Make The Most Of Sloe Berry Season With Hayman’s Gin

Recipes c/o Hayman’s Sloe Gin.

Hayman’s Gin

Make The Most Of Sloe Berry Season With Hayman’s Gin. Hello friends. So how are you today? All good, I hope.

Make The Most Of Sloe Berry Season With Hayman’s Gin:

So are you a gin lover? If so today I have some fun food recipes make the most of sloe berry season with Hayman’s Gin.

Hayman’s Gin
Hayman’s Gin

Make The Most Of Sloe Berry Season With Hayman’s Gin:

With the woodlands and hedgerows proving to be a forager’s delight this autumn, the original English Gin Maker, Hayman’s Gin, has created two delicious seasonal recipes, inspired by sloe berries.

With both recipes incorporating classically balanced Hayman’s Sloe Gin, the indulgent Chocolate Mousse is a boozy take on the popular dessert while the Mulled Sloe Gin Cocktail will help to stave off the winter chill.

Make The Most Of Sloe Berry Season With Hayman’s Gin

Make The Most Of Sloe Berry Season With Hayman’s Gin:

How To Make A Rich Chocolate Mousse Infused With Hayman’s Sloe Gin:

8-10 servings


200ml Hayman’s Sloe Gin

200g 70% cocoa solids dark chocolate, broken into pieces (set aside 20g for garnish)

600ml double cream

3 large eggs, whites and yolks separated

100g sloe berries

100g caster sugar


1.) Firstly, place the sloe berries in a pan with three-quarters of the sugar and warm over a low heat.

2.) Stir to combine, allow the sugar to dissolve and simmer for 5 minutes.

3.) Press the cooked berries through a sieve using the back of a wooden spoon. Set aside to cool.

4.) Place the chocolate pieces in a bowl set over a bain-marie at a low simmer, allowing the chocolate to melt slowly.

5.) Remove from the heat and stir until smooth.

6.) Allow to cool for 2-3 minutes before stirring in the egg yolks (mix thoroughly, to avoid any lumps), followed by the sweetened sloe coulis (keep 20g aside for garnish) and 100ml of Hayman’s Sloe Gin.

7.) Whisk the double cream with the rest of the caster sugar until it forms rough peaks

8.) Slowly stir in 100ml of Hayman’s Sloe Gin little by little to the whipped cream, to prevent the cream from curdling.

9.) Set a little of the cream mixture aside for garnish and fold the rest into the chocolate mixture.

10.) Whisk the egg whites until they become soft peaks and fold into the rest of the mixture.

Last but not least, serve with a garnish of Hayman’s Sloe Gin-sweetened cream, flaked chocolate, and drizzle over the remaining coulis.

Make The Most Of Sloe Berry Season With Hayman’s Gin

Hayman’s Mulled Sloe Gin:

2 servings


100ml Hayman’s Sloe Gin

250ml Red Wine

2tsp Honey

Half a teaspoon of Allspice

To garnish: cinnamon stick, apple slice and/or blackberries


1.) Firstly, set a metal-based saucepan over a medium heat.

2.) Pour the Hayman’s Sloe Gin and red wine into the saucepan.

3.) Add in the honey and Allspice.

4.) Bring to a simmer and allow the mixture to simmer gently for 2-3 minutes.

5.) Pour into a handled glass, and garnish with a cinnamon stick, apple slice and/or blackberries.

Last but not least, enjoy.

Make The Most Of Sloe Berry Season With Hayman’s Gin
Make The Most Of Sloe Berry Season With Hayman’s Gin
Make The Most Of Sloe Berry Season With Hayman’s Gin

Make The Most Of Sloe Berry Season With Hayman’s Gin:

Make The Most Of Sloe Berry Season With Hayman’s Gin. Recipes c/o Hayman’s Sloe Gin. So what do you think?

So what are your favourite ways to use Gin? I love mine with tonic and fresh fruit.

Make The Most Of Sloe Berry Season With Hayman’s Gin. About this posts: I also got sent four samples to try out. I was not paid for this post.

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Thanks so much for stopping by.

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Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Angie Church
    13 November 2017 / 02:14

    gin one of my drinks of choice I have never tried this brand but will look for it next timecome see us

  2. VintageSouthernPicks
    13 November 2017 / 01:56

    It sounds delish & looks so pretty & festive for Holiday season too! I'll take the version with the spices!

  3. Tristan Robin Blakeman
    11 November 2017 / 13:38

    If I keep reading your posts, I'm going to gain five pounds! That dessert sounds heavenly! I've copied it down, but it will have to wait until after I make the Caramel Meringues!When I was in college (about 110 years ago!) Sloe Gin Fizzes were THE drink of the day. I remember – or at least, vaguely remember some rambunctious Soe Gin Fizz nights out bar hopping!

    • 11 November 2017 / 17:28

      Thanks you for the comment. Hehe, I remember those days well too 🙂

  4. Anonymous
    9 November 2017 / 17:25

    Looks lovely. Great pictures.

  5. Samyuktha Jayaprakash
    9 November 2017 / 16:02


  6. csuhpat1
    9 November 2017 / 15:47

    Sounds yummy.

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