International Beer Day: Welcome To The Weekend

International Beer Day: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop. Happy Friday and welcome back to this weeks ‘Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop’.

Thanks for stopping by again today and I hope you will be joining in the fun. I can not wait to stop by and read the posts that you link up.


International Beer Day: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop:

Happy International Beer Day too. I will raise a glass and say cheers to today 😉

International Beer Day: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop

Nonstop around here again this week. I will be ready for a holiday once the holidays are over!!

I can not even get a sleep in as Mollie the Border Collie wakes up nice and early for her morning walkies.

How fun are these art pictures? I did these on my phone. I am loving this new app and can imagine creating lots of arty photos over the next few weeks.

Watch this space.

How cool having tower Bridge in the background from when we went to London on Monday?

Tower Bridge

International Beer Day: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop:

Do you want to join us and the fun this weekend?

Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop Guidelines:

Link up as many posts as you like onto the linky list below. You can link up old or new blog posts. All family friendly posts welcome. Add a link straight to the blog posts that you would like to share here today.

Please kindly follow my blog on one or all of my social media channels below:

 Twitter, Bloglovin, Google Plus, Instagram, or my Facebook like page.

This way it will remind you to join one or all of my blog hop I host each Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Do not forget to let me know which way you follow and I will follow you back.

Please pop the welcome to the weekend blog hop button into your posts or add a link back to the hop in your posts. This way other people will know you are joining the blog hop and can find the weekend blog hop and join in the fun too.

Find time to have some fun, hopping around all new blogs that have linked up this week and finding new posts to read, blogs to comment on and new followers.

Try to stop by a few blogs and leave a comment after linking up and comment back if someone stops by, it makes the blog hop much more fun 🙂

Tweet me your links over at @clairejustineo on Twitter using the hashtag #weekendbloghop and I will share your posts.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you again on Monday for Creative Mondays Blog Hop and Wednesday for The Wednesday blog hop.


International Beer Day: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop

Did You See These Posts:

How To Make A Raspberry And Coconut Layer Cake.

London St Pancras International Station.

Flowers In Bakewell : The Wednesday Blog Hop.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. kateonthinice
    4 August 2017 / 17:18

    Those pics are superb – great how we can play around with images these days

  2. csuhpat1
    4 August 2017 / 14:44

    Very cool photos. Like them a lot.Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend.

  3. The Lazy Gastronome & Pleasures of the NW
    4 August 2017 / 14:27

    Thanks for hosting a great party – I love your photos!

  4. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    4 August 2017 / 13:22

    Sounds good to me! Happy Weekend! I love these pictures too!

  5. Fashion Fairy Dust
    4 August 2017 / 13:53

    Totally cool shots Claire…love them! Debbie

  6. Cheryl Tucker
    4 August 2017 / 12:46

    I love these pictures! I have that app on my phone and love to play with it! Peace!Cheryl

  7. Shelbee On The Edge
    4 August 2017 / 12:27

    Very cool photo, Claire! Shelbee

  8. Tamar SB
    4 August 2017 / 09:08

    Those edits are so fun!

  9. vanity andme
    4 August 2017 / 06:51

    Oh I love that illustration Claire! Have a great weekend xx

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