Mollie On Watch-out!?: Wednesday Blog Hop

Happy Wordless Or Not So Wordless Wednesday. Welcome back another fun photo sharing blog hop.

How has your week been going so far? All good I hope?

Mollie On Watch-out!? : Wednesday Blog Hop…

I love this picture of Mollie studying the birds on the water. I took this photo on a day out in Bakewell in Derbyshire.

First, she sits quietly and watches them.

Then she barks loudly to hope I let her off the lead to chase them!! No Mollie, be a good girl.

Hehe, she loves watching them. She would spend all day here if we let her.

We had a lovely for hours up the hills and Mollie loved it. She kept running off to explore and then sprinting back to us so she did not get lost. So funny watching how excited she was.

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The Wednesday blog hop/Wordless Or Not So Wordless Blog Hop:

Mollie On Watch-out!? : Wednesday Blog Hop…

Do you want to join in this week’s photo blog hop fun? To join in the blog hop and add your Wordless or not so wordless Wednesday photo posts to the linky below:

  1. Link up your posts on the linky below. Add any posts with pictures in them. These posts can be wordless or not so wordless, that is up to you.
  2. Please try to hop on the blog hop and leave a few comments.
  3. If you would like to add The Wednesday blog hop widget to your post you can find it here: blog hop buttons.
  4. Have fun at this week’s linky party.

Do not forget to stop by on Friday for The Weekend Blog Hop Or Mondays for Creative Mondays to link up to the parties.

Thank you for stopping by. This list is now closed. Please stop by Monday, Wednesday or Friday for my latest blog hop.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Cascia Talbert
    20 September 2016 / 18:13

    Adorable photo!

  2. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    14 September 2016 / 12:21

    I love her ears!

  3. Deborah Will
    14 September 2016 / 12:03

    Nice picture Justine.

  4. Rhonda Albom
    14 September 2016 / 11:37

    Mollie, leave the birds alone

  5. Mixed Reviews
    14 September 2016 / 07:40

    Awwww that's so cute.

  6. alissa apel
    14 September 2016 / 00:57

    That's so funny! I bet she just wants to hunt so badly.

    • 16 September 2016 / 19:29

      Hehe, she just likes running around barking at anything that moves πŸ™‚

  7. JRFrugalMom and Family
    13 September 2016 / 21:27

    Wonderful photos, she seems so intent.

  8. vanity andme
    13 September 2016 / 21:57

    Cheeky Mollie ! Thank you for hosting Claire x

  9. Lydia C. Lee
    13 September 2016 / 20:17

    Beware, duckies!!

  10. stevebethere
    13 September 2016 / 20:08

    LOL love the way Mollie is transfixed by those ducks I hope they didn't drive her quackers :-)Have a quacktastic evening Claire πŸ™‚

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