New Hair Colour And Another 2 Birthdays

New Hair Colour And Another 2 Birthdays. Happy Thursday, it is beautiful and warm outside today. I have been out shopping with my Mum and it is nice to come home and get out of the sun for a little while.

Not for long though as Mollie the Collie is already thinking it is walkies time!!

New Hair Colour And Another 2 Birthdays

New Hair Colour And Another 2 Birthdays:

How quickly is this year going!? I can not believe we are already in July, crazy!!

A few weeks ago, I changed my hair colour and we have also had 2 children’s birthdays before I have posted pictures here!!

Going back to my roots!! I have gone back to brown for a change. My hair was getting really dry keep bleaching it blonde plus my Daughter kept asking me:

“Mum don’t you like my hair colour as you keep changing your brown hair to blonde!?”

So I thought it was time for a change.

Talk about her making me feel guilty!! Lol!

I have dyed it blonde since I was about 13 and experiment with fashion and beauty with my best friend.

We use to use a product called Sun- in where you could just spray blonde bleach into your hair and wait for it to change. I don’t think they make anything like that now.

My Daughter was all freaked out at first when she saw my new hair colour brown and not blonde. It looks so different! She thought someone had swapped me!!

It took a little while to get used to but I really like it now and it feels so much better condition.

New Hair Colour And Another 2 Birthdays
New Hair Colour And Another 2 Birthdays
New Hair Colour And Another 2 Birthdays

New Hair Colour And Another 2 Birthdays:

I wore this outfit when went out with my eldest son for dinner as it was his 23rd Birthday, big gulp 23!!

When did he get so old!? I still remember the day he was born, like it was yesterday.

Also the moment we were getting ready to leave the hospital and the doctors said I had to stay in as my son had jaundice.

Fast forward 23 years and you still worry about them.


I wore my flowery dress and metallic pink shoes.

Nice and flat for lots of walking.

Not that we did much walking but just in case!

New Hair Colour And Another 2 Birthdays
New Hair Colour And Another 2 Birthdays

New Hair Colour And Another 2 Birthdays:

What I Wore: Dress: c/o Kaliko | Shoes: Primark.

New Hair Colour And Another 2 Birthdays

A car selfie when we were all in the car waiting for the husband to take us all out.


Doughnut judge me burger what my youngest son had.

A doughnut filled with bacon and a burger topped with maple syrup.

I think he regretted having this as it was so so sweet and sickly!!


We all picked some yummy food off the menu.


My husband’s plate came out sizzling, it looked great.


My Daughters chicken with cheese sauce meal looked yummy too.


I had lasagne it was really tasty.

New Hair Colour And Another 2 Birthdays

Me and my son after our meal out.

Only a few more days and we have another Birthday coming up, this time my husband!

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Firstly, Having My Birthday Celebrations In Lockdown. Having My Birthday Celebrations In Lockdown.

Secondly, Blogging Over A Decade & Another Lockdown Birthday. Blogging Over A Decade & Another Lockdown Birthday.

Last but not least, 10 Spooktacular Halloween Themed Birthday Party Ideas. 10 Spooktacular Halloween Themed Birthday Party Ideas.

New Hair Colour And Another 2 Birthdays
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Jennie L.
    13 July 2017 / 18:21

    You look fantastic with dark hair! I can remember Sun In from back in the day. 🙂 Your dark floral dress is so pretty and your bright flats look perfect with it. Thanks for linking up with Fabulous Friday!Jennie

  2. Doused In Pink
    8 July 2017 / 02:27

    Love your hair color! You look gorgeous! Happy Birthday to your son!JillDoused In Pink

  3. All about a Mummy
    7 July 2017 / 15:26

    Love the colour and the dress! And Happy Birthday to you son 🙂

  4. Tamar SB
    6 July 2017 / 18:07

    Love it!! Happy birthday to your son!

  5. 6 July 2017 / 17:22

    Blimey you must have had your son young, because you don't look old enough to have a 23 year old!! I'm with you with the worrying – i'm getting worse as I get older, and what do they do – give your grand-kids to worry about!Love reading your blog, similar views, which is so nice to hear. x Jacqui. Oh and love your natural hair colour. x

    • 8 July 2017 / 15:52

      Aww, thank you lovely. I was a few years younger than he is now!!

  6. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    6 July 2017 / 13:29

    I LOVE your new hair color. It really makes your eyes sparkle!! I remember Sun-In!! I can still kind of remember the smell too…sort of lemony I think. Great pics of the family too!

    • 8 July 2017 / 15:52

      Hehe, yes I remember the smell too 🙂 Thanks Heather.

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