Last Years London Marathon: Flashback Friday

Last Years London Marathon: Flashback Friday. Hello friends, so how are you today? Me, I am feeling blue! I applied for a place in the The London Marathon, when the ballot opened but I just found out, I am not in London marathon this years, Boo Hoo!!Ā 

Oh well, always another year to try and get in.

Last Years London Marathon: Flashback Friday

Last Years London Marathon: Flashback Friday.

Last Years London Marathon: Flashback Friday:

So today I am sharing some fun flashback Friday pictures from last years race because it was such a great day.

I made a collage from the day: Clockwise:

A nice big dinner for my daughter || An massive burger for my son || Krispy Kreme donuts all around || Me and my son fetching my number || The time I want to get {haha!!} || Walking around London Friday feet shot || Nice long running socks for after the race || My medal || Recovery chocolates šŸ™‚

What Is The London Marathon? The London Marathon is an annual marathon held in London, United Kingdom. Founded by athletes Chris Brasher and John Disley in 1981. A 26.2 mileĀ race, so make sure your ready to run all those miles.Ā 

Last Years London Marathon: Flashback Friday
Flashback Friday

Animal from The Muppet’s running!! How can people run in these costumes? They are truly amazing!!

Is that a dinosaur I see? I wonder if his name is Dino?

 Flashback Friday

I First Started Running In 2004: How I Got Into Running:

Some more fun costumes. I once ran in a fairy skirt too. You can read my first blog post here: I First Started Running In 2004: How I Got Into Running.Ā Hi, guys. So welcome to my first ever blog post! So scary, eh?

I First Started Running In 2004: How I Got Into Running. I First Started Running In 2004: How I Got Into Running.Ā Hi, guys. So welcome to my first ever blog post! So scary, eh? Well, I did write one post before this but did not like it and deleted it. Who wants to read about the dentist and a tooth abscess!? Anyway, I was never one for exercise, but after having 3 childrenĀ I decided to start runningĀ and try toĀ get fit. I chose running because I need to keep up with them when they are on the go all day. (Fitness and I never worked together nicely before!!). How I Got Into Running.

London Eye

London Eye. Look how blue the sky was!! Beautiful. I love taking photos of the London Eye, but my husband took these photos at I was off running around the place.

Last Years London Marathon: Flashback Friday
Last Years London Marathon: Flashback Friday

My biggest supports, ever!! My kids. Love them to pieces.

Flashback Friday

Last Years London Marathon: Flashback Friday:

Seriously, running in a dinosaur suit must have been so hard work. Hats off to all the runners and all the fancy dress running too. You guys rock!!

I will be sat on the sofa watching this years marathon on Sunday. Will you? Then I will be waiting for next years ballot to open!! I will apply again. Will you apply? So have you ever ran a marathon before or gone out to cheer the runners on? So lovely of the spectators who handed us out sweets and jelly babies.

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Running Quote

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Over to Tony: ā€œAs a personal trainer and coach, I often find people let their fitness levels slip over the winter months, Regular exercisers become more sporadic. 6 Top Fitness Tips For The Winter: Keep On Running.

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5 Saint Patrickā€™s Day Breakfast Inspired Recipes:

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Thank you so much for stopping by.

My London Marathon Story: Motivational Monday
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Laura Lee
    25 April 2015 / 05:07

    Looks like fun! I'd like to run a marathon one day, but looks like you would need to be super, duper fit?

    • 26 April 2015 / 06:51

      Thanks Laura, just getting around is amazing.. One year I am hoping to be super fit and do a good time:):)

  2. Tamar SB
    25 April 2015 / 00:03

    People used to run the Boston Marathon in fun costumes, but since the bombing they can't allow it because of security concerns )-:

    • 26 April 2015 / 06:50

      Aww yes šŸ™ I watch a bit on tv it was last week wasn't it?

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