National Homemade Soup Day And Some Tasty Recipes

National Homemade Soup Day And Some Tasty Recipes. 03/02 Creative Mondays Blog Hop. Hello, lovelies. So how are you today?

Before I forget; If any of my lovely readers like my blog and have a few minutes spare and could vote for me in the MADS 2013 Awards, I would really appreciate it

Many thanks

Thanks for linking up with us again this week. Did you know today is also National Homemade Soup Day?

National Homemade Soup Day

National Homemade Soup Day And Some Tasty Recipes:

So today I am sharing some tasty soup recipes you can make at home. Nothing better than a nice mug or bowl of steaming hot soup on a cold day. I love soup with crusty bread and butter too. Do you? I always had chicken soup when I was poorly as a child, with cream crackers and but, yummy.

When Is National Homemade Soup Day? February 4th. 

Firstly, Squashy Bottom Soup Bowls: Autumn Warmers. This easy-to-make squash soup doesn’t even require any bowls – just eat it straight out of the shell, saving on the washing up and adding to the entertainment. It’s a great child-pleaser for Hallowe’en and has endless variations with different garnishes – some fried shiitake or chestnut mushrooms would up the earthy autumnal feel. Squashy Bottom Soup Bowls: Autumn Warmers.

Secondly, Spicy Sausage Soup: Tasty Soup Recipe Ideas. Are you looking for a nice and tasty soup recipe? Fancy making some Spicy Sausage Soup? Spicy Sausage Soup. Tasty Soup Recipe Ideas.

Thirdly, Squash and Coconut Soup with Toasted Hemp Seeds. Fancy trying this Squash and Coconut Soup with Toasted Hemp Seeds recipe out? (This recipe is created by Madeline Shaw and Linwoods). Squash and Coconut Soup with Toasted Hemp Seeds.

Fourthly, Hearty Kale Soup: Healthy Soup Recipe Ideas. This recipe is really quick and easy to make also you can mix and match the ingredients. So what’s not to love about this recipe? Hearty Kale Soup: Healthy Soup Recipe Ideas.

Onion & Couscous Soup: Winter Warming Recipes:

Fifth, Onion & Couscous Soup: Winter Warming Recipes. So now winter is in full swing it has me eating lots of warming soups. How about you? Do you like keeping warm by eating lots of soup too? Onion & Couscous Soup: Winter Warming Recipes.

Sixth, Creamy Cavolo Nero And Leek Soup With Cavolo Nero Crisps. So lovelies, do you also fancy making this healthy and tasty Cavolo Nero And Leek soup recipe? Creamy Cavolo Nero And Leek Soup With Cavolo Nero Crisps

Seventh, How To Make Dracula’s Blood Brew Halloween Soup. As the frost of Autumn sets in, we look forward to the season’s customary festivals, which take advantage of the abundant harvest that Mother Nature has to provide. Halloween, Bonfire Night, or simply cosying up with a nice bowl of soup as the evenings draw in are all things to look forward to. Of course, one of my favourite things to do in Autumn is to be warm and cosy. What’s not to like about that?

For obvious reasons, beetroot is a favourite among Halloween cooks, but this delectable soup will keep you warm around the bonfire and throughout the winter. Do you want to learn how to make homemade soup? Why not give this a shot? How To Make Dracula’s Blood Brew Halloween Soup.

National Homemade Soup Day And Some Tasty Recipes

Turmeric, Carrot, And Watercress Soup:

Eighth, Turmeric, Carrot, And Watercress Soup. If you’d prefer a warming soup for lunch why not try this delicious recipe that’s suitable for vegans too? Turmeric, Carrot, And Watercress Soup.

Ninth, Roasted Beetroot Soup With Feta Yogurt Dressing- Recipe. Do you fancy making a delicious beetroot soup recipe? Also a perfect starter for an evening entertaining friends. Don’t you think so too? This Roasted Beetroot Soup is so easy to make, just follow the 3 step by step guide below. Roasted Beetroot Soup With Feta Yogurt Dressing– Recipe.

Tenth, How To Make Spiced Carrot And Ginger Soup. Do you fancy making some tasty soup? It is cold and snowy outside so why not stay in and make some warm tasty soup? Spiced Carrot And Ginger Soup anyone? This soup is super-simple to make, with just a few ingredients and three easy steps. How To Make Spiced Carrot And Ginger Soup.

Last But Not Least, Creamy Pea Soup: Perfect For A Light Starter Or Lunch. Creamy pea soup anyone? A simple but flavourful soup that can be ready in minutes! How tasty!? Perfect for a light starter. Creamy Pea Soup: Perfect For A Light Starter Or Lunch.

National Homemade Soup Day:

National Homemade Soup Day:

National Homemade Soup Day And Some Tasty Recipes. So what do you think? Will you be making any homemade soup for world soup day today?

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Thanks so much for stopping by. This linky has now closed. Updated post due to old content.

Some Tasty Recipes
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. Shelly Ann
    4 February 2013 / 20:12

    Thanks for hosting. I followed via g+. I also hopped on over and voted for your blog! Good luck!Michele

    • 6 February 2013 / 09:57

      Hi Shelly thank you so much for voting :), linking up and following 🙂 stopping by your blog now…

  2. Hazel
    4 February 2013 / 17:51


  3. Kendra Pahukoa
    4 February 2013 / 16:51

    you changed your header and pics again-i love it, it's so fun to see what you will have up next! :)i love that you keep it fresh and make these updates. 🙂

    • 6 February 2013 / 09:51

      Thanks, I know I keep changing ha, already planning my next one 🙂

  4. Annie
    4 February 2013 / 16:28

    Thank you for the party! Have a wonderful week!

  5. Evelyn
    4 February 2013 / 15:03

    Thanks so much. You made my day:) Have a Great Monday:)

  6. Katie Adams
    4 February 2013 / 14:16

    Thank you. I love your party and wouldn't miss it!

    • 6 February 2013 / 09:49

      Your so welcome 🙂 thanks for linking up …

  7. Sharon Martin
    4 February 2013 / 13:43

    Some great pics. Also thanks for popping over to our UK Bloggers Linkup now following you xx

  8. MOIxx
    4 February 2013 / 11:16

    I love the variety and the inspiration! Thanks, sarah

  9. Sarah Hulbert Style
    4 February 2013 / 05:39

    Love your new header, Claire! Thanks for hostessing today!!! ~Sarah

  10. Lisa
    4 February 2013 / 05:24

    Thank you SO much! I really appreciate it. My son was absolutely thrilled. 🙂 I will surely go and vote for you. Hope you had a wonderful weekend! Many blessings, Lisa

    • 5 February 2013 / 11:43

      Thank you Lisa, I bet he did, it looks wonderfully yummy 🙂

  11. Shannon @ A Cozy Place Called Home
    4 February 2013 / 04:32

    Thanks. I know how hard it is to host parties and choose features, so I really appreciate the exposure. Have a great week!

    • 5 February 2013 / 11:41

      Thanks you shannon, love your ideas they are wonderful 🙂

  12. Lizbeth McGow
    3 February 2013 / 22:47

    Thank You so much Claire…I nominated your but can't see where to vote. Does the nomination count as a vote? let me know :0)Wishing you all the luck and thank you Lizy

    • 5 February 2013 / 11:40

      Thanks for stopping by, whoo please vote for me, you just have to click tthe button and it will lead you to the Mads page 🙂 many thanks 🙂

  13. Winnie
    3 February 2013 / 22:14

    ♥ Thank you soooooooo much Claire ♥ It was MY pleasure voting for you!!Have a great week and thanks for another party

    • 5 February 2013 / 11:34

      Hi Winnie, they look amazingly yummy 🙂 thanks so much for the vote 🙂

  14. Judy Haughton-James
    3 February 2013 / 21:47

    Oh, thanks a lot Clairejustine! I am happy to be among such a wonderful group. I will definitely take time out to vote for you. A vote truly deserved! As always it is good to be co-hosting. Have a good Monday.

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