If It Takes More Than 5 Minutes, Its Not Graffiti

If It Takes More Than 5 Minutes, Its Not Graffiti. Hello friends, happy Monday. So how are you today? Have you been enjoying the weather? Welcome by this weeks #CreativeMondaysLinkUp

I love finding street art and I have not posted any for a over a week here, but I have lots of amazing pieces to share with you. I love finding street art wherever I go.

As soon as I see any, out comes the phone. Like you do!! How cool are the flowers behind me? I love the boohoo feel to these photos too.

If It Takes More Than 5 Minutes, Its Not Graffiti

If It Takes More Than 5 Minutes, Its Not Graffiti:

If It Takes More Than 5 Minutes, Its Not Graffiti What I Wore: Dress: Tu Clothing at Sainsbury’s (a few years ago) | Shoes: F&F by Tesco (a few years ago) | Fisher-net socks: Primark (a few years ago).

If It Takes More Than 5 Minutes, Its Not Graffiti
If It Takes More Than 5 Minutes, Its Not Graffiti

A few more photos in black and white:

Maxi dress
Maxi dress

14/06/2021 Creative Mondays Link Up:

The Guidelines:

#CreativeMondaysLinkUp Happy Monday, lovely friends. Also, Welcome to the Creative Mondays Link Up. Good morning and welcome to this week’s brand new creative linky party. I am so pleased you are here and have checked in to join us for this week’s Creative Mondays Link Up.

About The Creative Mondays Linky Party. So Creative Mondays is a week long-blog hop where you can link up all your creative posts. Also, if you publish any more in the week you can also pop back and link them up here too. You are also very welcome to link up old posts or new, whichever creative posts you want to get seen. It opens around 8 am UK time every Monday morning and ends around 6 am the following Monday. So you can also share your Instagram links if you want to. You can link up to 10 posts each blog hop from one blog.

You Might Also Like This Post: 4 Warm Outfits For Spring: Creative Mondays. so today I am sharing a few warm and cosy outfits I have been wearing lately as it is still too cold for summer clothes yet!! 4 Warm Outfits For Spring: Creative Mondays

If It Takes More Than 5 Minutes, Its Not Graffiti:

Posts You Can Share Here Today. You can share any beauty, crafty, creative, crochet, decor, fashionable, healthy, home interiors, knitting, outfit, recipes, sewing, stylish, or travel posts. Also welcome to share any beauty & style, home & garden, food & health tips, tricks, or hacks. Pop the kettle and make a drink so you can also have fun finding some amazing, inspiring, and creative new blogs to read and follow at this week’s party. Thank you so much for joining us each Monday to share your posts with us each week. I love to see what you have been up to lately. Now over to you to share your creative posts with us: What has got you creative this week?

14/06/2021 Creative Mondays Linky Party Guidelines:

Please only link up family-friendly creative posts! Add up to 10 posts as you would like to the linky below.  Add straight to a specific creative post. Please link up to a post and not your main home page. Please follow your host Claire Justine by Blog, Email, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook Page, Pinterest, or Bloglovin. Let me know how you have followed me so I can follow you back. Please link back to the Creative Mondays party in your posts to spread the word.  Sharing is caring. Please visit a few of the posts that have linked up today to make the blog hop fun for everyone. 

Did You See: Why Don’t You Come On Over, Valerie? A few weeks ago at work, my name tag broken so I had to grab a spare one quickly. They had no spare Claire’s and one of the names really suited me so I picked out Valerie. Why Don’t You Come On Over, Valerie?

Get Your Posts Seen On:

Twitter: You can tweet me any links you have add to the link up to me @clairejustineo using the  #CreativeMondaysLinkUp hashtag and I will favourite, retweet and reply. 

Instagram: You can also tag me on Instagram posts or stories and I will share your posts to my stories. Claire Justine Oxox Using the #creativemondayslinkup

Facebook: Share your creative posts on my Facebook Page here Claire Justine.

Stop By Other Posts: Please try to stop by over the weeknd when you have a spare five minutes and comment on a few of the blogs that have linked up. Use the  #CreativeMondaysLinkUp hashtag in the comments so they know where you found them.  Please link back to the Creative Mondays Link-Up in your posts to spread the word. Now over to you to share your favourite posts this week. 14/06/2021 Creative Mondays List Is Now Closed.

Sign Up To Receive A Reminder When The Next Link Ups Are Live At Mailchimp. Thanks for sharing your posts with us at #CreativeMondaysLinkUp. I hope to see you on Wednesday or Friday for our next parties 🙂

If It Takes More Than 5 Minutes, Its Not Graffiti:

You Might Also Like:

Firstly, Newark Castle And A Trip To The Charity Shops. A few weekends ago, when we both had a Saturday off work. We had a lovely day out in Newark and a walk around the castle and town centre. A lovely day out at Newark, with the family. It has been ages since we last visited Newark. My day used to love the auction here down by the river. Newark Castle And A Trip To The Charity Shops.

Secondly, Purple Jumper And Under The Sea Skirt. So here is me being all serious and trying to take some fashion photos, then it turned into another competition with my husband and I on who could make the funniest photos after this one above. Guess what? You can also see the result from this photo shoot now!! Purple Jumper And Under The Sea Skirt. 

Don’t Turn Around. Don’t look back. Keep moving forward. Keep pushing. The pot of gold is at the end of the rainbow, not the beginning. Motivational Monday.

If It Takes More Than 5 Minutes, Its Not Graffiti:
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. 15 June 2021 / 12:07

    This is a pretty dress and I love the belt with it. Perfect for the neutral flowers behind you!

  2. 15 June 2021 / 11:37

    You have such a great knack of finding the best spots for photos, Claire! Love your photos! Oh and the dress is super cute!
    Suzy xx

    • 15 June 2021 / 21:04

      When I do get out, I love finding street art 🙂 Thanks lovely xx

  3. Patrick Weseman
    15 June 2021 / 01:33

    Such beautiful street art. Thanks for hosting and sharing it.

  4. 15 June 2021 / 01:19

    What fun photos – so glad to re-find your parties! 🙂

  5. Joanne
    14 June 2021 / 21:18

    I completely agree that it’s not graffiti and it is art when you can tell so much time and detail was put into it.

  6. jess
    14 June 2021 / 19:46

    Neat art work behind you Claire! I enjoy murals and we have some on our buildings too. I love the dress and the flowy style for this heat!
    Have a great week!
    jess xx

    • 15 June 2021 / 20:58

      Hi Jess, thanks so much for stopping by and joining us 🙂

  7. Alene
    14 June 2021 / 15:36

    Love, love your dress and love that art behind you! You just don’t ever see that in the U.S. Too uptight? I don’t know.

    • 15 June 2021 / 20:48

      Aww, thank you. I love spotting street art wherever I go 🙂

  8. Heather
    14 June 2021 / 13:18

    I adore that dress on you! You look so pretty!

    • 15 June 2021 / 20:48

      Aww, thanks Heather. Hope your having a lovely week 🙂

  9. 14 June 2021 / 12:02

    We only have ugly graffiti over here! Love your dress! Thanks for hosting Claire!

  10. 14 June 2021 / 10:52

    This is fabulous graffiti! I love a good graffiti wall but sadly we don’t have very many where I live. I really like this boho dress on you. Super cute! Have a great week, Claire, and thanks for hosting!


    • 14 June 2021 / 12:40

      Thanks lovely. I love spotting it and taking my photos 🙂

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