My London Marathon story in photos:

The weather has been amazing over the holidays and last Sunday it was just a perfect day for running a marathon.

Never being very well organised I did forget the sun cream again though!! you would think I’d have learned a lesson after getting burnt last year!!

26.2 miles of running is hard work and I take my hat off to my kids who spend the whole 7 hours walking around different parts of the course, cheering on all the runners.
My daughters arm above with her cheerleading pom-poms, haha.

One of the best parts for the children is spotting out the charity runners and seeing all the fancy dress runners. How an earth some of these can even run is beyond me. They missed the man carrying the fridge, yes a fridge!!

All in all, it was an amazing day. Looking forward to seeing if I or my husband gets in next year!!

Thanks Val 🙂
Amazing images, and I am still in awe of you doing this.#Welcometotheweekend
Aww thanks Emma 🙂
An amazing achievement and a wonderful event to be part of – well done and thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.
Thanks for hosting 🙂
So impressive – congratulations! And such lovely weather for it, too.
wow well done, what an amazing thing to do! you are such an inspiration xxx
Aww thanks Louise 🙂
Fantastic! Very well done for completing it and fair play to your kids for sticking it out for so long. Lovely photos 🙂
Thanks Sarah 🙂
well done!
Thanks Joanna 🙂
You're amazing! I can't run to the end of the road.
Aww thanks 🙂
We went down a couple of years ago when my niece was running it, amazing atmosphere #CountryKids
Thanks Mary, I loved the day 🙂
Aww what a supportive family you have =) Congrats again for the finish! #countrykids
Aww thanks for stopping by 🙂