Rabbit From Alice In Wonderland Quotes

Rabbit From Alice In Wonderland Quotes. Hello friends, Happy Wednesday. So how are you today?

I am a huge fan of Alice In Wonderland. Such a classic story. I adore the White Rabbit. So, what is the White Rabbit’s famous quote?

I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date! No time to say “Hello, Good Bye” I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!

This is me every day if I’m honest! I am always rushing a round without a plan!! I try to be all organised and grown up. But I am not!! How about you are you good at planning things or like me?

So on the blog today, I thought I would share some Rabbit From Alice In Wonderland Quotes.

Discover the curious and whimsical world of Alice in Wonderland through the beloved character of the White Rabbit.

My collection of quotes features memorable lines from the time-conscious rabbit, who leads Alice on her fantastical journey. Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Wonderland with these iconic Rabbit quotes.

Rabbit From Alice In Wonderland Quotes

Rabbit From Alice In Wonderland Quotes:

Anyone who knows me well, or has seen my blog over the years, knows how much I love Alice In Wonderland.

I even have an adorable Cheshire Cat Teddy sat upon my wardrobe.

You might remember this post:

Desperately Seeking Alice In Wonderland In Birmingham. You may wonder what Desperately Seeking Alice In Wonderland means? Right? Curiouser and curiouser?

Well let me tell you a little story; Since Christmas, my Dad became really poorly. In the week of Father’s Day, he had an operation to save his life.

Little did we know he was going to die and be brought back on the operating table.

When I went to see him he had a brand new, shiny guitar on the side of his sofa. ‘Look what I have treated myself to’ he said. I joked ‘Not another one’ and laughed.

Then I said, ‘I do not blame you, for everything you have been through’. ‘You should treat yourself’.

He then turned to me and said, ‘What would you treat yourself to if you could have something new’.

Without giving it a thought, I said ‘A pair of Alice In Wonderland; Irregular Choice shoes that I have been admiring for ages’. Then he handed me some money and said ‘Go and treat yourself!’

I was so excited and speechless! Desperately Seeking Susan Alice In Wonderland. I never did get the shoes though.

Rabbit From Alice In Wonderland Quotes

Rabbit From Alice In Wonderland Quotes:

Rabbit From Alice In Wonderland Quotes, Seeing this statue in Central Park on our visit to New York, was amazing.

Plus we got it all to ourselves for a while before the crowds came. This was up there with my favourite memories.

How cool is this large bronze statue of Alice, the Mad Hatter & the White Rabbit from Lewis Carroll’s classic book?

The large bronze sculpture is located on a terrace at the northern end of Conservatory Water.

Rabbit From Alice In Wonderland Quotes

Who is the rabbit from Alice In Wonderland?

The rabbit from “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” is a white rabbit who wears a waistcoat and carries a pocket watch. Such a cool fella.

The rabbit character is in Lewis Carroll’s 1865 book. An all-time classic. He is so sweet and funny and always late.

“Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late! He appears at the very beginning of the story. When Alice follows him down the rabbit hole and into Wonderland to see where he is going.

The White Rabbit is often in a hurry and worried about being late, and he serves as a guide for Alice as she navigates the strange and surreal world of Wonderland.

Central Park

What Is The Name Of The Rabbit In Alice In Wonderland?

What is the White Rabbit’s catchphrase? I’m Late, I’m Late, I’m Late.

His doesn’t have a name as such, he is just referred to as White Rabbit. We say white rabbits, white rabbits, white rabbits on the first day of each month, when we remember.

Saying this is to ensure you get good luck for the rest of the month. I was always told that it’s a sign of good luck, anyway.

Here Are Some Popular Quotes From The Character Rabbit And Other Quotes From The Alice in Wonderland Film And Book:

“Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late!” – Rabbit’s famous line from the beginning of the story as he rushes off in a panic. Just like me when I am getting ready for work!!

“The hurrier I go, the behinder I get.” – Rabbit’s frustrated remark to Alice about his constant rushing.

“I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date!” – is another famous line from Rabbit as he rushes off, looking at his pocket watch. I always wanted a waistcoat and a pocket watch!! After the fashion icon!

“No, no, no! You’re doing it all wrong. It’s not about the tea, it’s about the bread and butter.” – Rabbit’s bossy and critical attitude towards the Mad Hatter’s tea party.

“I knew I was late. But when I get to the rabbit hole, I don’t see how I can go in now.” – Rabbit’s indecisive nature and tendency to worry too much.

These quotes capture the anxious, hurried, and sometimes bossy nature of Rabbit in the story. Despite his flaws, he remains a beloved character in Alice in Wonderland.

So what do you think of my photos in Central Park of the Alice In Wonderland sculpture? Are you a fan of Alice In Wonderland? Have you ever visited this before?

Central Park

What I Wore:

Rabbit From Alice In Wonderland Quotes What I Wore: Outfit Coat & Jumper Dress: Primark | Trainers: Nike Air Force 1

I also collect Alice In Wonderland Dinner Sets.

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Alice In Wonderland: The Wonderland Cafe:

Firstly, Alice In Wonderland: The Wonderland Cafe. It is fun to play with photos and edit them. Sometimes I feel like I am in my own little world.

Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

We had a fun afternoon in Nottingham last week and The Wonderland Cafe was a perfect place for a photo shoot!

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“The Queen of Hearts”, where the Queen Of Hearts is said to have ordered the making of some tarts. However, in the poem, it is suggested that the tarts were stolen, not by the Queen, but by the Knave of Hearts.

The opening lines of the poem go: The Queen of Hearts, She made some tarts, All on a summer’s day; The Knave of hearts, He stole those tarts, And took them clean.

So, while the Queen is associated with the making of the tarts in the rhyme, it is the Knave who is responsible for the theft. How dare he!? Queen Of Hearts Jam Tarts: Valentine’s Day Special. So yummy.

Thirdly, Alice Quotes From Alice In Wonderland.

It was incredible to see this statue in Central Park on our trip to New York. Additionally, before the crowds of people arrived, we had the place to ourselves for a bit. How wonderful.

These was among my most treasured recollections of photos.

This enormous bronze monument was a collection of Alice, the Mad Hatter, and the White Rabbit from the beloved novel by Lewis Carroll. It is really awesome to see.

Located on a terrace near the northern end of Conservatory Water is a massive bronze sculpture.

I’m going to be presenting some inspired quotations from Alice in Wonderland today. My assortment of quotes includes catchy phrases and quotes inspired by Alice herself. Alice Quotes From Alice In Wonderland.

Lots of you loved my Rabbit From Alice In Wonderland Quotes, (check them out if you have not seen them). So today I am sharing some Alice quotes.

Rabbit From Alice In Wonderland Quotes:

Fourthly, I’m Late, I’m Late. For a very important date! No time to say “Hello, Good Bye” I’m late, I’m late, I’m late! I’m Late, I’m Late. So much fun.

Fifthly, A Moment In Sherwood Forest. 

How cool is this tree!? This tree picture was taken in Sherwood Forest. there were lots of these little houses in here. They are so sweet.

I would love to make something similar for my garden. A fairy land idea springs to mind. Alice In Wonderland Moment In Sherwood Forest.

So what do you think about todays post?

Rabbit From Alice In Wonderland Quotes. Thank you so much for stopping by. I also hope you liked this post.

Rabbit From Alice In Wonderland Quotes

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog.

You can also read more about me here: Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. I also hope you liked this post. Also, follow along on Facebook for regular updates.

Alice In Wonderland Inspired Pinterest Board:

Alice In Wonderland Inspired Pinterest Board.

Embark on a whimsical journey down the rabbit hole with “Alice in Wonderland.” Join Alice as she encounters eccentric characters, from the Mad Hatter to the Cheshire Cat, in a fantastical realm of imagination.

Delve into Lewis Carroll’s timeless tale of curiosity, absurdity, and the magic of childhood wonder. Pin me for a spark of inspiration that ignites your imagination and fuels your creativity. Alice In Wonderland Inspired.

Alice In Wonderland Outfits Pinterest Board: Alice In Wonderland Outfits Pinterest Board.

Also dive into a whimsical world of fashion with my Alice in Wonderland Outfits Pinterest board.

Curate enchanting ensembles also inspired by characters like Alice, the Mad Hatter, and the Queen of Hearts.

So explore playful accessories, bold prints, and also fantastical designs, inviting you to embrace the magic of Wonderland in your wardrobe. Pin me for a spark of inspiration that ignites your imagination and fuels your creativity. Alice In Wonderland Outfits Pinterest Board.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. 2 February 2025 / 18:57

    The White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland is one of the most iconic characters, known for his famous quotes about time and urgency.

  2. magiceye
    21 November 2023 / 04:40

    A wonderland for sure! Beautiful photos.

  3. mireille
    11 April 2023 / 13:33

    It’s been years since I have been to New York! There are so many hidden treasures and I did not know about this sculpture.

  4. 6 April 2023 / 13:26

    Claire, those photos are amazing in Central Park. I love those statues and your pretty dress and coat. Spring is great time to visit Central Park.

  5. 6 April 2023 / 07:48

    Lovely story about your dad. And you must get those shoes! Great to see you in the link-up again x

  6. Sally in St Paul
    5 April 2023 / 16:44

    I am also an Alice in Wonderland fan, so I really enjoyed these photos and quotes!

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