Take Your Dog To Work Day

Take Your Dog To Work Day. Happy Friday friends. So how are you today? I also hope you have had a great week? Yeah, the weekend is almost here.

It is my Daughters birthday tomorrow! 13 years old already. Where does the time go! Now I have to plan a gluten-free party! Also, lots of homemade gluten-free birthday cakes.

Welcome Link Up
Happy Birthday!

Take Your Dog To Work Day:

Welcome To The Weekend Link Up. Thanks for stopping by and joining us here today and I hope you have fun at this week’s link up. It is also Take Your Dog To Work Day today. How fun!?

I take my dog, Mollie to work every day as I work from home. It is a good job I only work part-time or I would never get anything done! One thing for sure is Mollie is good with routine.

After she has had her morning walk she lets me get on with work for about 5 hours until she is ready for walkies again. Then she follows me around until she get’s her 2nd walk.

Take Your Dog To Work Day

Mollie thinks she is boss and here is her supervising me as I do some gardening!

Watch this short fun video of her in action. She is so funny with the little things she does ♥.

Taking your dog to work can be a great way to bond with your pet. It can also reduce stress levels. However, it’s important to be prepared and considerate of your co-workers. Could you take your dog to work today? Would work let you?

Take Your Dog To Work Tips:

Firstly, Consult Your Employer. Be sure to ask your employer about any pet-related workplace policies before bringing your dog to work. Certain businesses might have restrictions or rules in place.

Secondly, Have Your Dog Ready. Ensure that your dog is friendly and at ease around both people and other canines. Think about teaching your dog the fundamental commands “sit,” “stay,” and “come.”

Thirdly, Bring All The Necessities. Think what you need. Maybe a lead, a dish of water, some treats, and any other equipment your dog might require. To provide your dog a cosy place to relax, it’s a good idea to pack a dog bed or blanket.

Fourthly, Think About Others. Remember that not everyone feels comfortable around pets, and show consideration for your co-workers.

Fifth, Plan A Dog Breaks. Dogs need regular breaks for exercise and bathroom breaks, so plan to take your dog for a walk outside or to a designated dog area. This can also be a great opportunity to mix with other dogs in the area.

Sixth, Scoop The Poop. Clean up after your dog. Be responsible and clean up after your dog if it has any accidents or makes a mess.

Overall, by taking your dog to work can be a positive experience for both you and your pet as long as you are prepared and considerate, It will be a day to remember!!

Take Your Dog To Work Day
Mollie The Border Collie

Take Your Dog To Work Day Welcome Link Up | Welcome To The Weekend Link Up  | Take Your Dog To Work Day,

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Posts You Might Have Missed:

Firstly, Selfie Day. Hello Friends, happy Thursday & Happy Selfie Day! Happy Selfie Day.

Secondly, One For The BBQ. These succulent skewers are ideal for the barbie, so once the sun shines get cooking! How To Make Jerk Pork And Shallot Skewers With Pineapple Salsa.

Thirdly, Something Tasty For Dinner. Indonesian Gado Gado Salad With Crunchy Tiger Prawns And Selada Air (Watercress). This typical Indonesian street food staple combines a delicious spicy peanut sauce with fresh, crunchy ingredients including plenty of watercress which is known in Indonesia as selada air. Indonesian Gado Gado Salad.

Last But Not Least, A Day Out In Bakewell. The water looks so calm and swans look as though there are enjoying there swim. Messing Around On The River. So much fun.

Do not forget to pop back and join us again soon.

Creative Mondays Link Up

Wordless Wednesday Link Up

Welcome To The Weekend Link Up

Thank you so much for stopping by. You Might Also like This Post: How I Wear Pearls. Shabby Chic Style China Cups And Pearls, Real Pearls. How I Wear Pearls.Β I love old china cups and buy plenty from the charity shop and the pearls are so vintage too. But how do you really wear pearls? You may be wondering? I mean real pearls!! How Exciting!! Let’s start with the real pearls first! So beautiful, aren’t they?Β How I Wear Pearls.

Take Your Dog To Work Day
Tired Mollie?
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. 26 June 2018 / 12:53

    I wish I could bring my dog Baxter to work! He’s also a Border Collie with a terrier mix, but he looks very much like your dog!

    • Claire
      15 July 2018 / 20:16

      He sounds lovely Sara πŸ™‚

  2. Erika
    25 June 2018 / 12:57

    I guess you could say I work from home too, so it’s easy to have my dog with me at work everyday. Having a dog around throughout the day sure makes things a lot nicer. πŸ™‚

    • Claire
      28 June 2018 / 09:36

      Thanks Erica, it sure does πŸ™‚

  3. Gluten Free A-Z
    25 June 2018 / 01:53

    Adorable video- i remember when you first posted and shared you new puppy!

    • Claire
      25 June 2018 / 09:34

      Aww can you Judee. She is 3 year old now πŸ™‚

  4. 24 June 2018 / 17:21

    Thanks for hosting and I hope that your daughter had a blessed birthday. Happy Sunday to you.

    • Claire
      24 June 2018 / 20:32

      Thanks Patrick πŸ™‚ We had had a lovely weekend.

  5. stinedurfdl
    23 June 2018 / 13:42

    I would take my dogs to work every day if I could! Happy weekend Claire!

    • Claire
      23 June 2018 / 20:08

      Hehe, thanks Debbie πŸ™‚

  6. 22 June 2018 / 22:39

    Happy birthday to your daughter!

    • Claire
      23 June 2018 / 20:05

      Thank you πŸ™‚

  7. Cheryl Shops
    22 June 2018 / 18:55

    Yay, you know I love all the Mollie photos! Thanks for posting them, and have a great weekend!
    Cheryl Shops

    • Claire
      23 June 2018 / 20:00

      Aww, thank you Cheryl πŸ™‚

  8. mummabstylish
    22 June 2018 / 17:11

    Yes my doggie is next to me when I work – other than doing the hoovering, lol. Thanks for sharing and hosting, have a super weekend Claire. Jacqui Mummabstlish

    • Claire
      23 June 2018 / 19:54

      Ha, Mollie hates the vacuum her with a passion! Thanks Jacqui πŸ™‚

  9. 22 June 2018 / 16:04

    Have a great day tomorrow! Best I wish your daughter a Happy Birthday!

    • Claire
      23 June 2018 / 19:48

      Thanks so much Nancy πŸ™‚

  10. Jennie
    22 June 2018 / 15:18

    Loved the video of Molly helping you! Too cute. I wish everyday could be take your pet to work day. πŸ™‚

    • Claire
      15 July 2018 / 20:19

      Thanks Jennie πŸ™‚

  11. Heather
    22 June 2018 / 14:58

    Happy Birthday to your Minnie Me! I hope it’s a fun filled weekend! I missed Selfie Day! Darn!

    • Claire
      23 June 2018 / 19:47

      Aww, thanks so much Heather πŸ™‚ Her brothers both came home and one brought his girlfriend so it has made her birthday πŸ™‚

  12. shelbeeontheedge1
    22 June 2018 / 13:47

    Aw, happy birthday to your mini-me! And I am loving your cute little gingham dress! Have a fantastic weekend.


    • Claire
      23 June 2018 / 19:41

      Aww, thank you Shelbee. Love that you remembered I cal her mini-me too πŸ™‚

  13. passion fruit, paws and peonies
    22 June 2018 / 13:21

    Happy Birthday to you sweet daughter Claire. I have my dogs piled on me most days as I work on my laptop haha – blogger bonus xx

    • Claire
      23 June 2018 / 19:36

      Aww, thank you Maria πŸ™‚

    • Claire
      23 June 2018 / 19:23

      Thanks Tamar, she has had a great day πŸ™‚

  14. Maureen
    22 June 2018 / 10:11

    Happy Birthday to your daughter Claire! Wishing her a super day and a marvelous weekend celebrations! I wish I knew where time went because half the time someone asks me what I did, I kind of scratch my head. I figured one its either I had nothing important to do and was bored or I was super busy that I can’t remember all the things that I did! Lol Mollie is boss! Love that she is such a great company. She seems to be a lot of fun! Happy weekend!


    • Claire
      23 June 2018 / 19:27

      Thank you so much for the lovely comment Maureen. We had a great day today, all the family together, which was lovely πŸ™‚ ha, Mollie is so the boss πŸ™‚

  15. 22 June 2018 / 07:07

    I have my dogs working with me every day! Have a great weekend Claire xx

    • Claire
      23 June 2018 / 18:50

      Thanks Laurie, you too lovely πŸ™‚

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