National Puppy Day: How Could I Not Take Part

National Puppy Day: How Could I Not Take Part In This Memo!? I mean Murphy is my adorable puppy and he would never forgive me if I didn’t share a photo today of all days, would he?

Hello, friends and, Happy Hump Day!! I am so glad it is Wednesday as it is nearly the weekend and guess what, yep, it is my weekend off work.

So now today’s shift is over, I only have 4 hours to work on Friday, yeahhhhhh. A good job too, being Mother’s Day on Sunday and all. Ha!!

National Puppy Day: How Could I Not Take Part In This Memo!?

I just got lucky this year that it fell on my weekend off!! I have worked a few over the years, so I have had my fair share at work too.

National Puppy Day: How Could I Not Take Part In This Memo!?

National Puppy Day: How Could I Not Take Part In This? Oh, my I adore dogs, and puppies are so adorable but playful and bite-full!!

I know, I have one! Is bite-full even a word?

Well if you have a puppy, you will know what bite-full means!! Also scratch-full. I nearly had my eye scratch-full out the other day! So glad I managed to close it in time! Pheww!!

But also dogs are always in need of us too and I will never forget the dogs I have lost. They will always be my little fur babies. I still get upset at losing Mollie. Even though Murphy has helped so much in keeping me busy looking after him.

National Puppy Day: How Could I Not Take Part In This Memo!?

Only the other day, I got reminded of her last walk and how she jumped in the car looking forward to getting home after her walk.

But in reality, we were taking her to be put down because the cancer was the size of a grapefruit and it wasn’t fair making her suffer any more. Imagine if she slipped in the night. The poor girl could not get down the step very good either.

National Puppy Day: How Could I Not Take Part In This Memo!?

Freddie The Sprocker Spaniel. Anyway focusing on happier times: Freddie my fur baby brother, better known as my mum’s dog.

He is about 16 months old now. He is such a sweetheart.

Spring Is Almost Here

Murphy The Golden Doodle. My new puppy is now 4 months old and about the same size as Freddie. I think he is going to turn out big.

Oh my 🙂 In other news, it has been gorgeous sunshine over the last few days, I wonder if it will last until the weekend. Let’s hope so!

National Puppy Day: How Could I Not Take Part In This Memo!?

National Puppy Day: How Could I Not Take Part In This Memo!?

On National Puppy Day, the world collectively hits the paws button to celebrate our fur-babies that are puppies!

It’s the one day a year where the streets are filled with more wagging tails than a dance party at a doggy disco.

Puppies are like furry little comedians, bringing joy and chaos in equal measure.

They have a PhD in the art of getting tangled in your shoelaces and a master’s degree in the science of looking guilty even when they’re innocent.

On this special day, let’s take a moment to appreciate the real MVPs (Most Valuable Paws) and their ability to turn an ordinary day into an extraordinary one, filled with slobbery kisses, endless energy, and a never-ending game of fetch that even the most dedicated Olympic athletes would envy.

Happy National Puppy Day – may your day be as bright and fluffy as a puppy’s belly!

Some more photos of Murphy Me and beautiful spring:

National Puppy Day: How Could I Not Take Part In This Memo!?

National Puppy Day: How Could I Not Take Part In This Memo!?

So do you have any puppies or any dogs that will always be your pup?

National Puppy Day: How Could I Not Take Part In This Memo!?

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Firstly, Not Forgetting The Beautiful Mollie That Is No Longer With Me.

Mollie In Bakewell: As A Puppy. Mollie The Border Collie Diaries. Hello friends. Today I am sharing some photos of Mollie in Bakewell.

So, I was trying to take a photo of Mollie near the water but then I heard something hissing! Then I quickly moved us on and found this picture when I got home.

I never noticed that she had upset anyone at the time but I knew something strange was happening!!

Here are a few more fun photos from our family day out and a walk-in Bakewell with Mollie. Mollie In Bakewell: Mollie The Border Collie Diaries.

Spring photos

National Puppy Day: How Could I Not Take Part In This Memo!? 

The First Week With A Goldendoodle Called Murphy:

Secondly, The First Week With A Goldendoodle Called Murphy.

Murphy is a puppy. The Beautiful Goldendoodle. We called him Murphy in honour of my father, and we adore him.

He’s roughly 9 weeks old in these images, which were shot as soon as we arrived home. Murphy The Beautiful Goldendoodle.

Bringing a Goldendoodle home was not the same as bringing a Border Collie home. Murphy, on the other hand, prefers to go with the flow, but the Collie, bless her, was pleased to be on the go.

So, starting today, I’m going to share my Goldendoodle’s week-by-week progress with you.

He began softly, shyly, and unassumingly, but now he is emerging from his shell and commanding the roost. The First Week With A Goldendoodle Called Murphy.

Dog selfies

National Puppy Day: How Could I Not Take Part In This Memo!? 

5 Fun Dog Quotes To Start Your Weekend:

Thirdly, 5 Fun Dog Quotes To Start Your Weekend.

Are you a sucker for an adorable puppy photo? Let me introduce you to Freddie, my lovely fur baby brother!!

Freddie entered our life a few weeks before my father passed, and we all adore him. My father wanted to get my mother a dog so that she would never be alone in the future if something happened to him because he had heart problems.

He died of covid a few weeks later. So depressing. This little man has brought a smile to my face even on my saddest days, and I will love him forever.

(As his big human sister, not his human mother, I may and did laugh at him for ascending the stairs to poo in our mother’s room.) 5 Fun Dog Quotes To Start Your Weekend.

spring 2022

National Puppy Day: How Could I Not Take Part In This Memo!? 

Photoshoot, Pose, Pose: Murphy The Goldendoodle:

Fourthly, Photoshoot, Pose, Pose: Murphy The Goldendoodle. 

It was beautiful over the weekend, on my weekend off work so we took a nice drive out to Chesterfield.

Murphy came along and we had a lovely walk around Queens Park. Watch Murphy’s fun Instagram Reel here: Pose Pose Photoshoot Song On Instagram: Photoshoot with Murphy. I also made this Reel today of Murphy, My Daughter And I.

Murphy Today is the 14th week of the Goldendoodle’s life! He appears to be much older than his age of just over three months, as he is becoming bigger every day. Because of his size, I sometimes forget he’s still a puppy.

But I don’t forget when he bites me with his little newborn teeth, which I’ve called pins!! Because I have pin marks all over my clothes and arms, I termed them pins.

Hopefully, he will stop biting in the near future. Photoshoot, Pose, Pose: Murphy The Goldendoodle.

National Puppy Day: How Could I Not Take Part In This Memo!?

National Puppy Day: How Could I Not Take Part In This Memo!?

Thank you very much for taking the time to stop by today. We’d love to hear what you have to say, as usual. So, I hope you enjoyed today’s post.

National Puppy Day: How Could I Not Take Part In This Memo!?

National Puppy Day: How Could I Not Take Part In This Memo!?

National Puppy Day: How Could I Not Take Part In This Memo!? 

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me here: Over 50s Lifestyle Blog

Thank you so much for stopping by. I also hope you liked this post. Also follow along on Facebook for regular updates.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. Chickenruby
    31 March 2022 / 22:18

    What a lovely dog and worth celebrating

    Thanks for joining in with #pocolo hope to see you back soon

  2. Glenda Cates
    28 March 2022 / 21:47

    Both Dogs are so pretty and like you my son and I couldn’t wait to celebrate our dogs. I also have a Puppy who is 6 months old and likes to nip and scratch and it hurts. As well as pull my hair to get my attention but I wouldn’t change her for anything.

    • 2 April 2022 / 11:57

      Aww, puppies are so sweet and make us laugh, don’t they Glenda.

  3. image-in-ing weeklly photo linky
    28 March 2022 / 16:58

    Your pup is so lovely!
    Thanks for sharing

  4. Patrick Weseman
    27 March 2022 / 02:35

    So very sweet. Thanks for sharing this.

  5. 25 March 2022 / 10:14

    Murphy is adorable and his face is so expressive!

  6. 24 March 2022 / 19:12

    Oh a pet is so precious. We have two cats and they are my babies. What a lovely homage to your dogs!

  7. Carol
    24 March 2022 / 12:42

    Murphy and Freddie are adorable! I’m a huge dog lover, and I appreciate your National Puppy Day post. Thanks.

  8. Jacqui
    24 March 2022 / 06:59

    Oh this is so sweet, I would love to have a new puppy, but feel the heartache of having my darlings put to sleep so strong I don’t want to go through that again xx
    Lovely to see your photos Claire your dogs are so cute x

    • 25 March 2022 / 20:02

      Thank you Jacqui. I feel your pain. Losing Mollie was such a sad time of my life.

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