Recipe c/o Del Monte.

Pineapple Christmas Chutney: Party Food Dip. Hello friends, so how are you today? Are you hosting a Christmas party or a New Years get-together?
Fancy making some easy Pineapple Christmas Chutney? A perfect dip for all your party food.
Table Of Contents:
- Firstly, Pineapple Christmas Chutney Ingredients.
- Secondly, Pineapple Christmas Chutney Method.
- Thirdly, Other Post Ideas.
How To Make Pineapple Christmas Chutney:
- 2 tbsp sunflower oil
- 3 red Del Monte® onions, finely chopped
- 1 tbsp yellow mustard seeds
- 1 tbsp black onion seeds (kalonji or nigella)
- 1 tsp turmeric
- 2 Del Monte® tinned Pineapple
- 1 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
- A thumb-sized piece ginger, finely chopped
- 250g soft light brown sugar
- 175ml cider vinegar
- Sterilised jars
Pineapple Christmas Chutney:
How To Make:
- Firstly, heat the oil in a large thick-based pan.
- Next, add the onions and spices to the pan and cook lightly for 5 minutes until fragrant.
- Next add your remaining ingredients: 2 Del Monte® tinned pineapples, red chilli, ginger, light brown sugar and cider vinegar.
- Season accordingly, and let simmer for 1 hour until the mixture is dark golden and thick, stirring regularly.
- Finally, pour the mixture into sterilised jars and allow to the mixture time to cool before covering.

Pineapple Christmas Chutney. Recipe c/o Del Monte. So what do you think of this Pineapple Christmas Chutney recipe? Do you also fancy making some?
What do you think about this savoury pineapple chutney? Do you fancy trying it?
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Pineapple Christmas Chutney: Party Food Dip:
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