Victoria Embankment Nottingham : How Does Your Garden Grow?

Victoria Embankment Nottingham : How Does Your Garden Grow?

Victoria Embankment Nottingham : How Does Your Garden Grow?

This week I’m sharing a beautiful park in Nottingham we stumbled upon a few weeks back when it they held a Arm forces day.

My husband often talked about talking me on a run around the embankment, as he knew I would love it, he was so right.

 Especially when we found this amazing flower garden. Whilst every where was packed with visitors we had a lovely stroll around the peaceful gardens.

Can you believe 3 weeks of the summer holidays have gone already? Still lots of time to find some more beautiful garden though. How does your garden grow?

Victoria Embankment Nottingham : How Does Your Garden Grow?

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Nicola Thomas
    16 August 2013 / 19:16

    Really gorgeous photos! It looks like a really beautiful place to go.

  2. Charly Dove
    15 August 2013 / 21:12

    What a wonderful place to visit, loving the roses – beautiful photos. Helen's right with the romantic and dreamy 🙂

  3. Helen
    15 August 2013 / 19:48

    Claire i really love your photography style, what your secret ? your photos always look so romantic and dreamy

    • Clairejustine oxox
      18 August 2013 / 19:08

      Thanks Helen, I like to edit my pictires, their is lots of free editing tools you can use, I use Instagram, Picasa and Pic Monkey 🙂

  4. Ariane Lasalle
    15 August 2013 / 18:02

    That is a beautiful garden! We have a few here as well but the one i like best is my garden!An Oasis of Peace!Take care ClaireAriane xo

    • Clairejustine oxox
      18 August 2013 / 19:05

      Thanks Ariane, I need to make my garden more lovely, its a bit boring at the minute ..

  5. Jess McGlynn
    15 August 2013 / 17:49

    Wow how lovely! You've taken some stunning photos. We're not far from Nottingham so will have to add this to our need to visit list. Hopping over from #mbpw

    • 15 August 2013 / 18:09

      Hi Jess, arr were not to far apart them, it is amazing here, I need to go again very soon.

  6. Winnie
    15 August 2013 / 17:41

    What a wonderful garden!!My other half and myself love just to walk around together in such gardens, or sit on the grass and talk. It's sooooooo relaxing….. 🙂

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 August 2013 / 18:08

      Aww lovely Winnie, I can't wait to share some free time just me and my hubby here 🙂

  7. Annie
    15 August 2013 / 15:52

    Oh, what a beautiful place. I do not see many visitors from the photos, it must be so nice taking a walk in this garden. Lovely photos!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 August 2013 / 18:07

      It was lovely as all the visitors were all in the next park where there was loads going on, it was packed. So we took a walk away from the people and found this park 🙂

  8. SarahMummy
    15 August 2013 / 15:24

    We used to live right by here! This is where I first started running, 19 years ago! And I've never looked back 🙂 What lovely photos.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 August 2013 / 18:03

      Aww Sarah, such a beautiful place, I asked my husband if we could move here!!

  9. Nichola Fabfortymum
    15 August 2013 / 13:08

    Oh such a beautiful garden and fabulous pictures, I love the children sitting on the edge of the fountain one, their faces are superb x

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 August 2013 / 18:01

      Thanks Nichola, they were hyped up them, I kept saying just take a picture and you can run around again!!

  10. Judy Haughton-James
    15 August 2013 / 10:56

    Wow! What a beautiful garden Claire! I would feel a sense of peace there! Awesome shots! Have a good day!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 August 2013 / 17:58

      Aww thank you Judy 🙂

  11. Michelle Ashmore
    15 August 2013 / 09:00

    That park is gorgeous, I love the fountain 🙂

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 August 2013 / 17:56

      Thank you 🙂

  12. Mary @over40andamumtoone
    15 August 2013 / 07:24

    I do love rose gardens, nothing quite so English. We have a lovely one at Blenheim Palace we visited last week.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 August 2013 / 17:52

      Thanks for the comment 🙂

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