Sherwood Pines: The Gruffalo Pose How Fun!?

Sherwood Pines: The Gruffalo Pose How Fun!?

Sherwood Pines: The Gruffalo Pose How Fun!? Happy Sunday. How is your weekend going? As fun as ours? Hopefully, it is.

Today I am sharing some fun from our morning out yesterday.

Sherwood Pines: The Gruffalo Pose How Fun!?

Today I am sharing a fun photo from our week over at the My Sunday Photoblog hop and linking up a fun photo from my week:

My Sunday photo this week, was taken yesterday. in the woods. At Sherwood Pines. Here in Nottinghamshire, at a Parkrun event. We love Saturday mornings and always love to run Parkruns if my Husband is not working.

Is there anything better than getting straight up, running hard and then going home to really enjoy your breakfast, knowing you have worked hard for it? Hehe, I think not!!

Sherwood Pines is also home to The Gruffalo. How cool.

My kids were laughing so much with embarrassment at me posing with The Gruffalo. So what is there to be embarrassedย about eh kids? Lol.

Not every day your mum gets to have her photo taken with someone famous.

So I thought I would share here too!! Something for the kids to look back on when they are older!! Also, to be embarrassed too again ๐Ÿ™‚

Aww, Mum!! We always embarrass them, don’t we? Please say it is not just me?

A bit of fun before the race started. Always a bit of a buzz around before you start a Parkrun. Then so tired. I just wanted to get home for breakfast.
Have you ever tried a Parkrun?

If so, which ones do you visit?

Have you ever visited Sherwood Pines in Nottingham before?

Have you had your photo taken with The Gruffalo?

Linking up today with My Sunday Photo. What photo will you be sharing?

See you tomorrow for Creative Mondays, Wednesday for The Wordless or not so wordless Wednesdayย photo hop or Friday for the welcome to the weekend blog hop.

Sherwood Pines: The Gruffalo Pose How Fun!?

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. likeschocolate
    9 September 2016 / 01:14

    What a fun photo! Have a great weekend!

  2. Sherry Mackay
    7 April 2016 / 03:42

    i love this shot. what fun. the gruffalo is just adorable and you both look good together:)

  3. Annie
    5 April 2016 / 15:17

    Such a fun and cute shot! I would not miss a chance to have photo taken with Gruffalo either! ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. pixiedusk
    5 April 2016 / 10:44

    Love your smile here! A sure fun way to start a run =) #MySundayPhoto

  5. Margarett Murphy
    4 April 2016 / 18:34

    Haha!! looks like you had fun….always good to embarrass the kids !!!

  6. A Green and Rosie Life
    3 April 2016 / 19:44

    My boys are 13 and 14 yet I can still recite quite a lot of The Gruffalo ๐Ÿ™‚ #MySundayPhoto

  7. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    3 April 2016 / 19:04

    Great photo! Love that Gruffalo!

  8. Winnie
    3 April 2016 / 17:07

    Wowwww This is so cute!! I love it

  9. Kim Carberry
    3 April 2016 / 13:58

    hehehe! That made me chuckle…What a fun photo x

  10. NC Sue
    3 April 2016 / 14:30

    Oh how funny! Such a cute shot!I haven't seen you lately at image-in-ing. I do hope you'll come by and link up at this week's party.

  11. Chris
    3 April 2016 / 13:25

    So cute!!Sounds like fun too!!I always love stopping by for a photo or commentary…I'm getting a tour of the UK thru your blog, Claire!! xoxoxoThx for sharing!

  12. Coombe Mill
    3 April 2016 / 11:55

    A bit of fun indeed, I'm pleased to say only the pose is similar!

  13. Tamar SB
    3 April 2016 / 11:17

    Too funny!

  14. LilysLittleLearners
    3 April 2016 / 10:10

    Haha, Love it! love when woodlands have characters in like this. Great for the kids… and us hehe

    • 3 April 2016 / 21:24

      Thanks, Ha, I still like to look for them even though my kids are growing out of them ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Jenna Parrington - Chic Geek Diary
    3 April 2016 / 10:05

    We got back from Sherwood Pines a few weeks ago and spotted the Gruffalo too! Great shot! #MySundayPhoto

  16. Something Crunchy Mummy
    3 April 2016 / 09:43

    Brilliant photo! #mysundayphoto xx

  17. OneDad3Girls
    3 April 2016 / 09:35

    Haha I love that, I can hear them moaning with embarrassment now Thank you for linking up

  18. Laura Wilson
    3 April 2016 / 08:21

    Oh wow I might pop over to sher wood pines today just for this lol, my daughter would love it! My husband will probably just disappear on his bike though ๐Ÿ™‚ hope you had fun xx

  19. SarahMummy
    3 April 2016 / 07:12

    Yay, it's always great to embarrass the kids! Hope the run went well.

    • 3 April 2016 / 21:18

      Hehe, so much fun ๐Ÿ™‚ Aww I need to stop eatting cakes, then my runs will be a lot better..

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