips. Perfect for a treat dinner without cheating if you are counting the calories.

Delicious and healthy, what is not to love!? How To Make Healthy Oven Baked Fish And Chips.

National Fish And Chip Day: The Weekend Blog Hop

Now onto this week’s Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop Linky Party 02/06/2017 National Fish And Chip Day:

National Fish And Chip Day: The Weekend Blog Hop:

Would you also like to join us today?

Fish and chips all around?

So to join in this weeks fun all weekend long fun blog hop simply-

1. Firstly, link up as many of your favourite posts from the last few weeks as you would like too or simply link up your main blog and not to a post if you prefer.

2. Please kindly follow me here if you would like to? but not essential. Let me know if you are new followers so I can hop over and follow you back.

3. Please add the welcome to the weekend blog widget to your posts or add a link back to the hop in your posts or on your blog hop page or sidebar. This way others can find the hop and join in the fun too.

4. Have fun blog hopping around all new blogs that have linked up today and finding new posts to read, blogs to comment on and new followers.

5. Try to stop by a few blogs and leave a comment after linking up and comment back if someone stops by, it makes the blog hop much more fun 🙂

6.) Tweet me your links over at @clairejustineo on Twitter and I will share your posts.

Last but not least, have lots of fun.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you again on Monday for Creative Mondays Blog Hop and The Wednesday blog hop.

This Link Up Has Now Ended.

National Fish And Chip Day

Did You See These Posts:

Firstly, 4 Essential Summer Pieces From Bonmarché:

Hope you’re having a lovely week? How quickly is this week going? Blink and the children will be back to school. 4 Essential Summer Pieces From Bonmarché.

Secondly, Weekend In Skegness: The Wednesday Blog Hop:

Thanks for stopping by this weeks, The Wordless or Not So Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

Welcome back to another fun photo sharing blog hop. Have you got some photos to share?

What pictures have you been snapping away at this week? Weekend In Skegness: The Wednesday Blog Hop.

Last But Not Least Meadowhall: What I Wore:

On Saturday a few weeks ago, we had a run through to Meadowhall.

We love Meadowhall, so many lovely shops to look around and amazing places to eat. Meadowhall: What I Wore.

A Battered Mars Bar And What I Really Thought

So have you ever tried a Battered Mars Bar from a chop shop? A Battered Mars Bar And What I Really Thought Of It!! 

Thanks so much for stopping by.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. csuhpat1
    4 June 2017 / 04:53

    I did not know that, thanks for informing me.Thanks for hosting and I hope you are having a great weekend.

  2. Carol @Comfort Spring Station
    2 June 2017 / 22:05

    Have a great weekend.

  3. pixiedusk
    2 June 2017 / 20:27

    This photo made me hungry! Thanks for hosting!

  4. BarberryLane Designs
    2 June 2017 / 15:45

    That is pretty much the best Fish and Chips I have ever seen. We do get Walleye here in the Midwest from Culver's that is excellent, but not the chips, lol. Thanks for hosting, Sandi

  5. vanity andme
    2 June 2017 / 14:56

    Enjoy your fish and chips Claire! I can't eat it because of the oil used. I can make my own though!Have a great weekend xx

  6. harmskills
    2 June 2017 / 14:22

    I heard it was national donut day here… thanks for hosting!

  7. Elizabeth Ramsey
    2 June 2017 / 13:04

    Sounds like fun! Thank you for hosting this blog hop!ElizabethNattyGal

  8. Doused In Pink
    2 June 2017 / 11:39

    Fish and chips sounds so good! We might have to head out to a Friday fish fry tonight! Enjoy the weekend!JillDoused In Pink

  9. Karren Haller
    2 June 2017 / 11:37

    I love a good fish and chips!Thanks for the party! hope you will join us on Friday Features #OMHGFFHave a great weekend!HugsKarren

    • 4 June 2017 / 05:11

      Thanks for stopping by Karren, joined your blog hop too 🙂

  10. Tamar SB
    2 June 2017 / 09:04

    Mm you can never go wrong with fish and chips!!

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