What I Wore: Jeans And Posh Coat For A Walk

What I Wore: Jeans And Posh Coat For A Walk In The Park

What I Wore: Jeans And Posh Coat For A Walk In The Park. Hello friends, so how are you today?

I am looking forward to packing my winter coats away soon. Not to long now but it is still a bit fresh outside!!

Last week I cleared 3 big bags of clothes out.

Things I no longer wear or have not worn in years.

All gone to the charity collection.

Before I could change my mind and put them back away again.

Nice to make room for my Spring wardrobe clothing. Going through clothes I have packed away last year and forgotten about is a bit like getting new clothes with the expense of shopping.

Making a list of things I need have a eye on for summer now:

  1. New light denim jeans.
  2. Denim shorts.
  3. Turquoise jelly shoes.

How about you, do you have your eyes on new summer clothing?

What I Wore: Jeans And Posh Coat For A Walk In The Park

What I Wore: Jeans And Posh Coat For A Walk In The Park:

What I Wore~ Coat: c/o Gray & Osbourn || Jeans: Abercrombie and FitchΒ || Shoes: Converse c/o JD Sports

Cath Kidston Dress

Day Out In London~

Other way I have styled this coat, with a Cath Kidston dress with red busses on it. Mustard tights and red boots.

Still going through pictures of a day In London. See the nervous look on my face hoping the horse don’t kick,? LOL.

What I Wore~ Hat: Primark || Coat: c/o Gray & Osbourn || Dress: Cath Kidston || Tights: Primark || Boots: c/o Shoetique || Bag: Cath Kidston

So What Did I Wear On Mothers Day?~

What I Wore~ Jumper: Primark || Dress: Upcycled old dress into a skirt || Boots: c/o Shoetique

So what items are on your wish list for summer? Anything fun? Funky glasses or big floppy sun hats? Or sensible thing’s like me?

Thanks so much for stopping by.


Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Alice Warren
    22 March 2015 / 17:54

    Hope you had a wonderful Mum's day! I love that you have red boots, I think I need a pair. Thank you for joining TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you Thursday. Alice

  2. Joyce Lansky
    17 March 2015 / 22:17

    Looking good!

  3. Anna Jeanine
    17 March 2015 / 21:46

    Hi Claire! Good to see you. I love your jeans outfit! Looks like you had a fun day in London. πŸ™‚ ~Jeanine

    • 18 March 2015 / 10:27

      Hi, aww great to hear from you πŸ™‚ are you still blogging? hoping over to fund out now ..

  4. Debbie@Debbie-Dabble and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas
    17 March 2015 / 19:37

    Love the coat! Thanks for stopping by!!Hugs,Deb

  5. Kezzie
    17 March 2015 / 19:37

    That is a super smart coat!x

  6. Winnie
    17 March 2015 / 19:25

    Your navy coat is beautiful! I love it

  7. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    17 March 2015 / 14:10

    Happy Belated Mother's Day! Great photos of you and the family. I love that coat! I can't wait to pack my winter coats away either!

  8. Ivana Split
    17 March 2015 / 11:21

    that navy coat is so lovely! I also can't wait to pack my coats away….and I like your summer list.

  9. Tamar SB
    17 March 2015 / 11:19

    Love the buttons on the coat, very posh indeed!

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