Homemade Advent Calendar: Welcome To The

Homemade Advent Calendar: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop.

Happy Friday everyone. Pinch punch, it’s the first of the month!

Wow, this year is going by so quickly, blink and you will miss it.

Hope you are having a lovely week so far? The weekend has soon come around again and it is freezing around here. It tried to snow last night but we are snow free this morning.

I really do not fancy going out first thing walking with Mollie the Collie but she will not leave me alone until after her walk!

Welcome back to this weeks ‘Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop’. Happy you are here and hope you have fun hopping around the blog hop to find new blogs to follow.

Homemade Advent Calendar
Homemade Advent Calendar

Homemade Advent Calendar:

Last year I made my Daughter this homemade advent calendar. She loved it. Trouble is I could not share it here or it would have ruined the surprise if she had seen it.

Homemade Advent Calendar

I got a makeup gift set for all the gifts and wrapped them all up individually.

Homemade Advent Calendar

I used an old heart shape, tinsel, brown paper and an advent list of numbers from a sheet of paper they put onto the Mcdonnald’s serving trays. Plus a bit of sellotape and string to dangle the gifts.

Homemade Advent Calendar
Homemade Advent Calendar

She wanted me to make her on this year but Daddy has brought her a special one. I bet she will be looking for one-off Mummy though.

Homemade Advent Calendar

What have you been writing about this week?

Do you want to share your posts with us today?

Here are a few things I have been writing about this week:

Homemade Advent Calendar

I made this Ultimate Christmas Tree Prosciutto di Parma Cheeseboard up on my food blog.

Homemade Advent Calendar

Also shared a few different gift guides: Food & Kitchen Ideas And Gifts To Try This Christmas.

Homemade Advent Calendar

Christmas Gifts For Her.

Now over to you and onto this week’s link up:

Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop:

Do you want to join in the blog hopping fun?

Homemade Advent Calendar

Homemade Advent Calendar: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop. 01/12/2017 Guidelines:

  1. Link up as many posts as you would like to on the linky below. Old or New blog posts welcome. Add a link straight to the blog posts that you would like to share.
  2. Please follow my blog on one or all of my social media channels Twitter, Bloglovin, Google Plus, Instagram, or my Facebook like page. This way it will remind you to join one or all of my blog hop I host each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Let me know which way you follow and I will follow you back.
  3. Please pop the welcome to the weekend blog hop button into your posts or add a link back to the hop in your posts. This way other people will know you are joining the blog hop and can find the weekend blog hop and join in the fun too. You can find all the blog hop buttons here.
  4. Find time to have some fun, hopping around all new blogs that have linked up this week and finding new posts to read, blogs to comment on and new followers.
  5. Try to stop by a few blogs and leave comment after linking up and comment back if someone stops by, it makes the blog hop much more fun 🙂
  6. Tweet me your links over at @clairejustineo on Twitter using the hashtag #weekendbloghop and I will share your posts.
  7. Have a lovely weekend and we will see you again on Monday for Creative Mondays Blog Hop and Wednesday for The Wednesday blog hop.

Thanks for stopping by.

This blog hop has now ended and been deleted due to old broken links.

Why not hit the home page and join us for our latest blog hop.

See you again soon.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. Helena TheQueenofCollage
    9 December 2017 / 21:52

    Handmade advent calendars are lovely. Thanks for the inspiration. #mmbc

  2. Julie Kay
    6 December 2017 / 06:05

    That cheese board looks delicious!!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      7 December 2017 / 20:01

      Thanks Julie 🙂

  3. Pinkiebag Pinkiebag
    4 December 2017 / 14:53

    Hi, no handmade calendars for us this year. We have Star Wars but I have a reusable one now that it is full of lots of surprises #MMBC

    • Clairejustine oxox
      5 December 2017 / 20:38

      That sounds lovely 🙂

  4. Mica T
    4 December 2017 / 01:18

    Oh what a great idea for an advent calendar! 🙂 It's a shame not all the photos have loaded for me as the description sounds great!I love that food tree too! Wish I'd seen that earlier, we had to bring snacks to a CHristmas party and that would have been perfect!Hope you are having a lovely weekend! We did a lot of Christmasy things like putting our tree up which was good, and they predicted wild weather but so far it's staying away which is nice.Away From The Blue Blog

    • Clairejustine oxox
      5 December 2017 / 20:36

      Thank you Mica, hope you've had a lovely weekend 🙂

  5. Anabelia Craft Design
    3 December 2017 / 23:42

    Happy December, Claire! And have a lovely Sunday! xxx

    • Clairejustine oxox
      5 December 2017 / 20:35

      Thank you, happy December 🙂

  6. Emma Peach
    3 December 2017 / 16:53

    Such a lovely idea for an advent calendar. My daughter has three – chocolate, lego and a personalised one that the elves fill with sweets 😉 It's making her want to get out of bed in the morning on weekdays, which makes a change!Emma xxx

    • Clairejustine oxox
      3 December 2017 / 17:18

      Thanks Emma. Ha, my Daughter gets out of bed a lot quicker now too. We should have one for every month of the year 😉

  7. csuhpat1
    3 December 2017 / 05:42

    Very nice. Thanks for hosting and I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      3 December 2017 / 17:15

      Thanks for joining us Patrick 🙂

  8. Marilyn Lesniak
    1 December 2017 / 21:04

    Thank you for hosting this opportunity to bring bloggers together and share their posts. I look forward to your party each week. #OverTheMoon #WWBlogHop #ThursdayFavoriteThings

    • Clairejustine oxox
      3 December 2017 / 17:15

      Thanks Marilyn 🙂

  9. Shooting Stars Mag
    1 December 2017 / 20:14

    Aw, that's such a cute way to do an advent calendar. I'm sure she did love it! Thanks for sharing, and for the link up.-Laurenwww.shootingstarsmag.net

    • Clairejustine oxox
      3 December 2017 / 17:14

      Thanks Lauren 🙂

  10. Paula Rockwell
    1 December 2017 / 19:13

    Wow Claire that Advent Calendar was a lot of work but she must have loved it!Thanks for hosting…Happy Weekend 🙂

    • Clairejustine oxox
      3 December 2017 / 17:03

      Thanks Paula. Ha, I remember getting stressed on trying to get it all done at once.

  11. mummabstylish
    1 December 2017 / 16:55

    Some lovely ideas Claire, thanks for sharing and hosting – have a super weekend. x Jacquiwww.mummabstylish.com

    • Clairejustine oxox
      3 December 2017 / 16:53

      Thanks Jacqui 🙂

  12. kateonthinice
    1 December 2017 / 15:25

    So cold here too! Thanks for hosting!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      3 December 2017 / 16:53

      Thanks for joining us Kate 🙂

  13. Chris
    1 December 2017 / 14:05

    Lovely Claire! The adv cal is fantastic and wow—that food tree!!! I need to follow your food blog. I had no idea you write another blog!! I may take your tree idea for Christmas Day!! Thank you for sharing!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      3 December 2017 / 16:51

      Aww, thanks Chris 🙂 Lovely to hear from you.

  14. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    1 December 2017 / 13:38

    I do an Advent calendar for my girls too (now just girl as the older one doesn't live here). I love the one you've done for your daughter!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      3 December 2017 / 16:49

      Thanks Heather 🙂

  15. Shelbee On The Edge
    1 December 2017 / 13:08

    Happy December, Claire! Enjoy the weekend!Shelbee

    • Clairejustine oxox
      2 December 2017 / 09:50

      Thanks Shelbee, you too lovely 🙂

  16. vanity andme
    1 December 2017 / 09:21

    Here's to a stree free December Claire! Have a great weekend! xx

    • Clairejustine oxox
      2 December 2017 / 09:48

      I will drink to that Laurie :):) Happy December.

  17. Debbie Roberts - Debs Random Writings
    1 December 2017 / 08:17

    Hi Claire, what a lovely idea for an Advent calendar. I think creating one for a girl is far easier than for a boy, girls like little nicnacs, whereas boys have costlier tastes! This week I shared a dog food recipe post, not very festive unless you add cranberries, turkey and sprouts!Thank you for hosting.xx

    • 2 December 2017 / 09:45

      Yes, I agree Debbie. I would not know where to start making one for my boys 🙂 Whoo I will hop over now and take a look.

  18. April J Harris
    1 December 2017 / 07:48

    What a lovely homemade Advent Calendar, Claire! And I love the cheese tray too! I'm sharing a post on how to make a wreath for Christmas and a Chocolate Blueberry Pudding Cake that's real comfort food (you can use frozen blueberries to make it). Thank you for hosting, and Happy December!

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