Going Out…Out Out As Micky Flanagan Would Say

Going Out...Out Out As Micky Flanagan Would Say

Going Out … Out Out As Micky Flanagan Would Say. Hello friends.

When I was taking to my friend this week she said to me in a conversation “when I go out ‘out out’ and I’ve not got it out my head all week!!

Also, I have been driving the kids mad all weekend saying it.

Going Out

In the very words of Micky Flanagan on Saturday we went Out.

Not just out, though.

We went Out Out!! Ha!

Going Out...Out Out As Micky Flanagan Would Say
Micky Flanagan Would Say

Going Out… Out Out As Micky Flanagan Would Say: What I Wore:

Top- Next

Skirt – Primark

Belt – shop in Blackpool

Shoes Matalan

Necklace-Fiona Paxton ( You can also see how I styled this necklace here: Bring On The Party Season In Style).

Going Out...Out Out As Micky Flanagan Would Say

So I leave you with Micky Flanagan as we are talking about going Out Out.

Micky Flanagan At The Capital FM Arena Notts:

Firstly, we have not long arrived home from an amazing gig at the Capital FM Arena in Nottingham (as I write this review).

Tonight we went to see the wonderfully funny man Micky Flanagan.

Still buzzing from the show, I can’t wait to share it with you.

Micky Flanagan’s visit to the Capital FM Arena Nottingham.

A photo of us, both out out!!

Link up with- Creative Mondays.

Secondly, did you see:

Running In Heels: Going Out Out: On Friday I arranged to meet my husband from work to go out for a meal. 

As I was running late to catch the bus to the train station I had to run the half mile to the bus stop in heels. 

Boy did I get some strange looks if anyone who might have seen me asks what I was up to I am going to say I was training up for the high heel race!! Running In Heels: Going Out Out.

Finally, lovelies; I hope you like this post?

If so, why not follow along so you never miss a post? So remember you can also share your thoughts here too in the comments below.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. The Serena Saga
    27 September 2012 / 20:56

    I know I am supposed to be looking at your outfits, but I couldn't help but notice your awesome blue walls. Do you remember the brand and color? I am also loving your lip color! I found your blog over at The Pleated Poppy's WIWW and have found many inspirations on your blog. I look forward to seeing what you come up with next. I am now your newest follower stop by my blog and we can be friends. xxSerena

    • 28 September 2012 / 19:13

      Hi Serena,thanks for stopping by and followeing 🙂 I have chucked the tin away sorry but I know it was Crown paint 🙂 hopping over now to visit your blog….

  2. Stone Cottage Adventures
    25 September 2012 / 21:35

    'Love the shoes!! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  3. Jenny
    25 September 2012 / 19:48

    I love red, black and white together…and the red lipstick looks great on you! Thanks for linking up to Sunday Style 🙂

  4. Cindy Swanson
    25 September 2012 / 02:42

    This outfit is so pretty, and so are you! I love pink and black, and you have great style.Cindy at Notes in the Key of LifeI'm giving away a gorgeous Soft Surroundings top!

  5. Lindsey A. Turner
    24 September 2012 / 17:04

    your necklace is so cool!Lindsey

  6. Rachel
    24 September 2012 / 15:30

    The belt really adds a lot to that outfit! It looks great!

  7. Patti
    24 September 2012 / 13:55

    You look fabulous and ready for out out! The red shoes are so Wow. Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday : >

  8. Alex
    24 September 2012 / 12:47

    Out out indeed!! Haha…Gorgeous jewellery! xx

  9. Judy Haughton-James
    23 September 2012 / 22:54

    Beautiful shots Clairejustine! The blouse and belt are lovely and they certainly look great with the red skirt and shoes!

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