Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue

Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue

Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, but are they?

Hello friends, happy Saturday. Today for flowers on a Saturday I thought I would share these gorgeous rained upon roses. Don’t you just love roses? I know I do. Roses always remind me of love. Or a gift of love.

Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue:

Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, Sugar Is Sweet And So Are You. Remember this very old Valentine’s Day verse?

A classic.

Another version of this rhyme is, the rose is red, the violet’s blue, the honey’s sweet, and so are you.

I remember making my own version up of this for my valentine’s day poem book when I was younger. I still have this book too. Somewhere!!

Roses maybe red, but are violets really blue? did you know that violets are closer to purple? Haha!!

What colour are your favourite roses? I think mine have to be red. I do adore pink and cream ones too. In-fact, I love them all.

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Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Leah H.
    11 July 2012 / 13:56

    Roses are always a beauty, great shots!Visiting for Ruby Tuesday 2- hope you can stop by..

  2. TheBoyandMe
    10 July 2012 / 20:11

    I love photos of flowers that have dew drops on them, absolutely beautiful.Thanks for linking up

  3. Gemma Wiseman
    10 July 2012 / 20:05

    Exquisite rose macros, especially the one with the raindrops!

  4. momoftwosalums
    9 July 2012 / 04:18


  5. Brooke
    9 July 2012 / 03:32

    And gorgeous too!! Wonderful shots! xoxo Brooke

  6. Stefanie
    9 July 2012 / 02:09

    Lovely… roses are one of my favorites :)Thanks for joining in Sunday Snapshot this week!Happy Sunday!Stefanie

  7. Kit @ i-lostinausten
    8 July 2012 / 18:41

    So gorgeous! 🙂

  8. Mama.Mommy.Mom.
    8 July 2012 / 19:39

    Pretty! Sadly, the heat here has fried my roses. Hopefully they'll pretty back up in the fall.Jamie

  9. einfachtilda
    8 July 2012 / 18:34

    Wundervolle Rose, auch die Farbe.LG Mathilda

  10. Kelly Wiffin
    8 July 2012 / 15:11


  11. Coombe Mill
    8 July 2012 / 14:54

    A perfect Red Rose, I must try and capture some of ours on the farm. Reminds me they need tying back too!

  12. Jo
    8 July 2012 / 14:44

    Wow, stunning shot, love the droplets of rain, but they can go away now!!

    • 8 July 2012 / 21:45

      Thank you,yes so true would be nice to see the sunshine now 🙂

  13. hennymats
    8 July 2012 / 13:57

    lovely photos and such a great color rose!

  14. pinkoddy
    8 July 2012 / 12:41

    Isn't that just beautiful.

  15. LinzW1976
    8 July 2012 / 12:09

    Stunning photos!!! I find it so hard to take photos of flowers.

  16. Mummy Vs Work
    8 July 2012 / 10:33

    Stunning pictures especially with the water droplets

    • 8 July 2012 / 21:29

      Thank you,I love to capture the rain drops 🙂

  17. BavarianSojourn
    8 July 2012 / 08:48

    Gorgeous, especially with the raindrops. See every cloud and all that! 🙂

  18. Kris @ beyond the whiskers
    8 July 2012 / 01:00

    Love that first picture…was the shading natural or edited? Either way…very nice. 🙂

    • 8 July 2012 / 21:26

      Thanks I just added a bit of editing where it makes the edges darker 🙂

  19. Judy Haughton-James
    7 July 2012 / 22:09

    My favourite flowers – RED ROSES! Very beautiful!

  20. Meeha Meeha
    7 July 2012 / 20:19

    Awesome pictures, the rain drops on the fragile petals are wonderfully poetic!

  21. Giancarlo
    7 July 2012 / 15:43

    Stupenda!! felice fine settimana…ciao

  22. Ewa Kelly-Miksa
    7 July 2012 / 15:05

    I think red roses always look beautiful!

  23. Small City Scenes
    7 July 2012 / 14:06

    Beautiful!! I really love roses but don't grow them anymore because the deer eat them. Oh well, now they are into the Blueberries, I hope they leave us some. MB

  24. Modern Mom
    7 July 2012 / 13:52

    Gorgeous rose!Coxcomb Rose

  25. Michelle
    7 July 2012 / 10:23

    Beautiful photos. The next time I buy flowers for the garden I'm going to get some roses 🙂

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